Travel motives of visitors attending Oppikoppi Music Festival

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Kruger, Martinette
Saayman, Melville
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University of the Free State
English: Oppikoppi Music Festival is a festival with a difference: its theme is primarily rock music marketed predominantly to students. The researchers sought to determine the travel motives of visitors to this Festival by means of a questionnaire survey (N=261). After data capturing was completed, a factor analysis was conducted. The latter revealed six factors, namely “group togetherness”, “escape”, “cultural exploration”, “event novelty/regression”, “unexpectedness” and “known group socialisation”. The research confirmed “group togetherness” as the main motive but also reveals a new motive, namely “unexpectedness”. The research also confirms that different festivals feed off different motives. The results are useful to the event manager and marketers in developing their marketing strategy.
Afrikaans: Die Oppikoppi Musiekfees is ’n fees met ’n verskil: die tema is hoofsaaklik rockmusiek wat op studente gemik is. Die navorsers wou die reismotiewe van besoekers aan dié Musiekfees bepaal deur middel van ’n vraelysopname (N=261). Na die datavaslegging is ’n faktoranalise uitgevoer. Laasgenoemde het ses faktore onthul, naamlik “groepsamehorigheid”, “ontvluging”, “kulturele verkenning”, “gebeurtenisnuutheid/-regressie”, “onverwagtheid” en “bekende groepsosialisering”. Die navorsing het “groepsamehorigheid” as die hoof motief bevestig, maar het ook “onverwagtheid” as ’n nuwe motief onthul. Die navorsing het ook bevestig dat verskillende feeste deur verskillende motiewe gestimuleer word. Die resultate is bruikbaar vir die gebeurtenisbestuurder en bemarkers in die ontwikkeling van hul bemarkingstrategie.
Oppikoppi Music Festival, Rock festival, Travel motives of visitors, Group togetherness, Visitors’ motivations
Kruger, M., & Saayman, M. (2009). Travel motives of visitors attending Oppikoppi Music Festival. Acta Academica, 41(4), 56-73.