Middle management and instructional leadership: a case study of natural sciences’ heads of department in the Gauteng Province

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Malinga, Cynthia Baxolile Balamlile
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University of the Free State
Abstract in other languages 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘈𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘢𝘯𝘴, 𝘚𝘦𝘚𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐𝘴𝘪𝘡𝘶𝘭𝘶
𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 Natural Sciences (NS) Heads of Department (HODs) in schools often find themselves in the middle, shuttling between a role in the management of the school and another as ordinary classroom teachers. This is in addition to their role as subject leaders, a role which is made even more complex by the fact that NS is a conglomerate subject which brings together at least four science disciplines, each with its own disciplinary culture and expectations. Leading such a multidisciplinary subject department requires, among others, competence in each of the sub-disciplines and how to teach them effectively together with the ability to provide support and guidance to other members of the department by setting and monitoring standards of performance in the classrooms. This is a tall order for many HODs under the best of circumstances. The history of under-privilege in many South African schools and the relatively weak subject matter competence among many of the science teachers and HODs makes this even more complicated. How do NS HODs in South Africa negotiate their roles as middle managers to provide effective instructional leadership in their subject departments? Furthermore, what is their capacity to provide such subject leadership and how can it be enhanced? The study uses a mixed methods research approach with questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and observation of subject department meetings as data sources to understand the realities of providing subject leadership for NS in selected schools within the Gauteng province of South Africa. The findings are reported in five articles that address different research questions. The first article explores the ways in which HODs in South Africa provide instructional leadership for NS specifically. The second article examines the nature and quality of support and guidance that the HODs receive from their principals and the subject advisors in respect of the multidimensional roles as subject leaders and middle managers. The third article provides a comparative perspective of instructional leadership for NS among six formerly segregated schools in the Gauteng province. The fourth article examines the perceptions of the NS teachers on the quality of instructional leadership provided by the science HODs. The final article discusses the issue of “capacity to lead” and examines the possibilities and opportunities for enhancing the capacities of the NS HODs. The first set of findings suggests that most science HODs do not teach NS and/or do not have the instructional experience needed for all the sub-disciplines under their leadership. Some are not adequately qualified to teach NS at all and/or do not have the subject matter competency, the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), or the professional credibility to lead NS instruction. As a result, they often resort to monitoring instruction through desk-top reviews of teachers’ and students’ work rather than conduct any meaningful classroom