The production of potentially prebiotic oligosaccharides by Leucosporidium scottii Y - 1450

dc.contributor.advisorKilian, S. G.
dc.contributor.advisorDu Preez, J. C.
dc.contributor.authorLum Nde, Adeline
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Prebiotic oligosaccharides are gaining interest in the food, poultry and pharmaceutical industries due to their health benefits. These include prevention of specific allergies, improved calcium absorption, reduction in the duration, incidence, and symptoms of traveller’s diarrhoea, alleviation of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, increased satiety and reduced appetite. In the food industry they are responsible for modifying food flavour, they are considered as low energy ingredients alleviating obesity and have a high water-holding capacity, low sweetness and an anti-staling effect. The main objectives of this study were to produce, purify and identify oligosaccharides from Leucosporidium scottii Y-1450. Leucosporidium scottii Y-1450 produced neofructooligosaccharides during growth on sucrose. Two trisaccharides and a tetrasaccharide were produced. The highest oligosaccharide concentration obtained was 33.7 g l-¹ after 22 h of cultivation. A maximum specific growth rate, maximum volumetric rate of oligosaccharide production, and maximum yield coefficient for the production of oligosaccharides (oligosaccharides produced/sucrose assimilated) of 0.28 h-¹, 1.53 g (l h)-¹ and 0.58 were obtained respectively. In addition to the products of interest, glucose, fructose and sucrose were also present in the supernatant. Purification of the supernatant containing mono-, di and oligosaccharides was done by preparative HPLC. A total oligosaccharide concentration of 2.9 g l-¹ was obtained after purification from 7.8 ml of supernatant. The first unknown trisaccharide was not successfully purified as it overlapped with the second trisaccharide. The second trisaccharide and the tetrasaccharide were successfully purified with percentage recoveries of 0.12 % and 15.3 % respectively. LCMS identification using Electrospray Mass Spectrometry (ESMS) of the supernatant showed the presence of three oligosaccharides with m/z of 503.4, 539.3 and 665.5 Da, respectively. This was later followed by structural identification of the tetrasaccharide by NMR. Results from MALDI-TOF and NMR analysis confirmed the presence of two oligosaccharides present in the tetrasaccharide fraction, a trisaccharide (from the breakdown of the tetrasaccharide) identified as 1-kestose (α-Glcp-1-2-β-Fruf-1-2-β-Fruf) and a tetrasaccharide identified as neonystose (β-Fruf-2-6-α-Glcp-1-2-β-Fruf-1-2-β-Fruf). A two level fractional factorial screening design was used to investigate oligosaccharide production, with sucrose concentration, cell concentration, pH and temperature as the factors and maximum oligosaccharide concentration, yield coefficient and productivity as the responses. The highest concentration, yield coefficient and productivity of oligosaccharides were obtained at 200 g l-¹ sucrose, 8 g l-¹ cell concentration, pH 7 and 20 °C. ANOVA analysis indicated sucrose concentration as a highly significant main effect for all three responses while the interaction sucrose concentration*cell concentration was identified as a significant interaction for the responses. Temperature was an insignificant factor for all three responses. This study highlighted the feasibility of the production of neoFOS with possible prebiotic potential from sucrose by Leucosporidium scottii.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Prebiotiese oligosakkariede wek belangstelling in die kos, pluimvee en farmaseutiese nywerhede as gevolg van hulle gesondheidsvoordele. Dit sluit voorkoming van spesifieke allergieë, verbeterde kalsiumabsorbsie, vermindering in die duur, voorkoms, en simptome van reisigersdiarree, verligting van die simptome van prikkelbare derm-sindroom (“irritable bowel syndrome”, IBS), verhoogde versadiging en verminderde eetlus in. In die voedselindustrie is hulle verantwoordelik vir die modifikasie van die smaak van kos, word hulle beskou as 'n lae-energie bestanddeel wat vetsug verlig, het 'n hoë waterhouvermoë, lae soetheid en werk die veroudering van voedsel teë. Die hoofdoelwitte van hierdie studie was om oligosakkariede met Leucosporidium scottii Y-1450 te produseer, te suiwer en te identifiseer. Leucosporidium scottii Y-1450 het neofrukto-oligosakkariedes geproduseer gedurende groei op sukrose. Twee trisakkariedes en 'n tetrasakkariede is geproduseer. Die hoogste oligosakkariedkonsentrasie verkry was 33.7 g l-1 na 22 h van kweking. 'n Maksimum spesifieke groeitempo, maksimum volumetriese tempo van oligosakkariedproduksie en maksimum opbrengskoëffisiënt vir die produksie van oligosakkariede (oligosakkariede geproduseer / sukrose geassimileer) van 0,28 h-1, 1.53 g (l h) -1 en 0.58 is onderskeidelik verkry. Benewens die produkte van belang was glukose, fruktose en sukrose ook teenwoordig in die bostand. Suiwering van die bostand met mono-, di en oligosakkariede is gedoen deur preparatiewe hoëverrigtingsvloeistofchromatografie. 'n Totale oligosakkariedkonsentrasie van 2,9 g l-1 is verkry na suiwering van 7,8 ml bostand. Die eerste onbekende trisakkariede is nie suksesvol gesuiwer nie, aangesien dit naby die tweede trisakkariede geëlueer het. Die tweede trisakkariede en die tetrasakkariede is suksesvol gesuiwer met persentasie herwinnings van 0,12% en 15,3% onderskeidelik. LCMS identifikasie met behulp van elektrosproei massaspektrometrie (ESMS) van die supernatant het die teenwoordigheid van drie oligosakkariede met m / z van 503,4, 539,3 en 665,5 Da, onderskeidelik, opgelewer. Dit is later gevolg deur strukturele identifikasie van die tetrasakkariede deur KMR. MALDI-TOF ontleding het die teenwoordigheid van twee oligosakkariede in die tetrasakkariedfraksie, 'n trisakkariede (uit die afbreek van die tetrasakkariede) en 'n tetrasakkariede bevestig. Verdere koppelinganalise het getoon dat die tetrasakkaried neonistose (β-Fruf-2-6-α-Glcp-1-2-β-Fruf-1-2-β-Fruf) is en die trisakkariede 1-kestose (α-Glcp-1-2-β-Fruf-1-2-β-Fruf). 'n Twee-vlak fraksionele faktoriaalontwerp is gebruik om oligosakkariedproduksie te ondersoek, met sukrosekonsentrasie, selkonsentrasie, pH en temperatuur as die faktore en maksimum oligosakkariedkonsentrasie, opbrengskoëffisiënt en produktiwiteit as die response. Die hoogste konsentrasie, opbrengskoëffisiënt en produktiwiteit van oligosakkariede is by 200 g l-1 sukrose, 8 g l-1 sel konsentrasie, pH 7 en 20 ° C verkry. ANOVA ontleding het sukrosekonsentrasie as 'n hoogs beduidende hoofeffek vir al drie response uitgewys terwyl die interaksie sukrosekonsentrasie * selkonsentrasie geïdentifiseer is as 'n beduidende interaksie vir die response. Temperatuur was 'n onbeduidende faktor vir al drie response. Hierdie studie beklemtoon die haalbaarheid van die vervaardiging van neoFOS met moontlike prebiotiese potensiaal vanaf sukrose deur Leucosporidium
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Research Foundation (NRF)en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectLeucosporidium scottiien_ZA
dc.subjectFood industry and tradeen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Sc. (Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology))--University of the Free State, 2016en_ZA
dc.titleThe production of potentially prebiotic oligosaccharides by Leucosporidium scottii Y - 1450en_ZA
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