Academic staff performance appraisal system for higher education in Lesotho

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Mpooa, Ts'ebetso Margaret 'M'amokheseng
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University of the Free State
English: The changing social, political, economic and technological environment exerts pressure on governments throughout the world to ensure that higher education institutions are efficient and effective in the delivery of services. The continuing environmental change and, in particular, the financial decline has caused governments to apply stringent financial control measures and to demand higher education institutions to address external and internal demands for efficiency (see 2.2; 3.2.1; and 4.3). Likewise, the Lesotho government ensures that higher education institutions provide efficient services to justify the funds invested in them (see 2.2.2). In recognition of the significant role that a skilled workforce could perform in initiating change, governments - including the Lesotho government - shifted from a confidential to a developmental performance appraisal/management system as a performance control measure with the intention to improve efficiency (see 3.2.2; 4.3; and Table 4.1). This shift from the confidential performance appraisal system was based on the assumption that a holistic, integrated, democratic system would effect a change in staff performance compared to the autocratic system of assessing staff performance (see 3.2.2; Table 4.3; and 4.5.2). The purpose of this study was to determine the type of performance management system used in Lesotho institutions of higher learning and to suggest improvements that would ensure efficient staff performance. The main research question was what system of performance management could bring about efficient academic staff performance in the Lesotho higher education institutions, given the context within which higher education exists. In addressing the main question, this study set out to obtain responses from the Lerotholi Polytechnic (LP), the National Health Training College (NHTC) and the National University of Lesotho (NUL) concerning the following subsidiary questions: the meaning, purpose, principles and objectives of performance management; the existing policies and procedures of performance management; the relation between scholarship and performance management (see 4.2; 4.5.2; and 4.5.3). In addition it required suggestions for the improvement of the existing performance management system (see 8.6). Both a theoretical and a field study were conducted. In the field study, a combination of methods was used, which included a survey descriptive research design adopting both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Quantitative data was collected by means of the self-administered questionnaire. Qualitative data was gathered by means of interviews and focus group discussions. The findings from LP and NHTC with regard to the purpose of performance management revealed that performance management had been instituted to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. The intention was to make these institutions responsive to the demands of the internal and external stakeholders. The purpose of the system in both institutions seems to linger more towards judgement than towards scholarship development, which would result in staff efficiency. Similarly, findings from NUL seem to emphasise punishment and not scholarship development. The findings from NUL with regard to the performance management policy showed that a clear performance management policy did not exist and that preparations were made to introduce an appraisal policy. The staff were evaluated annually based on the point system. The activities of teaching and learning, research and community service are allocated points according to their perceived importance by management. Research is allocated more points, since it is considered to contribute to the improvement of subject content and the methodology of teaching. The findings also reflect that consultancy work contributes to the subject content. But it seemed that the respondents were dissatisfied with the value attached to research, since they had large teaching loads that made it difficult for them to conduct research. In addition, allocated funds were limited to conduct research. Also, the appraisal policy in the three institutions attached more value to research than teaching, yet the latter formed the core of the lecturers’ activities. These findings reflect that for a performance management system to be sustainable, a performance management policy should have clear guidelines to ensure that all forms of scholarship are equally valued and assessed. Based on the afore mentioned findings from the three institutions, it is recommended that the review of the existing performance management system should emphasise promotion of staff efficiency and effectiveness to enable the higher education institutions to respond to the internal and external demands for efficiency. The purpose of the appraisal should be to reflect staff skills and knowledge that need development and also factors that inhibit efficient performance. In all the institutions the recommendation is that the purpose of the performance appraisal system should be to develop staff competencies to enable staff to address knowledge and skill requirements in their contexts. This recommendation is in line with the argument of this thesis namely that for a performance management system to be effective, its purpose must be to develop scholarship. Various recommendations were made to ensure that a performance appraisal system, which supports scholarship development should be in place. The recommendations from both LP and NHTC were that the policy should be clear on the purpose and the procedure of the performance appraisal system. In addition, a policy that emphasises staff development is recommended, since it is not threatening and such a system supports staff to be efficient. With regard to the procedure the recommendation from LP and NHTC was that performance assessment should be based on agreed standards and indicators of performance; that job descriptions be aligned to the mission; the rating of staff should be consistent; and that the grievance procedure should be clear. The recommendations from NUL on procedures of performance management were that the methods and instruments used for collecting evidence on performance should be clearly stipulated; feedback on performance appraisal results should be provided to appraisees; and that the rating of the research and the teaching staff should be consistent. The recommendation from the respondents at LP, NHTC and NUL was that all forms of scholarship should be given equal recognition in appraisal. The institutions should also ensure that the necessary resources to conduct research are available. The respondents from the institutions studied indicated that the success of a developmental, continuous and democratic system of performance appraisal depended on the dynamic leadership that is supportive to change. Recommendations on future research are that research should be conducted on leadership and the management of staff performance in the three institutions studied. Such research is essential, since it will highlight whether the existing type of leadership is conducive for the success of a performance management system. Future research can also be conducted on the interaction between appraiser and appraisee in decisions on the action plans. Interaction promotes involvement in decisions. Without staff involvement in plans and decisions on appraisal, the appraisal system may not be sustainable. In addition, research on the process of appraisal is essential, since the processes determine the success and the continuity of appraisal.