observations or spend time discussing curriculum issues with the teachers. This limits their capacity to provide effective instructional leadership. The second set of findings have to do with the conglomerate arrangement of the science departments in the schools, which makes it difficult for science HODs to focus attention on NS relative to the other subjects in the mix. As a result, the NS teachers feel marginalised and are overshadowed by the senior secondary subject teachers, whose subjects receive more attention because of their prominence in the Grade 12 national examinations. The third set of findings uncovered the rather weak position of the science HODs as middle managers within the overall leadership hierarchy of the school. By virtue of their position within the school leadership hierarchy, the science HODs do not have much of a say on who gets allocated to teach NS, how the subjects are grouped within the science departments and how time is allocated and/or protected for subject meetings and professional development of teachers. The fourth set of findings unpack the observation that subject advisors and other district support officials often choose to work directly with the NS teachers in providing professional development and/or curriculum support on the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) with no similar support for the HODs specifically. While the HODs benefit from such support by the district, the benefits relate more to their roles as teachers rather than as subject leaders. The final set of findings show that neither the school leadership teams nor the district offices engage in any periodic reviews of the school-based subject leadership structures and practices to determine their effectiveness, thereby limiting the possibilities and opportunities for enhancement of subject leadership at the school level. The study concludes with a discussion of the complexities of leading NS departments within the current school contexts and configurations. Firstly, the requirements for multi-disciplinary expertise and competency in all of them represent a tall order for many HODs. Secondly, the current allocation of NS teachers by school leaders does not carefully consider their specialisation and that of the HODs who are expected to provide support for improved instruction. Thirdly, the success of the science HODs in supporting instruction depends on how the school arranges its systems and infrastructure to support instruction and its improvement in each subject. Lastly, the capacity of science HODs to provide effective instruction leadership is compromised by their middle management position, which provides neither the time and resources nor the required authority for such subject leadership. The study recommends a review of the structures and practices for subject leadership in schools in order to provide the time, resources and authority for HODs to improve their capacity to lead. School leaders and district officers need to re-examine their criteria and processes for allocation of both the NS teachers and the HODs in order to foster subject competence and better leadership. Furthermore, subject specific training and support in the NS sub-disciplines, especially the physical sciences strands, is required for science teachers and their HODs. Finally, the relationship between HODs and subject advisors needs to be strengthened by forming a professional learning community (PLC) for these subject leaders in order to enhance the capacity to lead NS in schools. ___________________________________________________________________
