The role of traditional knowledge in acquisition of proficiency in academic English by students in a higher education institution: an autoethnographic study

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Ntobane-Matsoso, Lifelile Mpho
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University of the Free State
English: Using Sesotho traditional knowledge as a case, the aim of the inquiry was to gain an understanding of the role of traditional knowledge in academic English proficiency of higher education students from a Sesotho-speaking background. The inquiry was motivated not only by literature, my personal and others' encounters with academic English as difficult, and therefore a barrier to academic achievement of students from non-English-speaking backgrounds, but also by the question of whether or not and how application of knowledge from traditional knowledge can enhance acquisition of English as a medium of knowledge acquisition. The inquiry adopted a multi-theory approach to understanding this role. The theoretical template for the inquiry was my personal philosophy about the relationship between one's ethno-culture and academic English proficiency. The theories - oral-style, the Africanisation, the ubuntu, critical hermeneutic, the living, and the critical self-study for improvement of personal professional practice were sourced from the literature to augment my personal stance. The inquiry employed the qualitative design. Auto-ethnography was the method adopted to understand the role of Sesotho traditional knowledge from an ethno-culture sensitive personal experience perspective of Sesotho-speaking background former students of the NUL - inclusive of myself the insider-implicated researcher. Personal experience narratives of experiences with Sesotho TK as an academic English proficiency need were the main data collection strategy. An overarching revelation from the inquiry is the cross-curricular but academic context specific Oooo/Aha moment-effect of strategic application of knowledge from students' ethno-culture on acquisition of academic English proficiency. The study therefore, points to a positive relationship between Sesotho TK and academic English proficiency. However, concern is registered about non-recognition of TK for its role in academic English proficiency. Such exclusion is associated with lack of clear IK policy at the NUL. If Africa-based English-medium universities such as the NUL were to institutionalise IK policies, relevant research, language policies, curriculum development, and implementation of culture-sensitive approaches to academic English proficiency would effect.
Afrikaans: Die doel van die ondersoek was om 'n begrip van die rol van tradisionele kennis in die akademiese vaardigheid in Engels van hoëronderwysstudente vanuit 'n Sesothosprekende agtergrond te verkry deur gebruik te maak van Sesotho tradisionele kennis as 'n gevallestudie. Die ondersoek is nie alleen deur die literatuur, my eie en ander se kennismaking met akademiese Engels as moeilik gemotiveer, wat gevolglik 'n struikelblok in die akademiese prestasie van studente vanuit nie-Engelssprekende agtergrond is nie, maar ook deur die vraag oor hoe die toepassing van tradisionele kennis die verwerwing van Engels as 'n medium van kennisverwerwing kan verbeter. Die ondersoek het In multi-teorie-benadering tot 'n begrip van hierdie rol gebruik. Die teoretiese templaat vir die ondersoek was my persoonlike filosofie omtrent die verhouding tussen 'n mens se etno-kultuur en akademiese vaardigheid in Engels. Die teorieë - orale styl, die Afrikanisering, die ubuntu, kritiese hermeneutiek, lewendes, en die kritiese selfstudie vir die verbetering van persoonlike professionele praktyke is uit die literatuur verkry ten einde my persoonlike standpunt te verbreed. Die ondersoek het die kwalitatiewe ontwerp gevolg. Outo-etnografie is die metode wat aanvaar is om die rol van Sesotho tradisionele kennis vanuit 'n etnieskultureelsensitiewe persoonlike ervaringsperspektief van voormalige studente van die NUL met 'n Sesotho-sprekende agtergrond - insluitende myself, die interngeïmpliseerde navorser - te verstaan. Persoonlike ervarings-narratiewe van ondervindings met Sesotho TK as met die behoefte aan 'n akademiese vaardigheid in Engels was die hoof- data-insamelingstrategie. 'n Oorkoepelende onthulling vanuit die ondersoek is die effek van die kruis-kurrikulêre, maar tog akademiese inhoudspesifieke OooojAha-oomblik van die strategiese toepassing van kennis vanuit studente se etno-kultuur betreffende die verwerwing van vaardigheid in akademiese Engels. Die studie dui gevolglik op 'n positiewe verhouding tussen Sesotho TK en akademiese vaardigheid in Engels. Kommer word egter ervaar oor die nie-erkenning van TK vir die rol wat dit in akademiese vaardigheid in Engels speel. Sodanige uitsluiting word geassosieer met 'n gebrek aan 'n duidelike IK-beleid by die NUL. Indien Afrika-gebaseerde, Engelsmedium-universiteite soos die NUL IK-beleide sou institusionaliseer, sou die gevolg relevante navorsing, taalbeleide, kurrikulumontwikkeling en die implementering van kultuur-sensitiewe benaderings tot akademiese vaardigheid in Engels ten gevolg hê.
Traditional knowledge, Indigenous knowledge, Academic English, Academic language, Academic English proficiency, Sesotho-speaking background, Higher education, African higher education, Non-English-speaking-background students, Academic-context, Academic-subject-specific, Ethno-culture, Culture-sensitive, Autoethnography, Multi-theory, Language and culture -- South Africa, Academic language -- Acquisition, Educational anthropology -- South Africa, Multicultural education -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa, Folklore and education -- South Africa, Sotho (African people) -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa, English language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- African language speakers, Thesis (Ph.D. (Higher Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2012