Afrikaans: Die veranderende sosiale, politieke, ekonomiese en tegnologiese omgewing oefen druk uit op regerings dwarsoor die wêreld om te verseker dat hoëronderwysinstellings bekwaam en effektief is wat betref dienslewering. Die voortdurende verandering van omgewing en die finansiële agteruitgang in die besonder het regerings genoop om streng finansiële kontrolemaatreëls toe te pas. Verder is daar van hoëronderwysinstellings verwag om interne en eksterne eise om bekwaamheid hanteer (kyk 2.2; 3.2.1; en 4.3). Op dieselfde wyse verseker die regering van Lesotho dat hoëronderwysinstellings bekwame dienste voorsien om die fondse wat in hulle belê word, te regverdig (kyk 2.2.2). Ter erkenning van die beduidende rol wat ‘n geskoolde arbeidsmag kan verrig om verandering teweeg te bring, het regerings – insluitende die regering van Lesotho – die klem verskuif vanaf ‘n vertroulike tot ‘n ontwikkelende prestasie-evaluerings-/-bestuurstelsel met die oog daarop om bekwaamheid te verhoog (kyk 3.2.2; Tabel 4.3; en 4.5.2). Die verskuiwing vanaf die konfidensiële prestasie-evalueringstelsel is gebaseer op die veronderstelling dat ‘n holistiese, geïntegreerde, demokratiese stelsel ‘n verandering in personeelprestasie sou teweeg bring in teenstelling met die outokratiese stelsel van die evaluering van personeelprestasie (kyk 3.2.2; Tabel 4.3; en 4.5.2). Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal watter soort prestasiebestuurstelsel in Lesotho se hoëronderwysinstellings gebruik word en om verbeteringe aan die hand te doen wat bekwame personeelprestasie sou bevorder. Die hoofnavorsingsvraag was watter soort prestasiebestuurstelsel bekwame akademiese personeelprestasie in Lesotho se hoëronderwysinstellings teweeg kon bring as focusgroepbesprekings die konteks waarin hoër onderwys bestaan, in aanmerking neem. Terwyl die hoofvraag aangespreek is, was die studie daarop gemik om response of antwoorde van die Lerotholi Poytechnic (LP), die National Health Training College (NHTC), en die Nasionale Universiteit van Lesotho (NUL) op die volgende ondergeskikte vrae te verkry: die betekenis, doel, beginsels en oogmerke van prestasiebestuur; die bestaande beleide en prosedures van prestasiebestuur; die verhouding tussen vakkundigheid en prestasiebestuur (kyk 4.2; 4.5.2; en 4.5.3); en om voorstelle te verkry vir die verbetering van die bestaande prestasiebestuurstelsel (kyk 8.6). Beide ‘n teoretiese en ‘n veldstudie is uitgevoer. ‘n Kombinasie van metodes is in die veldstudie gebruik. Dit het ‘n beskrywende navorsingsontwerp ingesluit met beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe tegnieke. Kwantitatiewe data is ingesamel deur midddel van vraelyste wat self hanteer is. Kwalitatiewe data is ingesamel deur middel van onderhoude en fokusgroepbesprekings. Die bevindinge van LP en NHTC met betrekking tot die doel van prestasiebestuur het getoon dat prestasiebestuur ingestel is om bekwaamheid en effektiwiteit te bevorder. Die bedoeling was om hierdie instellings bedag te maak op die eise van die interne en die eksterne belanghebbendes. Die doel van die stelsel in beide instellings blyk meer te neig in die rigting van beoordeling, eerder as in die rigting van die ontwikkeling van vakkundigheid, wat tot personeelontwikkeling sou lei. Op ‘n soortgelyke wyse dui die bevindinge van NUL daarop dat die klem op straf en nie op die ontwikkeling van vakkundigheid val nie. Die bevindinge van NUL met betrekking tot die prestasiebestuursbeleid het getoon dat dat daar nie ‘n duidelike prestasiebestuursbeleid bestaan nie en dat voorbereidings getref is om ‘n evalueringsbeleid bekend te stel. Die personeel is jaarliks beoordeel gebaseer op die puntestelsel. Daar word punte toegeken aan die aktiwiteite van onderrig en leer, navorsing en samelewingsdiens volgens die belangrikheid daarvan uit die bestuursoogpunt gesien. Daar word meer punte aan navorsing toegeken, aangesien die siening is dat dit bydra tot die verbetering van die vakinhoud en die metodologie van onderrig. Dit het egter geblyk dat die respondente ontevrede was met die waarde wat aan navorsing toegeken is, aangesien hulle groot onderrigladings gehad het wat dit moeilik gemaak het vir hulle om navorsing te doen. Verder