𝑨𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒂𝒏𝒔 Die departementshoofde (DH’s) van Natuurwetenskappe (NW) in skole word dikwels in die middel vasgevang en moet wissel tussen hul rol in die bestuur van die skool en hul rol as ’n gewone klasonderwyser. Dit is bykomend tot hul rol as vakleiers, ’n rol wat nog meer ingewikkeld gemaak word weens die feit dat NW ’n saamgestelde vak is wat ten minste vier wetenskaplike dissiplines saamvoeg, elk met sy eie dissiplinêre kultuur en verwagtinge. Om so ’n multi-dissiplinêre vak te lei, vereis onder meer vaardigheid in elk van die sub-dissiplines en in hoe om hulle effektief aan te bied, tesame met die vermoë om ondersteuning en begeleiding aan ander departementslede te verskaf deur standaarde van prestasie in die klaskamer op te stel en te monitor. Dit is ’n strawwe opdrag vir baie DH’s, selfs onder ideale omstandighede. Die geskiedenis van onder-bevoorregting in baie Suid-Afrikaanse skole en die relatief swak vaardigheid in die vakinhoud onder talle wetenskaponderwysers en DH’s, maak dit selfs nog meer ingewikkeld. Hoe kan DH’s in NW in Suid-Afrika hul rolle as middelbestuurders uitvoer om effektiewe onderrigleierskap in hul vakdepartemente te verskaf? Wat is hul kapasiteit om sulke vakleierskap te verskaf en hoe kan dit verbeter word? Die studie gebruik ’n navorsingsbenadering van gemengde metodes, met vraelyste, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en observasie van vakdepartementsvergaderings as databronne, om sodoende die realiteite van die verskaffing van vakleierskap vir NW in geselekteerde skole binne die provinsie van Gauteng in Suid-Afrika te verstaan. Die bevindings word weergegee in vyf artikels wat verskillende navorsingsvrae aanspreek. Die eerste artikel verken die maniere waarop DH’s in Suid-Afrika onderrigleierskap vir spesifiek NW verskaf. Die tweede artikel ondersoek die aard en gehalte van ondersteuning en begeleiding wat die DH’s van hul skoolhoofde en die vakadviseurs ontvang ten opsigte van die multidimensionele rolle as vakleiers en middelbestuurders. Die derde artikel verskaf ’n vergelykende perspektief van onderrigleierskap vir NW onder ses voormalig afgeskeide skole in die provinsie van Gauteng. Die vierde artikel ondersoek die persepsies van die NW-onderwysers oor die gehalte van onderrigleierskap wat deur die wetenskap-DH’s verskaf word. Die laaste artikel bespreek die kwessie van “kapasiteit om te lei” en ondersoek die moontlikhede en geleenthede vir versterking van die DH’s in NW se kapasiteite. Die eerste stel bevindings suggereer dat die meeste wetenskap-DH’s nie NW aanbied nie en/of nie oor die onderrigervaring wat vir al die sub-dissiplines onder hul leierskap nodig is, beskik nie. Sommige is nie gekwalifiseerd om NW aan te bied nie en/of het nie vaardigheid in die vak, die Pedagogiese Inhoudkennis (PIK) of die professionele geloofwaardigheid om NW-onderrig te lei nie. As gevolg hiervan maak hulle dikwels staat op lessenaaroorsigte van onderwysers en studente se werk om onderrig te monitor, eerder as sinvolle klaskamerobservasie en bespreking van kurrikulumkwessies met die onderwysers. Dit beperk hul kapasiteit om effektiewe onderrigleierskap te verskaf. Die tweede stel bevindings het te make met die saamgestelde rangskikking van die wetenskapdepartemente in die skole, wat dit moeilik maak vir wetenskap-DH’s om aandag op NW relatief tot die ander betrokke vakke te fokus. As gevolg hiervan voel NW-onderwysers gemarginaliseerd en oorskadu deur die senior vakonderwysers, wie