A sustainable teacher leadership implementation plan for Lesotho high schools

dc.contributor.advisorPalmer, J. M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLethole, Lieketseng Gloriaen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (Ph.D.(Education Management and Leadership))--University of the Free State, 2020en_ZA
dc.description.abstract𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 Addressing the problem of teacher leadership practices in Lesotho high schools and the lack of leadership succession plans when the principals leave the office due to retirement or ill health, is a long-standing phenomenon, which has not adequately been addressed. In this study, the researcher explored the influence of teacher leadership practice on improving the leadership succession in schools, further aimed at assisting school leaders to foster teacher leadership in their learning spaces, in order to ensure that teacher leadership practices may be used to support leadership succession. Literature searches highlighting national and international studies were conducted to elucidate the factors influencing the implementation of teacher leadership and the legislative and policy practices related to teacher leadership as well as how teacher leadership can impact the functioning of leadership succession in Lesotho high schools. To best explain the natural progression of the phenomenon under study, namely teacher leadership and leadership succession, a conceptual framework was applied in which the relevant variables for the study were clearly mapped out and presented visually. The study employed a qualitative approach as to how a teacher leadership implementation plan may be effective in improving leadership succession in schools. Individual, in-depth interviews and focus group interviews were employed to collect data from participants. They comprised of two district education managers (DEMs): one from Berea district and one from Maseru district, the principals, deputy principals, head of departments of eight high schools, as well as Grade 10-12 teachers, chosen from four high schools in the Berea district and four high schools in the Maseru district of Lesotho. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Preliminary codes were assigned to the data to describe the content after which patterns (themes) across the different interviews were identified. Themes were reviewed, defined and named. Key findings of the investigation revealed that teacher leadership practice that leads to leadership succession, is not adequately practiced at Lesotho high schools and that teachers require leadership strategies to implement in their classrooms and to effectively part-take in leadership succession planning in schools. Currently leadership succession planning workshops are not provided by the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) for teachers and principals in Lesotho schools. The findings further revealed that the Education Act, 2010, Section 21 and the Teaching Service Regulations 2002, as well as the School Supervision and Management Regulations of 1988, are dated and need to be revised to include teacher leadership and succession planning for high schools. Additionally, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) within the high schools seems limited where teachers are provided with a limited scope to grow within their profession. This is an avenue where the MoET may explore the development of teacher leadership and subsequent programmes in this regard. Finally, this study proposes a sustainable teacher leadership implementation plan, which may assist schools in Lesotho to address teacher leadership and promote sustain leadership succession within in the school system. In addition, it may stand teachers and school leaders in good stead to develop progressive teaching and learning strategies as well as sustain leadership succession in Lesotho high schools. ___________________________________________________________________en_ZA
