Encapsulation of selected metallated phthalocyanines in aluminium aminoterephthalate framework, NH₂-MIL-101(Al), with heterogeneous catalytic and hydrogen storage applications

dc.contributor.advisorLangner, E. H. G.
dc.contributor.authorPeens, Frederick Hermanus
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The amine-functionalised metal organic framework (MOF), NH2-MIL-101(Al) was successfully synthesised and optimised with a benchtop method. A newly developed activation method to evacuate the pores of the MOF, achieved a larger BET surface area (3192 ± 57 m2g-1) than those currently reported in literature. 2(3),9(10),16(17),23(24)-Tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine (2HPctBu4) was successfully synthesised by either the lithium method or the hydroquinone method. The latter was superior since it is a solventfree synthesis, with a 60% higher yield than the lithium method. Successful metallation of 2HPctBu4 with the acetate salts of Zn2+ and Ni2+, gave single Q-bands at ~670 nm during UV-Vis absorbance measurements, while double Q-band maxima were observed at 660 nm and 690 nm for the metal-free 2HPctBu4. Four tetracarboxymetallophthalocyanines (MPc(COOH)4) with Zn2+; Fe3+; Co2+ or Ni2+ as central metal cations were synthesised in a two-step cyclotetramerisation method. Their aggregation behaviour was determined by UV-Vis spectroscopy. For concentrations up to 180 μM, only NiPc(COOH)4 showed aggregation from 5 μM, whereas ZnPc(COOH)4, FeClPc(COOH)4 and CoPc(COOH)4 showed little to no aggregation. Two different methods were used to encapsulate the MPcs in the pores of NH2-MIL-101(Al): templating, as well as customised solution phase infiltration. In both procedures MPctBu4 was encapsulated by the MOF via physical interaction, while all MPc(COOH)4 derivatives could covalently bind to the NH2-MIL-101(Al) structure via amide bonds. Encapsulation in the pores of the MOF would eliminate aggregation of the MPc molecules. DRS-UV-Vis showed that solution phase infiltration led to a higher loading of MPc in the MOF than when templating was used. This correlated with ASAP and PXRD results showing that all solution phase infiltration products, except for NiPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL-101(Al), had smaller BET surface areas (between 244 cm3g-1 and 89 cm3g-1) due to their high loadings of MPcs. Hydrogen storage capacities of CoPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL-101(Al) and NiPc(COOH)3-CONH MIL- 101(Al) were measured as 0.47 wt% (at 16 bar) and 1.5 wt% (at 128 bar) respectively. A trial test showed that CoPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL-101(Al) catalysed the photo-oxidation of ciscyclooctene to cis-cyclooct-2-enol with a 5% conversion. For both MPctBu4 derivatives, liquid state cyclic voltammetry showed four Pc ring-based redox processes in DCM. With MPc(COOH)4 derivatives in DMSO , three redox couples were observed. For the Co2+-containing MPc, two metal-based redox processes (E°′ = -738 mV and -289 mV vs. ferrocene) and for the Fe3+-containing MPc, only one metal-based couple (E°′ = -88 mV vs. ferrocene) was observed. With solid state cyclic voltammetry of all MOF-encapsulated MPcs only one redox couple (near 200 mV vs. ferrocene) was detected, with the exception of ZnPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL-101(Al) which gave an additional redox couple (E°′ = 1158 mV vs. ferrocene) and with NiPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL- 101(Al) two additional couples (E°′ = 1146 mV and 1383 mV vs. ferrocene) were present. These processes were mostly electrochemically and chemically irreversible, but showed that the MOF’s matrix had a conductive effect on the flow of electrons during oxidation and reduction of the encapsulated MPcs.