Comparing the precipitation use efficiency of maize-bean intercropping with sole cropping in a semi-arid ecotope

dc.contributor.advisorWalker, Sue
dc.contributor.authorOgindo, Harun Okello
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The study had a major aim of comparing precipitation use by a maize-bean intercrop (1MB) and its component sole crops. In doing so the important variables within the soilcrop system-atmosphere were quantified. The specific ecotope on which the experiment was conducted is Tempe/Valsrivier located at Bloemfontein, South Africa and experiences low and variable rainfall not exceeding 600 mm per annum. The soil was a duplex type with a slowly permeable layer at a depth of about 900-1000 mm depth. The summers are generally very hot with high vapour pressure deficit, and high evaporative demand making it particularly hostile for crop production. The technical problem concerned comparing the cropping systems by quantifying their use of the water resource as well as determining the intervening weather and crop variables influencing water use. The hypothesis was that the intercrop had the potential benefits for water conservation within the ecotope compared to its sole crop components. This property was inferred from past studies which have shown that the intercrop cropping system has a superior water use efficiency. Field experiments were conducted over two summer growing seasons on the ecotope using an additive intercrop of maize and beans to test the hypothesis. Two sowing dates were adopted during each summer of 2000/01 and 2001/02, consequently, four cropping seasons were done. A randomized complete block design was used, with three treatments being intercrop, sole maize and sole bean (1MB,SM and SB) each with three replications. An experiment to determine the transpiration efficiency coefficient was conducted on an adjacent field with a weighing lysimeter and ran parallel to the first planting during both years. Detailed soil water content measurements were made on the ecotope including drained upper limit (DUL- 262 mm). crop determined lower limit (CLL: SM - 114 mm, SB- 103 mm and 1MB- 121 mm) and soil bulk density. Similarly, measurements were made of crop growth and biomass accumulation and weather variables both within the canopy and at an automatic weather station at the experimental site. The measurements made it possible to characterize the precipitation use for the cropping systems within the ecotope. Measurement of soil water content enabled the quantification of the water balance for each season while the component crop transpiration efficiency coefficient made it possible to partition water use between transpiration and soil evaporation. The lysimeter determined transpiration efficiency coefficient for the dry bean was 3.26 ± 0.25 gkPakg-1 which was within range of those found for other legumes. Analysis of the crop extraction limits and soil water balance components revealed that the intercrop had higher plant available water capacity (PAWC) indicating that it extracted more water than the sole crops. It had 7% and 18% more PAWC than SM and SB respectively. Findings from the soil water balance components showed that the 1MB conserved water by losing less through soil evaporation. This attribute was conferred on it by the relatively high leaf area index which reduced the energy flux to the evapotranspiring soil surface. The canopy of the intercrop was more humid decreasing the vapour gradient between the canopy elements and the atmosphere within the canopy. Measured wet and dry bulb air temperatures attest to the presence of relatively higher humidity within the intercrop compared to the other sole maize and bean crops. It is probable that this property made the intercrop conserve more water that was then available for plant use. It can therefore be concluded that the microclimate of the intercrop is favourably modified to conserve water. The estimated soil surface evaporation indicated that the 1MB had the lowest soil surface evaporation (Esg) compared to the other crops. Consequently. the 1MB had the highest transpiration meaning that it was able to produce more biomass than the sole crops as transpiration has a linear relationship to biomass accumulation. An analysis of the total water use did not reveal any significant differences between the cropping systems. with the SM having a slightly higher water use than the 1MB and SB the lowest. These were significant findings as the plant populations were quite different between the cropping systems. The additive intercrop had a plant population of 120.000. sole bean 80. 000 and sole maize crop 40. 