dc.description.abstract 𝑨𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒂𝒏𝒔 Om die probleem van onderwyserleierskappraktyke in Lesotho-hoërskole aan te spreek asook die gebrek aan leierskapopvolgplanne wanneer die skoolhoofde die kantoor verlaat weens aftrede of swak gesondheid, is 'n langdurige verskynsel wat nie voldoende aangespreek word nie. In hierdie studie het die navorser die invloed van onderwyserleierskapspraktyke op die verbetering van die leierskapopvolging in skole ondersoek, wat verder daarop gemik is om skoolleiers by te staan om onderwyserleierskap in hul leerruimtes te bevorder, ten einde te verseker dat onderwyserleierskappraktyke gebruik kan word om leierskapopvolging te ondersteun. Literatuursoektogte wat nasionale en internasionale studies uitlig, is uitgevoer om die faktore wat die implementering van onderwyserleierskap en die wetgewende en beleidpraktyke met betrekking tot onderwyserleierskap beïnvloed, toe te lig, asook hoe onderwyserleierskap die funksionering van leierskapopvolging in Lesotho hoërskole kan beïnvloed. Om die natuurlike ontwikkeling van die verskynsel wat bestudeer word, naamlik onderwyserleierskap en leierskapopvolging, die beste te verduidelik, is 'n konseptuele raamwerk toegepas waarin die relevante veranderlikes vir die studie duidelik uitgestippel en visueel aangebied is. Die studie het 'n kwalitatiewe benadering aangewend oor hoe 'n onderwyserleierskap-implementeringsplan effektief kan wees om leierskapopvolging in skole te verbeter. Individuele, in-diepte onderhoude en fokusgroeponderhoude is gebruik om data van deelnemers in te samel. Hulle het bestaan uit twee distriksonderwysbestuurders (DEM's): een van die Berea-distrik en een van die Maseru-distrik; die skoolhoofde, adjunkhoofde en departementshoofde van agt hoërskole; sowel as graad 10-12-onderwysers, gekies uit vier hoërskole in die Berea-distrik en vier hoërskole in die Maseru-distrik van Lesotho. ’n Tematiese analise is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Voorlopige kodes is aan die data toegeken om die inhoud te beskryf waarna patrone (temas) oor die verskillende onderhoude geïdentifiseer is. Temas is hersien, gedefinieer en benoem. Sleutelbevindinge van die ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat ’n onderwyserleierskappraktyk wat lei tot leierskapopvolging, nie voldoende by Lesotho-hoërskole beoefen word nie en dat onderwysers leierskapstrategieë benodig om in hul klaskamers te implementeer en om effektief deel te neem aan leierskapopvolgbeplanning in skole. Tans word leierskapopvolgbeplanningswerksessies nie deur die Ministerie van Onderwys en Opleiding (MoET) vir onderwysers en skoolhoofde in Lesotho-skole verskaf nie. Die bevindinge het verder aan die lig gebring dat die Onderwyswet, 2010, Artikel 21 en die Onderwysdiensregulasies 2002, sowel as die Skooltoesig- en Bestuursregulasies van 1988, oud is en hersien moet word om onderwyserleierskap en opvolgbeplanning vir hoërskole in te sluit. Boonop blyk Deurlopende Professionele Ontwikkeling (VPO) binne die hoërskole beperk te wees waar onderwysers 'n beperkte ruimte gebied word om in hul beroep te groei. Dit is 'n manier waarvolgens die ministerie die ontwikkeling van onderwyserleierskap en daaropvolgende programme in hierdie verband kan ondersoek. Laastens stel hierdie studie 'n volhoubare onderwyserleierskap-implementeringsplan voor, wat skole in Lesotho kan help om onderwyserleierskap aan te spreek en volhoubare leierskapopvolging binne die skoolstelsel te bevorder. Boonop kan dit onderwysers en skoolleiers ten goede te staan kom om progressiewe onderrig- en leerstrategieë te ontwikkel en leierskapsopvolging in Lesotho hoërskole te handhaaf. ___________________________________________________________________af_ZA
dc.description.abstract 𝑺𝒆𝑺𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐 Ho rarolla bothata ba boetapele ba matitjhere mane dikolong tse phahameng tsa Lesotho esita le ho hlokeha ha moralo wa tatellano haeba mesuwehlooho e tlohela ofisi ka lebaka la ho phomola mosebetsing kapa ho beha meja fatshe kapa ho fokollwa ke bophelo ka lebaka la ho kula, ke bothata ba nako e telele bo sa rarollwang ka tshwanelo. Diphuputsong tsena, mofuputsi o sibolotse tshwaetso ya boetapele ba matitjhere bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa boetapele dikolong, e le bo reretsweng ho thusa baetapele ba sekolo ho latella hore ho be le boetapele ba matitjhere dibakeng tsa bona tsa ho ithuta, e le ho etsa bonnete ba hore