The relationship between lecturers' loci of control, job satisfaction and teaching approaches

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Geldenhuis, Marie-Louise
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University of the Free State
English: The main purpose of this study was to determine whether a significant relationship existed between job satisfaction, locus of control, and teaching approach. The study was executed by means of a quantitative, non-experimental, multivariate survey-type research design to test the hypotheses regarding the stated relationships. To interpret the results of the study univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses. Descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics were used to describe the confounding variables, independent variables and dependent variable. Contradictions to the stated hypotheses are present in this research. The analysis of the relationship between teaching approach and job satisfaction indicates that lecturers with high job satisfaction, namely intrinsic satisfaction, employ a surface approach to teaching. No theory or research could be found to substantiate this finding. An inverse correlation also exists between locus of control and job satisfaction which indicates that the respondents with an external locus of control experience high job satisfaction. This phenomenon is unclear. The psycho-social backgrounds of the Black lecturers are significantly more adverse than that of the White lecturers. And much of the interpretations of the results are focused on the more adverse psycho-social background situation of the Black lecturers who form the majority of the study. Although the lecturers of Ikhala FET College experience high job satisfaction, they do not have an established locus of control, nor do they apply deep teaching. The former statement was deduced from the poor reliability of the scale (Cronbach’s Alpha = X). The conclusion was reached that this result might be attributed to weak psycho-social background factors and circumstances of the Black lecturers while growing up under a non-democratic government. Their present life situation is also significantly more adverse than that of the White group. There is the possibility of a relationship between locus of control, job satisfaction and teaching approach, but this research study was unable to confirm it.
Afrikaans: Die hoofdoel van die studie was om te bepaal of daar ‘n beduidende verband bestaan tussen werknemerstevredenheid, lokus van kontrole en ‘n in-diepte benadering tot onderwysgee. Die studie is gedoen deur middel van ‘n kwantitatiewe nie-eksperimentele meerveranderlike opname-tipe navorsingsontwerp om die hipotese met betrekking tot bogenoemde verhoudings te toets. Ten einde die resultate te verreken, is enkelveranderlike en meerveranderlike ontledings gedoen om die hipoteses te toets. Beskrywende en afleibare statistiek is gebruik om die verwarrende veranderlikes, onafhanklike veranderlikes en afhanklike veranderlikes te beskryf. Teenstrydighede ten opsigte van die verklaarde hipoteses het in die navorsing na vore gekom. Die analise van die verhouding tussen benadering tot onderwysgee en werknemerstevredenheid toon dat dosente met hoë werkstevredenheid naamlik intrinsieke tevredenheid ‘n oppervlakkige benadering tot onderwysgee toepas. Geen teorie of navorsing kon gevind word om hierdie bevinding te staaf nie. ‘n Omgekeerde korrelasie bestaan ook tussen lokus van kontrole en werknemerstevredenheid, wat aandui dat die respondente met eksterne lokus van kontrole ‘n hoë mate van werkemerstevredenheid ervaar. Hierdie fenomeen is onduidelik. Die psigo-sosiale agtergrond van die Swart dosente was beduidend swakker as dié van Wit dosente. En ‘n groot gedeelte van die interpretasies van die resultate het gefokus op die swakker psigo-sosiale agtergrondsituasie van die Swart dosente waaruit die meerderheid van die studie bestaan het. Alhoewel die dosente van Ikhala FET College ‘n hoë mate van werknemerstevredenheid ervaar, het hulle geen vaste lokus van kontrole nie, en hulle pas ook nie in-diepte benadering tot onderwysgee toe nie. Bogenoemde stelling is afgelei van die swak betroubaarheid van die skaal (Alpha Cronbach = 0.9). Daar is tot die slotsom gekom dat dit toe te skryf is aan swak psigo-sosiale agtergrondsfaktore en –omstandighede by Swart dosente wat onder ‘n nie-demokratiese regering groot geword het. Hulle huidige lewensomstandighede was ook beduidend meer nadelig as dié van die Wit groep. Daar is ‘n moontlikheid dat ‘n verband tussen lokus van kontrole, werknemerstevredenheid en benadering tot onderwysgee bestaan, maar hierdie navorsing kon dit nie bevestig nie.
Locus of control, Job satisfaction, Teaching approach, Expectancy theory, Goal setting, Personality, Self-efficacy, Education, Lecturer, Deep and surface teaching, College teachers -- Job satisfaction -- South Africa, College teaching -- South Africa, Motivation (Psychology), Multivariate analysis, Effective teaching, Thesis (Ph.D. (Higher Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2012