Die relevansie van kerklike tug in ‘n post-moderne wêreld: ‘n studie van die kerkorde van die Ned. Geref. Kerk

dc.contributor.advisorStrauss, P. J.
dc.contributor.authorBurger, Sias Werner
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The church discipline is made possible by Christ that governs his church through his Word and Spirit. He is the one that governs his church. Thus the church discipline becomes a result of Christ’s authority in the church. The lines of the church discipline are visible in God’s Word. From this it emerges that the church discipline is not something that is unfounded, but something that is fundamental in the life of the church. The church discipline is used by the Triune God to lead his chosen ones to Him. The church discipline is just like multifaceted diamond that has many characteristics like love. The result is that the love that God has for man, we as his followers have to prove and convey to each other. The church discipline also has a spiritual character. Other characteristics of the church discipline are the judicial, pedagogical, as well as a healing and pastoral character that the church discipline has. Christ is the one that applies the church discipline. He is the Subject of the church discipline. The necessity of the church discipline can be argued from the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. The principle of the church discipline is taught to the disciples by Christ Himself. Christ self has ordained the church discipline and thus it is necessary to maintain the church discipline as a church action. The church discipline is necessary, particularly for the church, because God requires holiness in his church. He requires this because He is holy and He also expects his assembly to be holy. In the Dutch Reformed Church-Church order article 59 it seems that church discipline seeks the glory of God, the salvation of the church and the preservation of sinners. The church discipline is ordained by God to lead those who wander from the Lamb back to him in love. The article goes further to show that there are certain requirements needed for the church discipline to be carried out correctly. The requirements are that the church discipline should be by the Word of God, the Creeds, the church order and other stipulations of the church as well as the service agreements. The church discipline also becomes part of the everyday doctrine and life of each member of the church of Christ. From this it is evident that the church discipline cannot take place without Biblical or spiritual truths, which is exercised by the offices and the believers, in equity and justice. Furthermore it is clear that the church discipline should be applied in love, but also with a certain sense of rigor, without which the church discipline cannot be applied. Yet, if one looks at the practical side of the execution of the church discipline, it is neglected because of the fear that the church could lose its members. The conclusion is that a church that does not exercise the church discipline is a church that does not fulfil its calling from God, and that is the calling that the church is established as God’s love fellowship in the world. Christ is the one that ordains the church discipline and therefore the church discipline must be applied through love, equity and justice, otherwise we abandon our calling as God’s church for worldly acceptance.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die tug word deur Christus moontlik gemaak wat sy kerk deur sy Woord en Gees regeer. Hy is die een wat sy kerk regeer. En so word die tug ’n uitvloeisel van Christus se gesag in die kerk. Die lyne van die tug kom voor in die Woord van God. Hieruit kom dit na vore dat die tug nie net iets is wat uit die lug gegryp is, waaraan daar geen waarde geheg kan word nie, maar dit is ’n fundamentele deel van kerkwees. Die tug is deur ons drie-enige God self gebruik om sy uitverkorenes na Hom te lei. Die tug is soos ’n veelsydige diamant wat verskeie karaktereienskappe het soos liefde. Die gevolg hiervan is dat juis die liefde wat God vir die mens het, ons as volgelinge ook aan mekaar moet bewys en oordra. Die tug beskik ook oor ’n geestelike karakter. Ander karaktereienskappe van die tug is die regtelike, pedagogiese, sowel as ’n genesende of pastorale karakter waaroor die tug beskik. Christus is die een wat die tug uitoefen. Hy is die Subjek van die tug. Die noodsaaklikheid van die tug kan beredeneer word vanuit die Ou Testament sowel as die Nuwe Testament. Die prinsiep van die tug word deur Christus self aan sy dissipels geleer. Christus self het die tug verorden en dus is dit ook noodsaaklik om die tug as kerklike handeling te onderhou. Die tug is noodsaaklik, juis ook vir die kerk, omdat God heiligheid in sy kerk vereis. Hy vereis dit omdat Hy heilig is en ook van sy gemeente verwag om heilig te wees. In die NGK-Ko artikel 59 blyk dit dat die tug die eer van God, die heil van die kerk en die behoud van die sondaars ten doel het. Die tug is deur God verorden om die wat wegdwaal van die Lam, in liefde terug te lei na Hom toe. Die artikel gaan ook verder en wys dat daar sekere voorskrifte is wat nodig is vir die tug om reg uitgevoer te word. Die voorskrifte is dat die tug moet geskied deur die Woord van God, die Belydenisskrifte, die kerkorde en ander bepalings van die kerk sowel as die diensooreenkomste. Die tug word ook deel van die alledaagse leer en lewe van elke lidmaat van die kerk van Christus. Hieruit word dit sigbaar dat die tug nie sonder Bybelse en geestelike waarhede kan geskied, wat uitgeoefen word deur die ampte sowel as die gelowiges, in billikheid en regverdigheid nie. Verder is dit duidelik dat die tug toegepas moet word in liefde, maar ook met ’n sekere sin van strengheid, waarsonder die tug nie kan nie. Tog as ’n mens na die praktiese sy van die tug uitoefening kyk word dit agterweë gelaat vanweë die vrees dat die kerk sy lidmate kan verloor. Die slotsom waartoe gekom word, is dat ’n kerk wat nie die tug uitoefen nie, ’n kerk is wat nie die roeping van God uitleef nie; en dit is die roeping dat die kerk daargestel word as God se liefdesgemeenskap in die wêreld. Christus is die een wat die tug verorden en daarom moet die tug geskied by wyse van liefde, billikheid en regverdigheid, anders gee ons ons roeping as God se kerk prys vir menslike aanvaarding.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectChurch orderen_ZA
dc.subjectChurch disciplineen_ZA
dc.subjectCharacter of the church lawen_ZA
dc.subjectChrist as subjecten_ZA
dc.subjectNecessity of the lawen_ZA
dc.subjectThe glory of Goden_ZA
dc.subjectSalvation of the Churchen_ZA
dc.subjectPreservation of sinnersen_ZA
dc.subjectDisciplinary investigationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Th. (Ecclesiology))--University of the Free State, 2015en_ZA
dc.subjectNederduitse Gereformeerde Kerkaf
dc.titleDie relevansie van kerklike tug in ‘n post-moderne wêreld: ‘n studie van die kerkorde van die Ned. Geref. Kerkaf
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