000 plants per hectare. Another important product was the quantification of radiation interception and use by the cropping systems within the ecotope. The intercrop intercepted and used more PAR than each of the sole crops. An attempt has been made to mathematically quantify water extraction by the cropping systems using the measured pattern of soil water contents in each cropping systems. This has revealed important possibilities for modeling water extraction by the intercrop. Adopting a particular cropping enterprise such as intercropping involves choice among various alternatives that may be available to the farmer. The choices are both economic and financial and involve foregoing alternative employment of resources. The concept of "morecrop per drop" should appropriately be "more cash per drop" of water. Water and therefore any form of precipitation should be allocated to the next best alternative in terms of financial returns. It is the contention that even the small scale farming sector to which this study is aimed has to a large extent been sucked into the economic and financial mainstream in many developing countries. The analysis for PUE was therefore done based on monetary value. It showed that sole beans had the best gross returns per drop of water (37 ± 6 ZAR ha-1 mm-1), the intererop had the second highest value at 32 ± 14 ZAR ha-1 mm-1 and sole maize 14 ± 5 ZAR ha-1 mm-1. The difference between sole bean and the intererop was not statistically significant. The intererop therefore exhibited no statistical difference in total water use despite the relatively higher plant population compared to the other cropping systems within the ecotope. At the same time it had yield advantage overthe component sole crops. It can therefore be concluded that within similar ecotopes, where the preferred choice is one of producing the cereal maize. as it usually is in most small scale farming communities, it would be profitable and nutritionally more advisable to grow the intercrop.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die hoofdoel van die studie was die vergelyking tussen die reënvalverbruik van 'n mielie-boon tussenverbouing (1MB)en sy enkelgewas komponente. Die belangrike veranderlikes binne die grond-gewas-atmosfeer sisteem is gekwantifiseer. Die ekotoop waarin die eksperiment uitgevoer is, is by Tempe/ Valsrivier naby Bloemfontein, Suid-Afrika, geleë. Die jaarlikse reënval in hierdie gebied is laag en veranderlik, en oorskry nie 600 mm per jaar nie. Die grond is 'n dupleks tipe met 'n stadig deurlaatbare laag van 900 - 1000 mm diep. Die somers is normaalweg baie warm met 'n lae darnpdruktekort en hoë verdampingsaanvraag, wat beteken dat die gebied besonders vyandig teenoor gewasprodusie is. Die tegniese probleem het gewasverbouingstelsels met mekaar vergelyk deur hul waterverbruik te kwantifiseer en was ook bemoei met die bepaling van die ingrypende weers- en gewasveranderlikes wat waterverbruik beïnvloed. Die hipotese was dat tussenverbouing, in teenstelling met sy enkelgewas komponente, oor potensiële voordele beskik vir waterbewaring binne die ekotoop. Hierdie eienskap is uit vorige studies afgelei wat getoon het dat die tussenverbouingste1sel oor 'n veel beter waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid beskik. Terrein eksperimente was oor twee somer groeiseisoene uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van 'n bykomstge tussenverbouing van mielies en bone om die hipotese te toets. Vier groeiseisoene is geskep deur gebruik te maak van twee plantdatums gedurende die somerseisoene van 2000/01 en 2001/02. 'n Volledig ewekansige blokpatroon met drie behandelings, nl. Mielie-boon tussenverbouing, slegs mielies en slegs bone (IMB,SM en SB) is gebruik. Elke behandeling is drie keer herhaal. Terselfdertyd is 'n eksperiment in 'n weeglisimeter op 'n aangrensende terrein uitgevoer om die transpirasie doeltreffendheidskoëffisient te bereken. Dit het saam met die eerste plantdaturn eksperiment gedurende beide seisoene geloop. Gedetaileerde grondwater inhoudslesings, insluitende gedreineerde boonste limiet (DUL), gewas laagste limiet (CLL) en grondmassadigtheid is op die ekotoop gedoen. Op soortgelyke wyse is lesings van gewasgroei, biomassa-akkumulasie en weersveranderlikes in beide die blaardak asook by 'n outomatiese weerstasie by die eksperimentele terrein geneem. Dié lesings het dit moonlik gemaak om die reënvalverbruik vir die gewasstelsel binne die ekotoop te karakteriseer. Die kwantifisering van die waterbalans vir elke seisoen is moontlik gemaak deur meeting van grondwaterinhoud, terwyl enkelgewaskomponent gewastranspirasie effektiwiteitskoëffisiente dit moontlik gemaak het om waterverbruik tussen transpirasie en grondverdamping te verdeel. Die lisimeter het die transpirasie doeltreffendheidskoëffisient vir droë bone gemeet as 3.26± 0.25 gkPakg-1, wat binne die waardegebied vir ander peulgewasse is. Ontleding van die gewasontginningsperke en grondwaterbalans komponente het laat blyk dat die tussenverbouing oor hoër plant beskikbare waterkapasiteit (PAWC)beskik, wat aandui dat dit meer water as die enkelgewasse ontgin het. 1MB het 7 % en 18 % meer PAWC as SM en SB respektiewelik getoon. Grondwaterbalans komponente het ook getoon dat die IMB minder water d.m.v. verdamping vanuit die grond verloor het en dus water bewaar het. Dit kan verklaar word aan die hand van die relatiewe hoë blaaroppervlakte-indeks wat energievloei na die evapotranspirerende grondoppervlak verminder het. Die blaardak van die tussenverbouing was meer vogtig, wat gelei het tot 'n afname in die dampdruk gradient tussen die elemente van die blaardak en die atmosfeer binne die blaardak. Gemete nat- en droëbol lugtemperature getuig van die teenwoordigheid van relatief hoër humiditeit binne die tussenverbouing in vergelyking met die enkelgewas mielies en bone. Hierdie eienskap het waarskynlik veroorsaak dat die tussenverbouing meer water bewaar het en dit gevolglik beskikbaar gestel het vir plantverbruik. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat die mikroklimaat van die tussenverbouing gunstig gemodifiëer is om water te bewaar. Dieberaamde grondoppervlakverdamping het getoon dat die tussenverbouing die laagste ESg (grondoppervlakverdaming) in vergelyking met die enkelgewasse besit. Gevolglikhet die IMB die hoogste transpirasie wat beteken dat dit in staat was om meer biomassa as die enkelgewasse te produseer, aangesien tranpsirasie 'n linieêre verwantsap tot biomassaakkumlasie toon. 'n Ontleding van die totale waterverbruik het geen noemenswaardige verskille tussen gewasverbouingstelsels aan die lig gebring nie, maar die SM het wel 'n effens hoër waterverbruik as die IMB getoon, met dié van SB die laagste. Omdat die plantbevolkings heelwat tussen die verskeie gewasverbouingstelsels verskil het, kan hierdie bevindings as betekenisvol beskou word. Die bykomstige tussenverbouing het 'n plantestand van 120 000 plante per hektaar gehad, terwyl dié van die enkelgewas bone 80 000 en enkelgewas mielies 40 000 was. 'n Ander belangrike produk van die navorsing was die kwantifisering van stralingsonderskepping en verbruik deur die gewasverbouingstelsels binne die ekotoop. Die tussenverbouing het meer fotosinteties-aktiewe straling (PAR) onderskep en gebruik as elkeen van die enkelgewasse. Daar is gepoog om die water-ontginning deur gewasverbouingstelsels wiskundig te kwantifiseer deur van die gemete patroon van die grondwaterinhoud in elke stelsel gebruik te maak. Hierdie prosedure het belangrike moontlikhede vir die modellering van water-ontginning in die tussenverbouing aan die lig gebring. Die toepassing van 'n spesifieke gewasonderneming, soos tussenverbouing, bring mee dat keuses gemaak moet word tussen die verskeie altematiewe wat tot die boer se beskikking is. Hierdie keuses is beide ekonomies en finansiëel van aard en behels die voorafgaande altematiewe inspanning van hulpbronne. Die konsep van "meer gewas per druppel" behoort paslik "meer kontant per druppel" te word. Water en derhalwe enige vorm van neerslag behoort aan die naasbeste alternatief - in terme van finansiële opbrengs - toegeken te word. Die klein-skaalse boerderysektor, wat die eintlike teiken van hierdie studie is, is reeds tot 'n groot mate ingetrek deur die ekonomiese en finansiële hoofstroom in baie ontwikkelende lande. Die analise vir PUE is gevolglik op finansiële waarde gebaseer. Dit het getoon dat enkelgewas bone die hoogste brutoopbrengste per druppel water (37 ± 6 ZAR ha-1 mm-1 besit - die tussengewas het die tweede hoogste waarde van 32 ± 14 ZAR ha-1 mm-1 gehad, en die enkelgewas mielies 'n waarde van 14 ± 5 ZAR ha-1mm-1. Die verskil tussen enkelgewas bone en die tussenverbouing was nie statisties betekenisvol nie. Ten spyte van die relatief hoër plantbevolking in teenstelling met die ander gewasverbouingstelsels binne die ekotoop , het die tussenverbouin dus geen statistiese verskil in die totale waterverbruik vertoon nie. Terselfdertyd, het dit 'n opbrengsvoordeel bo die enkelgewas komponente vertoon. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat binne soortgelyke ekotope, waar die produksie van graanmielies voorkeur geniet, soos die geval mag wees in meeste klein-skaal se boerderygemeenskappe, dit winsgewend en meer raadsaam sal wees uit 'n voedingsoogpunt om tussenverbouing toe te pas.en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorshipWater Research Fund for Southern Africa (WARFSA)en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectSemi-arid ecotopeen_ZA
dc.subjectTranspiration efficiency coefficienten_ZA
dc.subjectWater extractionen_ZA
dc.subjectRadiation interceptionen_ZA
dc.subjectRadiation use efficiencyen_ZA
dc.subjectSoil evaporationen_ZA
dc.subjectWater useen_ZA
dc.subjectPrecipitation use efficiencyen_ZA
dc.subjectIntercropping -- Kenyaen_ZA
dc.subjectCrops and water -- Kenyaen_ZA
dc.subjectPlant-water relationships -- Kenyaen_ZA
dc.subjectCropping systems -- Kenyaen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Agrometeorology))--University of the Free State, 2003en_ZA
dc.titleComparing the precipitation use efficiency of maize-bean intercropping with sole cropping in a semi-arid ecotopeen_ZA
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