mesebetsi ena ya boetapele ba matitjhere e ka sebediswa ho tshehetsa tatelano ya boetapele. Diphuputso tsa dingolwa tse toboketsang dithuto tsa naha le tsa matjhaba di ile tsa etswa e le ho hlahisa dintlha tse tshwaetsang tshebediso ya boetapele ba matitjhere le mesebetsi ya molao le maano a amanang le boetapele ba matitjhere esita le kamoo boetapele ba matitjhere bo ka bang le sekgahla sa tshebetso ya tatelano ya boetapele ka teng dikolong tse phahameng tsa Lesotho. E le ho hlalosa ka tshwanelo tswelopele ya bothata bona bo hlahlojwang, e leng boetapele ba matitjhere le tatelano ya boetapele, moralo wa mohopolo ona o ile wa sebediswa, e leng moo dintlha tse fapaneng tsa diphuputso tsena di ileng tsa hlakiswa hantle mme tsa hlahiswa pepeneneng. Diphuputso tsena di sebedisa mokgwa wa katamelo wa ho iphumanela ka bowena kamoo moralo wa tshebediso ya boetapele ba matitjhere o ka bang hlwahlwa ho ntlafatsa tatelano ya boetapele dikolong. Dipuisano tsa motho ka mong, dipuisano tse tebileng, esita le dipuisano mabapi le dihlopha tsa tekolo, di ile tsa sebediswa bakeng sa ho bokella dintlha tsa diphuputso ho bankakarolo. Tsona di ne di kenyeleditse balaodi ba babedi ba thuto ba setereke (di-DEM): a le mong o tswa seterekeng sa Berea athe e mong o tswa seterekeng sa Maseru, mesuwehlooho, batlatsi ba mesuwehlooho, dihlooho tsa mafapha a dikolo tse robedi tse phahameng, esita le matitjhere a Kereiti tsa 10 ho isa ho 12, tse kgethilweng ho tswa dikolong tse nne tse phahameng tsa setereke sa Berea le dikolo tse nne tse phahameng tsa setereke sa Maseru mane Lesotho. Tshekatsheko ya mookotaba kapa molaetsa e sebedisitswe ho sekaseka dintlha tsa diphuputso. Ho sebedisitswe dikhoutu esale pele bakeng sa dintlha tseo tsa diphuputso mme kamora moo ha hlwauwa dipaterone kapa melaetsa dipuisanong tse fapaneng. Melaetsa e ile ya lekolwa botjha, ya hlaloswa ya ba ya rehellwa. Diphihlello tse kgolo tsa patlisiso di senotse hore boetapele ba matitjhere bo lebisang tatelanong ya boetapele, ha bo sebediswe ka tshwanelo dikolong tse phahameng tsa Lesotho le hore matitjhere a batla mekgwa ya boetapele e ka sebediswang ka hara phaposi ya borutelo le ho ba le seabo se hlwahlwa bakeng sa moralo wa tatelano ya boetapele dikolong. Ha jwale Lefapha la Thuto le Kwetliso (MoET) ha le na diwekeshopo tsa moralo wa tatelano ya boetapele bakeng sa matitjhere le mesuwehlooho dikolong tsa Lesotho. Diphihlello di senotse hore Molao wa Thuto wa 2010, Karolo ya 21 esita le Melawana ya Tshebeletso ya Ho ruta ya selemo sa 2002, esita le School Supervision and Management Regulations ya selemo sa 1988, e beilwe mme e lokela ho ntlafatswa ho kenyeletsa boetapele ba matitjhere le moralo wa tatelano bakeng sa dikolo tse phahameng. Ho eketsa mona, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) ka hara dikolo tse phahameng e bonahala e haella ka lebaka la hobane matitjhere a filwe monyetla o fokolang wa ho tswela pele ka hara mosebetsi wa bona. Ena ke karolo eo MoET e ka sibollang tswelopele ya boetapele ba matitjhere le mananeo a latelang mabapi le sena. Qetellong diphuputso tsena di kgothaletsa hore ho be le moralo wa tshebediso ya boetapele bo tshwarellang ba matitjhere bo ka thusang dikolo tsa Lesotho ho rarolla mathata a boetapele le ho ntshetsa pele esita le ho tiisa tatelano ya boetapele ka hara tshebetso ya sekolo. Ho eketsa mona, hona ho ka beha matitjhere le baetapele ba sekolo maemong a matle bakeng sa ho ntshetsa pele mekgwa e atlehileng ya ho ruta le ho ithuta esita le ho nnetefatsa hore ho ba le boetapele bo tshwarellang esita le tatelano ya boetapele dikolong tse phahameng tsa Lesotho. ___________________________________________________________________st_ZA
