Die gemeenskapskollege in die ontwikkeling van agtergeblewe gemeenskappe in die Vrystaat

dc.contributor.advisorFourie, M.
dc.contributor.authorBouwer, Anthony Ventura
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The 1991 and 1996 census surveys show that historically disadvantaged Upopulation groups in South Africa have considerable backlogs as far as education and training are concerned. The education and training system is therefore challenged to provide for the large numbers of unemployed youth who have incomplete school careers, semi-qualified workers who are in urgent need of training or re-training and illiterate adults. In addition, the labour market and economy are posing new demands to workers. This investigation has been conducted to examine the needs of particularly historically disadvantaged communities in the Free State, and how these needs may be addressed through education and training provided by a community college. For this purpose the researcher engaged in a comparative investigation into community colleges in the US, followed by a study of national policy developments for the provision of education and training in South Africa with the emphasis on further education and training. Attention was also focused on the various needs related to community development amongst disadvantaged communities in the Free State, on education and training provision in the Free State and ASECA as a programme for adult learners, and on the establishment and development of community colleges as possible prerequisite for the provision of education and training needs of disadvantaged communities. The study took as point of departure the social-democratic model of community development presupposing the active participation of all roleplayers in the process of development. Investigations therefore took account of the perspectives of a number of different role-players in the community, including representatives of the Departments of Health, Agriculture and Labour, the South African Police Service, the Department of Education, as well as leaders and members of disadvantaged communities themselves. Findings related to the effective role that community colleges in the US are playing in the development of communities and the country as a whole, led the researcher to conclude that the provision of education and training through community colleges in South Africa can serve as an alternative to provide disadvantaged communities with a second chance of education and training. For this to realise, the proposed community college should not only present meaningful education and training programmes which will satisfy the education and training needs of the members of these communities, but it should also serve as an information and service centre that addresses social problems such as poverty, unemployment, HIV/Aids and crime. Such a community college should therefore be accessible and have various entry and exit levels for learners which will facilitate accreditation and articulation to other education and training institutions or to the workplace. A variety of programmes which are comprehensive and multi-functional (including in-service training and adult basic education and literacy) should be developed. For this purpose all role players in education and training and in community development such as education departments, business, industry, agriculture, mining and the community need to meet urgently to discuss co-operation and partnerships with regard to the establishment of community colleges.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Uit die 1991- en 1996-sensusopnames het dit geblyk dat histories agtergeblewe gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika aansienlike agterstande met betrekking tot onderwys en opleiding het. Die onderwys- en opleidingstelsel word dus voor die uitdaging gestelom te voorsien in die behoeftes van groot getalle werklose jeugdiges met onvoltooide skoolloopbane. halfopgeleide werkers wat heropleiding benodig, en ongeletterde volwassenes. Daarbenewens stel die arbeidsmark en ekonomie nuwe eise. Hierdie ondersoek is geloods om die behoeftes van veral agtergeblewe gemeenskappe in die Vrystaat te ondersoek, asook hoe hierdie behoeftes deur onderwys en opleiding aan 'n gemeenskapskollege aangespreek sou kon word. Vir hierdie doel is in die ondersoek ingegaan op 'n vergelykende studie van gemeenskapskolleges in die VSA, wat gevolg is deur 'n ontleding van nasionale beleidsontwikkelings met betrekking tot die voorsiening van onderwys en opleiding in Suid-Afrika, met besondere verwysing na verdere onderwys en opleiding. Aandag is ook gegee aan die verskillende behoeftes wat gekoppel is aan gemeenskapsontwikkeling by agtergeblewe gemeenskappe in die Vrystaat, aan die voorsiening van onderwys en opleiding in die Vrystaat en ASECA as 'n volwasse onderwysprogram, en aan die ontwikkeling van gemeenskapskolleges as 'n moontlike voorvereiste vir die voorsiening in die behoeftes aan onderwys en opleiding van agtergeblewe gemeenskappe. Die studie het as vertrekpunt die sosiaal-demokratiese model van gemeenskapsontwikkeling geneem. Hierdie model voorveronderstel die aktiewe deelname van alle rolspelers in die ontwikkelingsproses. Ondersoeke het dus die perspektiewe van 'n verskeidenheid van rolspelers in die gemeenskap verreken, waaronder verteenwoordigers van die Departemente van Gesondheid, Landbou en Arbeid, die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens, die Departement van Onderwys, asook leiers en lede van die agtergeblewe gemeenskappe self. Bevindings rakende die doeltreffende rol wat gemeenskapskolleges in die VSAspeel in die ontwikkeling van gemeenskappe en van die land as geheel, het aanleiding gegee tot die navorser se gevolgtrekking dat die voorsiening van onderwys en opleiding deur gemeenskapskolleges in Suid-Afrika as 'n alternatief kan dien en agtergeblewenes 'n tweede kans bied tot onderwys en opleiding. Om dit te laat realiseer, moet die voorgestelde gemeenskapskollege nie net sinvolle onderwys- en opleidingsprogramme aanbied nie, maar ook as 'n inligting- en dienssentrum dien wat gemeenskapsprobleme soos armoede, werkloosheid, Vigs en misdaad aanspreek. So 'n gemeenskapskollege moet dus toeganklik wees en verskeie toegangs- en uittreevlakke hê wat akkreditering en artikulasie na ander onderwysinstellings en die werkplek sal bevorder. 'n Verskeidenheid van programme wat omvattend en multi-funksioneel is (insluitend indiensopleiding en volwasse onderrig en geletterdheid) behoort ontwikkel te word. Vir hierdie doel behoort alle rolspelers in onderwys en opleiding (veral verdere onderwys), soos die onderwysdepartement, besigheid, nywerhede, landbou, mynbou en die gemeenskap so gou moontlik bymekaar te kom en gesprek te voer rondom samewerking en vennootskappe in die implementering van gemeenskapskolleges.en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity colleges -- South Africa -- Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectVocational education -- South Africa -- Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity development -- South Africa -- Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Didactics))--University of the Free State, 1999en_ZA
dc.titleDie gemeenskapskollege in die ontwikkeling van agtergeblewe gemeenskappe in die Vrystaaten_ZA
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