se vakke meer aandag kry vanweë hul prominensie in die nasionale eksamens in graad 12. Die derde stel bevindings werp lig op die ietwat swak posisie van die wetenskap-DH’s as middelbestuurders binne die algehele leierskapshierargie van die skool. Weens hul posisie binne die skoolleierskapshierargie het die wetenskap-DH’s nie veel insette oor wie aangewys word om NW aan te bied, hoe die vakke binne die wetenskapdepartemente gegroepeer word en hoe tyd toegewys en/of beskerm word vir vakvergaderings en professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers nie. Die vierde stel bevindings gee ’n uiteensetting van die waarneming dat vakadviseurs en ander distriksbeamptes dikwels verkies om direk met die NW-onderwysers te werk wat betref die verskaffing van professionele ontwikkeling- en/of kurrikulumondersteuning ten opsigte van die nuwe Kurrikulum- en assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV), met geen soortgelyke ondersteuning vir spesifiek die DH’s nie. Terwyl die DH’s voordeel trek uit sulke ondersteuning deur die distrik, hou die voordele groter verband met hul rolle as onderwysers eerder as vakleiers. Die laaste stel bevindings wys dat gereelde hersiening van die skoolgebaseerde vakleierskapstrukture en praktykte om hul doeltreffendheid vas te stel, nie deur die skoolleierskap of die distrikskantore gedoen word nie, wat die moontlikhede en geleenthede vir die verbetering van vakleierskap op die skoolvlak beperk. Die studie sluit af met ’n bespreking van die kompleksiteite van leierskap binne NW-departemente binne die huidige skoolkontekste en -groeperings. Eerstens is dit ’n strawwe opdrag vir talle DH’s om aan die vereistes vir multi-dissiplinêre kundigheid en vaardigheid te voldoen. Tweedens toon die huidige aanwysing van NW-onderwysers deur skoolleiers nie versigtige oorweging van hul spesialisasie nie en ook nie van die spesialisasie van die DH’s waarvan verwag word om ondersteuning vir verbeterde onderrig te verskaf nie. Derdens hang die sukses van die wetenskap-DH’s wat onderrigondersteuning betref af van hoe die skool sy stelsels en infrastruktuur rangskik om onderrig en die verbetering daarvan in elke vak te ondersteun. Laastens word die vermoë van wetenskap-DH’s om effektiewe leierskap te verskaf in die wiele gery deur hul posisie as middelbestuur, wat nie voorsiening maak vir die tyd en hulpbronne of die nodige gesag vir sulke vakleierskap nie. Die studie beveel ’n hersiening aan van die strukture en praktyke vir vakleierskap in skole om sodoende die tyd, hulpbronne en gesag wat DH’s benodig om hul leierskapkapasiteit te verbeter, te verskaf. Skoolleiers en distriksbeamptes moet hul kriteria en prosesse vir die aanwysing van NW-onderwysers en die DH’s weer bekyk om sodoende vakvaardigheid en beter leierskap te bevorder. Verder is vakspesifieke opleiding en ondersteuning in die NW-dissiplines, veral in fisiese wetenskappe, nodig vir wetenskaponderwysers en hul DH’s. Laastens moet die verhouding tussen DH’s en vakadviseurs versterk word deur ’n professionele leergemeenskap (PLG) vir hierdie vakleiers te vorm, om sodoende die kapasiteit om NW in skole te begelei, te versterk. ___________________________________________________________________