het die evalueringsbeleid in die drie instellings meer waarde geheg aan navorsing as aan onderrig, maar laasgenoemde het die kern van lektore se aktiwiteite gevorm. Hierdie bevindinge wys daarop dat – vir ‘n prestasiebestuurstelsel om haalbaar te wees – dit duidelike riglyne behoort te hê om te verseker dat alle vorme van vakkundigheid op ‘n gelyke wyse beoordeel word. Gebaseer op bogenoemde bevindinge van die drie instellings, word dit aanbeveel dat die hersiening van die bestaande prestasiebestuurstelsel die bevordering van personeelbekwaamheid en doeltreffendheid moet bevorder om die hoëronderwysinstellings in staat te stel om op die interne en eksterne eise om bekwaamheid te reageer. Die doel van die evaluering behoort te wees om personeelvaardighede en kennis wat ontwikel moet word, asook faktore wat bekwame prestasie inhibeer, te reflekteer. In al die instellings is die aanbeveling dat die doel van die prestasie-evalueringstelsel behoort te wees om personeelvaardighede te ontwikkel om personeel in staat te stel om kennis- en vaardigheidsvereistes in hul kontekste aan te spreek. Hierdie aanbeveling is in lyn met die argument van hierdie proefskrif, naamlik dat – vir ‘n prestasie-evalueringstelsel om suksesvol te wees – die doel daarvan moet wees om vakkundigheid te ontwikkel. Verskeie aanbevelinge is gemaak om te verseker dat ‘n prestasie-evalueringstelsel wat vakkundigheid pndersteun, in plek behoort te wees. Die aanbevelinge van beide LP en NHTC was dat die beleid duidelik behoort te wees wat betref die doel en prosedure van die prestasie-evalueringstelsl. Verder word ‘n beleid wat personeelontwikkeling beklemtoon, aanbeveel, aangesien dit nie as ‘n bedreiging gesien word nie en so ‘n stelsel personeel steun in hul strewe om bekwaam te wees. Wat die prosedure betref, was die aanbeveling van LP en NHTC dat prestasie-evaluering gebaseer behoort te wees op standaarde soos ooreengekom en prestasie-aanduiders; dat posbeskrywings in lyn moet wees met die missie; die evaluering van personeel behoort konsekwent te wees; en dat die grieweprosedure duidelik behoort te wees. Die aanbevelinge van NUL wat betref die prosedures van prestasiebestuur was dat die metodes en instrumente wat gebruik word om getuienis in te win en prestasie te bepaal, duidelik uiteengesit behoort te wees; dat terugvoering betreffende prestasie-evalueringsresultate aan geëvalueerdes voorsien behoort te word; en dat die evaluering van die navorsings- en die onderrigpersoneel konsekwent behoort te wees. Die aanbeveling van die respondente van LP, NHTC en NUL was dat alle vorme van vakkundigheid gelyke erkenning behoort te geniet tydens evaluering. Die instellings behoort ook te verseker dat die nodige bronne en hulpmiddele om navorsing te doen, beskikbaar is. Die respondente van al die instellings wat bestudeer is, het aangedui dat die sukses van ‘n ontwikkelende, volgehoue en demokratiese stelsel van prestasie-evaluering van dinamiese leierskap wat verandering ondersteun, afhang. Aanbevelinge rakende toekomstige navorsing is dat navorsing oor leierskap en die bestuur van personeelprestasie aan die drie instellings wat bestudeer is, gedoen behoort te word. Sodanige navorsing is essensieel, aangesien dit sal aandui of die bestaande soort leierskap bevorderlik vir die sukses van ‘n prestasiebestuurstelsel is. Toekomstige navorsing kan ook geskied rakende die interaksie tussen die evalueerder en die geëvalueerde ten opsigte van besluite oor aksieplanne. Interaksie bevorder betrokkenheid by besluite. Sonder personeelbetrokkenheid by planne en besluite oor die evalueringstelsel, is dit moontlik dat die evalueringstelsel nie volhoubaar mag wees nie. Verder is navorsing oor die evalueringsproses noodsaaklik, aangesien die prosesse die sukses met die oog op die voortdurendheid van evaluering bepaal.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Higher Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2004, Performance management system, Performance appraisal system, Staff efficiency and effectiveness, Scholarship, Teaching and learning, Community service, Internal stakeholders, External stakeholders, Qualitative and quantitative techniques, Staff competencies, Recommendations