dc.description.abstract 𝑰𝒔𝒊𝒁𝒖𝒍𝒖 Ukubhekana nenkinga yemikhuba yobuholi bothisha ezikoleni zamabanga aphakeme eLesotho kanye nokushoda kwezinhlelo zokulandela ubuholi lapho othishanhloko bephuma ezikhundleni ngenxa yokuthatha umhlalaphansi noma ukugula, yinto osekunesikhathi eside ingaxazululeki, engalungiswanga ngokwanele. Kulolu cwaningo, umcwaningi uhlole umthelela wokwenza ubuholi bothisha ekwenzeni ngcono ukulandelana kobuholi ezikoleni, okuhloswe ngakho ukusiza abaholi bezikole ukuthi bakhuthaze ubuholi bothisha ezindaweni zabo zokufunda, ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi izindlela zobuholi bothisha zingasetshenziswa ukweseka ubuholi. Ukusesha kwezincwadi okugqamisa izifundo zikazwelonke nezamazwe ngamazwe kwenziwa ukuze kucaciswe izici ezinomthelela ekusetshenzisweni kobuholi bothisha kanye nezinqubo zomthetho nezinqubomgomo ezihlobene nobuholi bothisha kanye nokuthi ubuholi bothisha bungaba nomthelela kanjani ekusebenzeni kokulandelana kobuholi ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu eLesotho. Ukuchaza kangcono ukuqhubeka kwemvelo kwesenzo esicwaningwayo, okungubuholi bukathisha nokulandelana kobuholi, kwasetshenziswa uhlaka lomqondo lapho okuguquguqukayo okufanelekile ocwaningweni kwaklanywa ngokucacile futhi kwethulwa ngokubukeka. Ucwaningo lusebenzise indlela esezingeni lokuthi uhlelo lokuqalisa ubuholi bothisha lungasebenza kanjani ekuthuthukiseni ukulandelana kobuholi ezikoleni. Kwasetshenziswa inhlolokhono yomuntu ngamunye, ejulile kanye nezingxoxo zamaqembu ukuze kuqoqwe idatha kubahlanganyeli. Bahlanganisa izimenenja zemfundo zezifunda ezimbili (DEMs): oyedwa wesifunda saseBerea noyedwa owesifunda saseMaseru, othishanhloko, amaphini othishanhloko, izinhloko zeminyango yezikole zamabanga aphezulu eziyisishiyagalombili, nothisha bebanga le-10 kuya kwele-12, abakhethwe ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu ezine, esifundeni saseBerea kanye nezikole ezine zamabanga aphezulu esifundeni saseMaseru eLesotho. Ukuhlaziywa kwengqikithi kusetshenziswe ukuhlaziya idatha. Amakhodi okuqala anikezwe idatha ukuchaza okuqukethwe ngemva kwalokho amaphethini (ezingqikithi) kuzo zonke izingxoxiswano ezihlukene atholwa. Izindikimba zabuyekezwa, zachazwa futhi zaqanjwa. Okutholwe okubalulekile ophenyweni kuveze ukuthi ubuholi bothisha obuholela ekulandeleni ubuholi, alwenziwa ngokwanele ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu eLesotho nokuthi othisha badinga amasu obuholi ukuze bawasebenzise emakilasini abo kanye nokubamba iqhaza ngempumelelo ezinhlelweni zokulandelana kobuholi ezikoleni. Njengamanje imihlangano yokucobelelana ngolwazi yokuhlela ukuhlaliswa kobuholi ayihlinzekiwe nguMnyango Wezemfundo Nokuqeqesha (i-MoET) kothisha nothishanhloko ezikoleni zaseLesotho. Okunye okutholakele kuveze ukuthi uMthetho wezeMfundo, wezi-2010, iSigaba 21 kanye neMithethonqubo Yezinkonzo Zokufundisa ka-2002, kanye neMithethonqubo yokuPhatha nokuPhathwa kweSikole ka-1988, ziphelelwe isikhathi futhi kudingeka zibuyekezwe ukuze kufakwe ubuholi bothisha kanye nokuhlelwa kokulandelana kwezikole eziphakeme. Ukwengeza, i-Continuous Professional Development (CPD) ngaphakathi kwezikole zamabanga aphezulu ibonakala ilinganiselwe lapho othisha benikezwa indawo elinganiselwe ukuze bakhule ngaphakathi komkhakha wabo. Lena indlela lapho i-MoET ingase ihlole khona ukuthuthukiswa kobuholi bothisha kanye nezinhlelo ezilandelayo mayelana nalokhu. Okokugcina, lolu cwaningo luphakamisa uhlelo olusimeme lokusebenzisa ubuholi bothisha, olungasiza izikole zaseLesotho ukubhekana nobuholi bothisha futhi lukhuthaze ukulandelana kobuholi ngaphakathi ohlelweni lwesikole. Ukwengeza, kungase kumise othisha nabaholi bezikole esikhundleni esihle ukuthuthukisa amasu okufundisa nokufunda aqhubekayo kanye nokusimamisa ukulandelana kobuholi ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu eLesotho. ___________________________________________________________________isiZ_ZA
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of the Free State, Post Graduate Schoolen_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.publisher Abstract in other languages 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘈𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘢𝘯𝘴, 𝘚𝘦𝘚𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐𝘴𝘪𝘡𝘶𝘭𝘶
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectTeacher leadershipen_ZA
dc.subjectContinuous Professional Developmenten_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable Teacher leadershipen_ZA
dc.subjectLeadership successionen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation, Higher -- Lesotho -- Leadershipen_ZA
dc.subjectSuccession planningen_ZA
dc.titleA sustainable teacher leadership implementation plan for Lesotho high schoolsen_ZA
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