𝑺𝒆𝑺𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐 Dihlooho tsa Mafapha a Mahlale a Tlhaho dikolong hangata ba iphumana ba le bohareng, ke ho re, ba sebetsana le seabo sa ho ba balaodi ba sekolo empa ka lehlakore le leng e le matitjhere ka phaposing ya borutelo. Hona ke keketso ho seabo sa bona sa ho ba baetapele ba thuto e itseng. Seabo sena se bakelwa bothata hape ke lebaka la hobane Mahlale a Tlhaho ke thuto e tswakatswakaneng e kopanyang bonyane dithuto tse nne tsa Saense, mme e nngwe le e nngwe e na le moetlo wa yona wa thuto le ditebello tsa yona. Ho etella pele lefapha la dithuto tse ngata tse hokahaneng jwalo ho batla hore hara tse ding ho be le tsebo e phethahetseng ho e nngwe le e nngwe ya dithuto tsena le kamoo o ka e rutang ka tshwanelo ka teng hammoho le bokgoni ba ho tshehetsa le ho tataisa ditho tse ding tsa lefapha ka ho ba behela mohlala le ho lekola maemo a bona a phethahatso kapa mosebetsi ka phaposing ya borutelo. Ona ke mosebetsi o boima haholo ho ba bangata bao e leng dihlooho tsa mafapha maemong a mangata a fapaneng. Nalane ya ho hloka menyetla dikolong tse ngata tsa Afrika Borwa esita le boitsebelo bo fokolang ho matitjhere a mangata a Saense le dihlooho tsa mafapha ho etsa hore hona ho thatafale le ho feta. Batho bao e leng dihlooho tsa mafapha a Mahlale a Tlhaho mona Afrika Borwa ba kgona jwang ho phetha mosebetsi wa bona wa ho ba balaodi ba bohareng bakeng sa ho tataisa ka tsa boetapele bo hlwahlwa ka hara mafapha a thuto tsa bona? Ho feta mona, bokgoni ba bona ke bofe ba ho tataisa ka tsa boetapele ba thuto e itseng mme bo ka atiswa jwang? Diphuputso tsena di sebedisa katamelo ya mekgwa ya diphuputso e kopaneng, hammoho le manane a dipotso, dipuisano tse hlophisitsweng le dikopano tsa mafapha a dithuto ka ho fapana e le mehlodi ya dintlha tsa thuto ho utlwisisa boleng ba ho phetha boetapele ba thuto bakeng sa Mahlale a Tlhaho dikolong tse kgethilweng ka hare ho provense ya Gauteng mona Afrika Borwa. Diphihlello di hlahisitswe diatikeleng tse hlano tse buang ka dipotso tsa diphuputso tse fapaneng. Atikele ya pele e batlisisa mekgwa eo Dihlooho tsa Mafapha mona Afrika Borwa di tataisang ka tsa boetapele ba ho ruta bakeng sa Mahlale a Tlhaho ka ho qolleha. Atikele ya bobedi e hlahloba semelo le boleng ba tshehetso le tataiso tseo Dihlooho tsa Mafapha di a fumanang ho tswa ho dihlooho tsa dikolo le baeletsi ba dithuto ho ya ka diabo tse fapaneng jwaloka baetapele ba dithuto le balaodi ba bohareng. Atikele ya boraro e bontsha papiso ya boetapele ba thuto bakeng sa Mahlale a Tlhaho hara dikolo tse tsheletseng tse neng di sa fuwa menyetla mona provenseng ya Gauteng. Atikele ya bone e hlahloba kutlwisiso ya matitjhere a Mahlale a Tlhaho bakeng sa boleng ba boetapele ba thuto ka Dihlooho tsa Mafapha a Saense. Atikele ya ho qetela e qoqa ka taba ya “bokgoni ba ho etella pele” mme e hlahloba kgonahalo le menyetla ya ho eketsa bokgoni ba Dihlooho tsa Mafapha a Mahlale a Tlhaho. Sete ya pele ya diphihlello e sisinya hore Dihlooho tse ngata tsa Mafapha ha di rute Mahlale a Tlhaho le/kapa ha di na boiphihlelo ba ho ruta tse hlokehang ho ruta dithuto tse ngata tse okametsweng ke bona, ke ho re, tlasa boetapele ba bona. Ba bang ha ba na bokgoni bo lekaneng le ditshwanelo tsa ho ruta Mahlale a Tlhaho ho hang le/kapa ha ba na bokgoni ba boitsebelo ba dikateng tsa thuto, Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), kapa kgodiso ya seprofeshenale ya ho ka etella pele le ho ruta Mahlale a Tlhaho. Ka lebaka lena, ba ruta ka ho sebedisa dikhomphutha le ditekolobotjha tsa mosebetsi wa matitjhere le baithuti ho na le ho ruta ka ho otloloha ka hara phaposi ya borutelo kapa ho nka nako ka ho buisana ka ditaba tsa kharikhulamo le matitjhere. Hona ho fokotsa menyetla kapa bokgoni ba bona ba ho tataisa kapa hona ho ruta. Sete ya bobedi ya diphihlello e tobane le tlhophiso e tswakatswakaneng ya mafapha a Saense