Persoonlikheidsverskille tussen manlike entrepreneurs van verskillende kultuurgroepe

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Miles, Lezel
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University of the Free State
Afrikaans: Suid-Afrika bevind horn in 'n greep van ekonomiese stagnasie. Die formele sektor is nie in staat om voldoende werksgeleenthede te skep nie. Dit kan onder andere toegeskryf word aan verstedeliking, oorbevolking en rasionalisering. Ter wille van oorlewing word die groat aantal werklose Suid-Afrikaners dus verplig om hulle eie werksgeleenthede te skep en is entrepreneurskap aan die orde van die dag. Van vroeg af is pogings aangewend om faktore te identifiseer wat van 'n persoon 'n suksesvolle entrepreneur maak. Teoretici het, nadat verskeie studies onderneem is oor die eienskappe van entrepreneurs, tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar nie voorsiening gemaak is vir die bestaan van persoonlikheidsverskille tussen swart en wit entrepreneurs in Suid-Afrika nie. Een van die opvallendste kenmerke van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking is sy diversiteit. Oink byvoorbeeld aan opvoedkundige vlakke en die verspreiding van welvaart. Die vraag ontstaan ook of entrepreneurs uit verskillende kultuurgroepe verskillende persoonlikheidsprofiele sal he. Arnerikaanse studies kon duidelike persoonlikheidsverskille tussen swart en wit Arnerikaanse manlike entrepreneurs identifiseer. Die swartes in Suid Afrika - voorheen verstoke van voorregte - se omgewingskonteks verskil radikaal van die van die sogenaamde swart Arnerikaanse Negers. In die lig hiervan is dit soveel waarskynliker dat die Suid-Afrikaanse swart en wit manlike entrepreneurs, met hulle uiteenlopende agtergronde, se persoonlikhede sal verskil. Daarom was die doel van die studie om te bepaal of daar beduidende verskille identifiseerbaar is ten opsigte van die persoonlikheidsfaktore van swart en wit manlike entrepreneurs in Suid-Afrika. Entrepreneurskap is nie 'n eenvoudige gebeurtenis nie, maar 'n dinamiese proses wat voortdurend plaasvind en op die lang termyn gerig is. Omdat entrepreneurs egter in interaksie met hul omgewing is, is daar in die literatuuroorsig ook gefokus op die invloed wat eksterne faktore op entrepreneurs het. Meer spesifiek is aandag geskenk aan hulle agtergrondfaktore, ekonomiese omgewing, sowel as politieke, tegnologiese en maatskaplike fak"tore. Dit blyk uit die literatuur dat mense met 'n soortgelyke agtergrond soortgelyke eienskappe sal openbaar. Hierdeur word dit moontlik gemaak om entrepreneuriese persoonlikheidseienskappe te voorspel. Na aanleiding van vorige empiriese bevindinge is dominante kenmerke gei:dentifiseer wat met suksesvolle entrepreneurs geassosieer is. Dit is naamlik dryfkrag, deursettingsvermoe, 'n begeerte om te presteer, doelgerigtheid, kreatiwiteit en verbeeldingrykheid, bereidwilligheid om berekende risiko' s te neem, selfvertroue, integriteit, 'n interne lokus van beheer, 'n onafhanklikheidstrewe en ander eienskappe soos tydsbestuur en selfkennis. Die begrip "persoonlikheid" is vanuit die kader van die persoonsgeorienteerde denkrigting beskryf, aangesien dit uitgeloop het op die faktoranalitiese teorie. Met behulp van hierdie teoretiese kader kan persoonlikheid m basiese persoonlikheidsfaktore opgedeel word en persone dan m terme van die faktore beskryf word.
English: At the moment stagnation is one of the problems South Africa's economy has to face. The formal sector's inability to create enough job opportunities is due to among other things urbanisation, over-population and rationalisation. Thus, entrepreneurship is a common phenomenon because the large numbers of unemployed people have to create their own jobs in order to survive. For years researchers tried to identify the characteristics of the successful entrepreneur. After several studies were undertaken, they concluded that no provision was made for differences in the personalities of black and white South Africans. Diversity is one of the most striking features of the South Africa's population. Two examples are educational levels and the distribution of wealth. Will the personality profiles of different cultural groups differ? American studies could identify definite dissimilarities regarding the personalities of black and white American male entrepreneurs. The environmental context of the formerly disadvantaged black people in South Africa differs radically from that of the so-called American Negroes. This increases the possibility that the personalities of the South African black and white male entrepreneurs - with their diverse backgrounds - will not be the same. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine whether significant differences can be identified regarding the personality factors of these two groups. Entrepreneurship is no simple event - it is a dynamic, continuous process aimed at the long-term. Since entrepreneurs interact with their environment, the review of published literature focused on the influence external factors have on them. More specifically attention was paid to their background factors and economic environment as well as political, technological and social factors. It became evident that people with a similar background will have similar features and this enables the researcher to predict the personality characteristics of entrepreneurs. Prompted by previous empirical findings the dominant features associated with the successful entrepreneur were identified, namely drive, persistence, achievement need, purposiveness, creativity and imaginativeness, willingness to take calculated risks, self-confidence, integrity, an internal locus of control, an aspiration to be independent as well as other characteristics like the effective management of time and self-knowledge. Because it was the theoretical forerunner of factor analysis, personalistic psychology was used to characterise the personality concept. This theoretical frame makes it possible to divide personality into basic personality factors in terms of which people can then be described. Eighty subjects who meet Boshoff' s requirements for successful entrepreneurs participated in this study. The forty black and forty white male entrepreneurs each completed the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Schepers' Locus of Control Questionnaire as well as a biographical questionnaire developed by the researcher herself. The multivariate analysis of variance was used to determine the differences. The findings reveal the existence of statistically significant differences between white and black male entrepreneurs. It turned out that in comparison with black male entrepreneurs, the white male entrepreneurs are more emotionally stable, selfsatisfied, adaptable, domineering, independent, autonomous and daring. They are also more self-confident and motivated by achievements while the black male entrepreneur is more emotionally sensitive and more anxious. He is also characterised by an external locus of control. In view of the fact that there does not exist enough South African research on entrepreneurs and especially on the personality characteristics of the black male entrepreneur, further investigations are necessary to determine whether these results can be generalised. The biographical details also revealed that most entrepreneurs were involved in the service industry. Thus, prospective entrepreneurs can be encouraged to enter the production sector. Finally: smce it was determined m this dissertation that black and white male entrepreneurs differ significantly regarding twelve personality factors, the null hypothesis are rejected.
Dissertation (M.P.L. (Industrial Psychology))—University of the Free State, 2000
Individual differences, Entrepreneurship -- Social aspects, Entrepreneurship -- Psychological aspects