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die amien-gefunksionaliseerde metaal organiese netwerk (MOF), NH2-MIL-101(Al) is suksesvol gesintetiseer en geoptimiseer met die gebruik van ‘n werksbankmetode. ‘n Nuutontwerpte aktiveringsmetode om die porieë van die MOF te evakueer, het ‘n groter BET oppervlakarea (3192 ± 57 m2g-1) gegee as dié wat tans in die literatuur gerapporteer word. 2(3),9(10),16(17),23(24)-Tetra-tert-butielftalosianien (2HPctBu4) is suksesvol gesintetiseer deur die litiummetode of die hidrokinoon metode. Die laaste is ‘n beter metode omdat dit ‘n oplosmiddelvrye sintese is, en ‘n 60% hoër opbrengs as die litiummetode gegee het. Suksesvolle metallering van 2HPctBu4 met die asetaatsoute van Zn2+ en Ni2+ het enkel Q-bande gegee by ~670 nm gedurende UV-Sigbare (UV-Vis) absorpsiemetings, terwyl dubbel Q-band maksima by 660 nm en 690 nm vir die metaalvrye 2HPctBu4 waargeneem is. Vier tetrakarboksiemetalloftalosianiene (MPc(COOH)4) met Zn2+; Fe3+; Co2+ of Ni2+ as metaalsenters is gesintetiseer in ‘n twee-stap siklotetramerisasiemetode. Hulle aggregasiegedrag is met UV-Vis spektroskopie bepaal. Vir konsentrasies tot en met 180 μM het slegs NiPc(COOH)4 aggregasie getoon vanaf 5 μM, terwyl ZnPc(COOH)4, FeClPc(COOH)4 en CoPc(COOH)4 min tot geen aggregasie getoon het nie. Twee verskillende metodes is gebruik om die MPcs in die porieë van NH2-MIL-101(Al) vas te vang: templatering, sowel as ‘n aangepasde vloeistoffase infiltrasiemetode. In beide prosedures is MPctBu4 deur die MOF omsluit via fisiese interaksie, terwyl alle MPc(COOH)4 derivate kovalent aan die NH2-MIL-101(Al) struktuur gebind kon word via amiedbindings. Omsluiting deur die porieë van die MOF kan aggregasie van die MPc molekule uitskakel. DRS-UV-Vis het getoon dat die vloeistof-fase infiltrasiemetode tot ‘n hoër lading van MPc in die MOF gelei het, in vergelyking met templatering. Dit stem ooreen met ASAP en PXRD resultate wat gewys het dat alle vloeistof-fase infiltrasieprodukte, behalwe NiPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL-101(Al), kleiner BET oppervlaktes (tussen 244 cm3g-1 and 89 cm3g-1) het, weens hulle hoë MPc ladings. Waterstofbergingskapasiteite van CoPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL-101(Al) en NiPc(COOH)3-CONHMIL- 101(Al) is gemeet as 0.47 m% (by 16 bar) en 1.5 m% (by 128 bar) onderskeidelik. ‘n Proefeksperiment het getoon dat CoPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL-101(Al) die foto-oksidasie van cis-sikloökteen na cis-sikloökt-2-enol met ‘n 5% omskakeling gekataliseer het. Vir beide MPctBu4 derivate het vloeistoffase sikliese voltammetrie in DCM vier Pc-ringgebaseerde redoksprosesse getoon. Vir die MPc(COOH)4 derivate is drie redokskoppels in DMSO waargeneem. Vir die Co2+-bevattende MPc is twee metaalgebaseerde redoksprosesse (E°′ = -738 mV en -289 mV vs. ferroseen) en vir die Fe3+-bevattende MPc slegs een metaalgebaseerde koppel (E°′ = -88 mV vs. ferroseen) waargeneem. Met vastetoestand sikliese voltammetrie van alle MPc-bevattende MOFs is slegs een redokskoppel (naby 200 mV vs. ferroseen) waargeneem, met die uitsondering van ZnPc(COOH)3-CONH-MIL- 101(Al) wat nog ‘n redokskoppeling getoon het (E°′ = 1158 mV vs. ferroseen), asook NiPc(COOH)3- CONH-MIL-101(Al) wat twee bykomende redokskoppelings (E°′ = 1146 mV en 1383 mV vs. ferroseen) getoon het. Hierdie prosesse was meestal elektrochemies asook chemies onomkeerbaar, maar het getoon dat die MOF se matriks ‘n geleidende effek het op die vloei van elektrone tydens oksidasie en reduksie van die vasgevangde MPcs.af
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Research Foundation (NRF)en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectMetal organic frameworken_ZA
dc.subjectBenchtop methoden_ZA
dc.subjectAmide bondsen_ZA
dc.subjectHydrogen storageen_ZA
dc.subjectSolid stateen_ZA
dc.subjectCyclic voltammetryen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2017en_ZA
dc.titleEncapsulation of selected metallated phthalocyanines in aluminium aminoterephthalate framework, NH₂-MIL-101(Al), with heterogeneous catalytic and hydrogen storage applicationsen_ZA
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