dikolong, e leng ho thatafatsang hore Dihlooho tsa Mafapha a Mahlale di tobane le Mahlale a Tlhaho ho amana le dithuto tse ding. Ka lebaka leo, Matitjhere a Mahlale a Tlhaho a ikutlwa a kgetholotswe a bile a okametswe ke matitjhere a sekondari a dithuto tse itseng mme dithuto tseo tsa bona di tsotellwa haholo ka lebaka la ho tsebahala ha tsona ditlhahlobong tsa Kereiti ya 12. Sete ya boraro ya diphihlello e sibolotse boemo bo fokolang ba Dihlooho tsa Mafapha a Saense le balaodi ba bohareng ho boetapele bohle ba tatelano ya maemo sekolong. Ho ya ka maemo a bona ho boetapele ba sekolo, dihlooho tsa mafapha a Saense ha di na puo bakeng sa hore ke mang ya abelwang ho ruta Mahlale a Tlhaho, kamoo dithuto di hlophisitsweng ka teng ka hara mafapha a Saense le kamoo nako e arolwang ka teng le/kapa ho ballwa dikopano tsa dithuto le ntshetsopele ya mosebetsi wa matitjhere. . Sete ya bone ya diphihlello e hlakisa temoho ya hore baeletsi ba dithuto le bahlanka ba tshehetso ba setereke hangata ba kgetha ho sebetsa ka ho otloloha hammoho le matitjhere a Mahlale a Tlhaho ho fana ka ntshetsopele ya seprofeshenale le/kapa tshehetso ya kharikhulamo ho Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) e se nang tshehetso e jwalo bakeng sa dihlooho tsa mafapha ka ho ikgetha. Le hoja dihlooho tsa mafapha di na le monyetla bakeng sa tshehetso eo e jwalo ya setereke, menyetla ena e amana haholo le seabo sa bona jwaloka matitjhere ho na le bona jwaloka baetapele ba dithuto. Sete ya ho qetela ya diphihlello e bontsha hore ha se dihlopha tsa boetapele ba sekolo kapa diofisi tsa setereke tse ikakgelang ka setotswana esita le ditekolobotjha tsa nako le nako tsa dipopeho tsa boetapele ba dithuto tsa sekolo le mesebetsi tse hlakisang bohlwahlwa ba tsona, mme ka hona di fokotsa bokgoni le menyetla bakeng sa boetapele ba thuto e itseng boemong ba sekolo. Diphuputso tsena di qetella ka dipuisano tsa mathata a ho etella pele mafapha a Mahlale a Tlhaho ka hara maemo a sekolo le tikoloho ya sona. Tabeng ya pele, ditshwanelo tsa boitsebelo bo tswakatswakaneng le boqhetseke ho tsena tsohle bo bontsha taelo e boima bakeng sa dihlooho tse ngata tsa mafapha. Tabeng ya bobedi, kabo ya jwale ya matitjhere a Mahlale a Tlhaho ka baetapele ba sekolo ha e hlile ha e tadime ka tshwanelo tsebo ya bona e ikgethileng ya ho ruta thuto e ikgethileng esita le ba dihlooho tsa mafapha tse lebeletsweng ho tshehetsa bakeng sa ho ruta ho ntlafetseng. Tabeng ya boraro, katleho ya dihlooho tsa mafapha a Saense bakeng sa ho tshehetsa bokgoni ba ho ruta e itshetlehile kamoo sekolo se hlophisang tshebetso ya sona le disebediswa e le ho thusa le ho tshehetsa ho ruta thuto ka nngwe. Ya ho qetela, bokgoni ba dihlooho tsa mafapha a Saense bakeng sa ho fana ka boetapele bo hlwahlwa ba ho ruta di swetswa ke boemo bona ba bona ba bohareng bo sa faneng ka nako le mehlodi kapa bona bolaodi bo tshwanelehang bakeng sa boetapele ba thuto e jwalo. Diphuputso di kgothaletsa tekolobotjha ya dipopeho le mesebetsi bakeng sa boetapele dikolong e le ho fana ka nako, mehlodi le bolaodi bakeng sa dihlooho tsa mafapha ho ntlafatsa bokgoni ba bona ba ho etella pele. Baetapele ba sekolo le bahlanka ba setereke ba lokela ho hlahlobisa mekgwa le tshebetso ya bona bakeng sa ho aba matitjhere a Mahlale a Tlhaho le dihlooho tsa mafapha e le ho latella hore ho be le tsebo ya boipabolo ya thuto esita le boetapele bo betere. Ho feta mona, kwetliso bakeng sa thuto e ikgethileng le tshehetso ya dithuto tsa Mahlale a Tlhaho, haholoholo tsa physical science, e a hlokeha bakeng sa matitjhere a Saense le dihlooho tsa bona tsa mafapha. Qetellong, kamano pakeng tsa dihlooho tsa mafapha le baeletsi ba dithuto e lokela ho matlafatswa ka ho theha setjhaba se balang sa profeshenale (PLC) bakeng sa baetapele bana ba dithuto e le ho eketsa bokgoni ba ho etella pele Mahlale a Tlhaho dikolong. ___________________________________________________________________
