Characterization and oxidative addition of different rhodium(I) carbonyl diphenyl-2-pyridylophosphine complexes

dc.contributor.advisorPurcell, W.
dc.contributor.advisorVenter, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorCoetzee, Michael Pierre
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The aim of the study was to synthesize different [Rh(LL’)(CO)(DPP)] complexes [LL’ = cupf (N-phenyl-N-nitrosohydroxylamine ammonium salt, acac (2,4- pentanedione) and DPP (diphenyl-2-pyridylphosphine)] and to characterize the complexes by means of IR, NMR and crystallographic data. A comparison between the IR spectra of the rhodium dicarbonyl complex and that of the substituted carbonyl complex clearly showed the disappearance of one of the carbonyl stretching frequencies, confirming thus the displacement of one of the carbonyl ligands by the phosphine ligand. In both cases the stretching frequency of the mono substituted carbonyl shifted to a lower wavelength. The 1H-NMR results for the mono carbonyl complexes obtained in this study clearly show an down-field shift of new peaks compared to the dicarbonyl complexes and confirm a change in the chemical environment in the metal complex which correlates with the substitution of one of the carbonyl ligands by a phosphine ligand. [Rh(acac)(CO)(DPP)] crystallized into a monoclinic (P21/n ) and triclinic (Pī) space group with final R values of 2.81 and 3.08% respectively. The triclinic space group showed two isomorphic species. Secondly, the oxidative addition of methyl iodide to [Rh(cupf)(CO)(DPP)] in different solvents and at different temperatures was studied to determine a possible mechanism for this reaction. [Rh(cupf)(CO)(DPP)] undergoes oxidative addition by methyl iodide, forming a Rh(I)*- intermediate species via a very fast equilibrium, followed by the formation of a Rh(III)-alkyl species and finally the formation of a Rh(III)-acyl species as was observed for acetonitrile, acetone and chloroform. Only one reaction was observed for ethyl acetate as solvent with only the formation of the alkyl complex as final product. The results obtained show that the increase in nucleophilicity of rhodium caused by the DPP ligand led to an increase in the rate of formation of the alkyl and acyl in the [Rh(cupf)(CO)(DPP)] complex.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: The doel van die ondersoek was om veskillende [Rh(LL’)(CO)(DPP)] komplekse [LL’ = cupf (N-feniel-N-nitrosohidrosielamien ammoniumsout, asas (2,4- pentaandioon) and DPP (difeniel-2-piridielfosfien)] te sintetiseer en m.b.v infrarooi, KMR and kristallografiese tegnieke te karakteriseer. ‘n Vergelyking tussen the infrarooi data van die rhodium dikarbonielkompleks en die gesubstitueerde karbonielkompleks wys duidelik die verdwyning van die een karboniel strekkingsfrekwens wat op die substitusie van een van die karbonielligande deur die fosfienligand dui. In beide gevalle het die strekkingsfrekwens na ʼn laer golflengte beweeg. Die 1H-KMR resultate vir die monokarbonielkompleks toon duidelik die verskuiwing van nuwe pieke na ‘n laer veld as dit vergelyk word met die dikarbonielkompleks en dui op ʼn verandering in die chemiese omgewing van die metaalkompleks wat ooreenstem met die substitusie van een van die karbonielligande deur die fosfienligand. Die [Rh(asas)(CO)(DPP)] kompleks kristalliseer in monokliniese (P21/n ) en trikliniese (Pī) ruimtegroepe met finale R-waardes van 2.81 en 3.08% onderskeidelik. Die trikliniese ruimtegroep toon ook dat daar twee verskillende isomere in die kristal teenwoordig is. Tweedens is die oksidatiewe addisie van metieljodied aan [Rh(cupf)(CO)(DPP)] in verskillende oplosmiddels en by verskillende temperature ondersoek om ‘n moontlike meganisme vir die reaksie voor te stel. Die [Rh(cupf)(CO)(DPP)] kompleks ondergaan oksidatiewe addisie deur metieljodied met die vorming van ‘n Rh(I)* intermediêr, gevolg deur die vorming van ‘n Rh(III) alkiel spesie en laastens die vorming van ‘n Rh(III) asiel spesie soos waargeneem vir asetonitriel, asetoon en chloroform. Slegs een reaksie is waargeneem met etielasetaat as oplosmiddel en slegs die alkielkompleks is in hierdie oplosmiddel as finale produk gevorm. Die waargenome resultate dui daarop dat die verhoging in nukleofiliteit van rodium a.g.v. die DPP ligand tot 'n versnelling in alkiel- en asielvorming in die [Rh(cupf)(CO)(DPP)] kompleks lei.en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectOxidative additionen_ZA
dc.subjectDPP (Diphenyl-2-pyridylphosphine)en_ZA
dc.subjectcupf (N-Phenyl-N-nitrosohydroxylamine ammonium salt)en_ZA
dc.subjectacac (2,4-pentadione)en_ZA
dc.subjectMethyl iodideen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2008en_ZA
dc.titleCharacterization and oxidative addition of different rhodium(I) carbonyl diphenyl-2-pyridylophosphine complexesen_ZA
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