𝑰𝒔𝒊𝒁𝒖𝒍𝒖 IziNhloko zeMinyango yezeSayensi yezeMvelo (SM) ezikoleni zivame ukuzithola ziphakathi, zishintshashintsha phakathi kweqhaza ekuphathweni kwesikole nanjengothisha abajwayelekile basekilasini. Lokhu kungaphezu kweqhaza labo njengabaholi bezifundo, indima eyenziwe yaba nzima nakakhulu ukuthi i-SM iyisifundo esihlangene esihlanganisa okungenani imikhakha yesayensi emine, ngayinye inamasiko ayo okusebenza kanye nalokho okulindelweyo. Ukuhola lo mnyango wezifundo ezixubile kudinga, phakathi kokunye, ikhono kumkhakha ngamunye kanye nendlela yokufundisa ngempumelelo kanye nekhono lokunikeza ukwesekwa nokuqondisa kwamanye amalungu omnyango ngokubeka nokuqapha amazinga okusebenza emakilasini. Lokhu okulindelekile kude kakhulu kubaPhathi bemiNyango (PN) abaningi ngaphansi kwezimo ezinhle kakhulu. Umlando wokuntula kwamathuba ezikoleni eziningi zaseNingizimu Afrikha kanye nekhono lezifundo elintekenteke phakathi kothisha abaningi besayensi kanye nama-PN kwenza lokhu kube nzima nakakhulu. Ngabe ama-SM PN eNingizimu Afrikha axoxisana kanjani ngeqhaza lawo njengabaphathi abaphakathi ukuze banikeze ubuholi obusebenzayo bokufundisa eminyangweni yezifundo zabo? Ngaphezu kwalokho, angakanani amandla abo okunikeza ubuholi obunjalo besifundo futhi bungathuthukiswa kanjani? Lolu cwaningo lusebenzisa izindlela ezixubile zocwaningo olunamaphepha emibuzo, izingxoxo ezingahleliwe kanye nokubheka imihlangano yomnyango wezifundo njengemithombo yedatha ukuze kuqondwe amaqiniso okuhlinzeka ngobuholi bezifundo ku-SM ezikoleni ezikhethiwe ngaphakathi kwesifundazwe saseGauteng eNingizimu Afrikha. Okutholakele kubikwe ezihlokweni ezinhlanu eziphendula imibuzo yocwaningo eyahlukene. I-athikili yokuqala ibheka izindlela ama-PN eNingizimu Afrikha ahlinzeka ngazo ubuholi bokufundisa ku-SM ngokuqondile. I-athikili yesibili ihlola uhlobo nekhwalithi yokusekelwa nesiqondiso ama-PN ayitholayo kothishanhloko bawo kanye nabeluleki bezifundo maqondana neqhaza lezigaba eziningi njengabaholi bezifundo nabaphathi abaphakathi. Isihloko sesithathu sinikeza umbono wokuqhathanisa wobuholi bokufundisa be-SM phakathi kwezikole eziyisithupha ezazihlukanisiwe ngaphambili esifundazweni saseGauteng. I-athikili yesine ihlola imibono yothisha be-SM ngekhwalithi yobuholi bokufundisa obuhlinzekwa yi-PN yesayensi. Isihloko sokugcina sidingida udaba “lwekhono lokuhola” futhi sihlola amathuba namathuba okuthuthukisa amakhono ama-SM PN. Iqoqo lokuqala lemiphumela liphakamisa ukuthi ama-PN amaningi esayensi awafundisi i-SM noma abanalo ulwazi lokufundisa oludingekayo kuzo zonke izigatshana ezingaphansi kobuholi bazo. Abanye abafaneleki ngokwanele ukufundisa i-SM nhlobo futhi abanalo ikhono lendaba yesifundo, Ulwazi Lokuqukethwe Kwezemfundo (PCK), noma ukwethembeka kochwepheshe ukuhola iziyalezo ze-SM. Ngenxa yalokho, bavame ukuphendukela emfundweni yokuqapha ngokusebenzisa ukubuyekezwa kwedeskithophu yomsebenzi wothisha nabafundi esikhundleni sokubheka noma yikuphi okubalulekile ekilasini noma ukuchitha isikhathi bexoxa ngezindaba zekharikhulamu nothisha. Lokhu kunciphisa amandla abo okunikeza ubuholi bokufundisa obusebenzayo. Iqoqo lesibili lemiphumela lihlobene nokuhlelwa kweqoqo leminyango yesayensi ezikoleni, okwenza kube nzima kuma-PN esayensi ukuthi agxile kwi-NS ehlobene nezinye izifundo ezixubile. Ngenxa yalokhu othisha be-NS bazizwa bebukelwa phansi futhi basithwe othisha bezifundo zamabanga aphezulu, izifundo zabo ezinakwa kakhulu ngenxa yokuvelela ezivivinyweni zikazwelonke zeBanga le-12. Iqoqo lesithathu lemiphumela lidalule isimo esintekenteke sama-PN esayensi njengabaphathi abaphakathi nendawo yobuholi obuphelele besikole. Ngenxa yesikhundla sabo ngaphakathi kobuholi besikole, ama-PN esayensi awanakho ukusho okuningi mayelana nokuthi ubani owabelwe ukufundisa i-SM, ukuthi izifundo zihlelwe kanjani eminyangweni yesayensi nokuthi sabiwa kanjani isikhathi noma sivikelwe emihlanganweni yezifundo kanye nokuthuthukiswa kothisha ngokomsebenzi. Iqoqo lesine lemiphumela lidalula umbono wokuthi abeluleki bezifundo nezinye izikhulu ezeseka izifunda zivame ukukhetha ukusebenzisana ngqo nothisha be-SM ekuhlinzekeni ngokuthuthukiswa kochwepheshe kanye nokwesekwa kwekharikhulamu eSitatimendeni Senqubomgomo Yohlelo Lwezifundo Nokuhlola (CAPS) esisha ngaphandle kokusekelwa okufanayo kuma-PN ngokuqondile. Nakuba ama-PN ezuza kulokho kusekelwa yisifunda, inzuzo ihlobene kakhulu neqhaza labo njengothisha kunokuba njengabaholi bezifundo. Iqoqo lokugcina lemiphumela likhombisa ukuthi awekho amathimba abaholi besikole noma amahhovisi esifunda abamba iqhaza ekubuyekezweni ngezikhathi ezithile kwezinhlaka nezinqubo zobuholi bezifundo ezisekelwe esikoleni ukuze kutholwe ukusebenza kahle kwazo, ngaleyo ndlela kuncishiswe amathuba namathuba okuthuthukisa ubuholi bezifundo esikoleni. Ucwaningo luphetha ngengxoxo yobunkimbinkimbi beminyango ye-SM ehamba phambili ngaphakathi kwezimo zesikole zamanje kanye nokucushwa. Okokuqala, izidingo zobungcweti bemikhakha eminingi kanye nekhono kuzo zonke zimele ukuhleleka okude kuma-PN amaningi. Okwesibili, ukwabiwa kwamanje kothisha be-SM ngabaholi bezikole akubheki ngokucophelela ukuqeqeshwa kwabo okukhethekile kanye nokwama-PN okulindeleke ukuthi anikeze ukwesekwa kokufundisa okuthuthukisiwe. Okwesithathu, impumelelo yama-PN esayensi ekusekeleni imfundo incike endleleni isikole esizihlela ngayo izinhlelo zaso nengqalasizinda ukusekela imfundo kanye nokwenza ngcono kwaso esifundweni ngasinye. Okokugcina, amandla e-PN yesayensi yokuhlinzeka ngobuholi bemfundo obusebenzayo aphazanyiswa isikhundla sazo sokuphatha esimaphakathi, esinganikezi isikhathi nezinsiza noma igunya elidingekayo lobuholi obunjalo besifundo. Lolu cwaningo luncoma ukuthi kubuyekezwe izinhlaka nezindlela zobuholi bezifundo ezikoleni ukuze kuhlinzekwe isikhathi, izinsiza negunya kuma-PN ukuze bathuthukise amandla abo okuhola. Abaholi bezikole kanye nezikhulu zezifunda kumele baphinde bahlole izindlela zabo kanye nezinqubo zokwabiwa kothisha be-SM kanye nama-PN ukuze kuthuthukiswe ikhono lezifundo kanye nobuholi obungcono. Ukwengeza, ukuqeqeshwa nokusekelwa okuqondene nezifundo ezithile emikhakheni engaphansi ye-SM, ikakhulukazi imicu yesayensi yemvelo, kuyadingeka kothisha besayensi nama-PN abo. Okokugcina, ubudlelwano phakathi kwama-PN nabeluleki bezifundo budinga ukuqiniswa ngokwakha umphakathi wokufunda wochwepheshe (PLC) walaba baholi bezifundo ukuze kuthuthukiswe amandla okuhola i-SM ezikoleni. ___________________________________________________________________
Thesis (Ph.D.(Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology Education))--University of the Free State, 2016
Natural sciences, Heads of department, Subject departments, Instructional leadership, Middle management, Teaching, School leadership