The development and implementation of an English language and literature programme for low-proficiency tertiary learners
Van Wyk, Arlys Leslie
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University of the Free State
The University of the Free State, like most other tertiary institutions in
South Africa, is faced with the challenge of establishing a framework
within the university for redressing inequalities in education: inequalities such
as unequal access and opportunities for both students and staff along racial,
gender and class lines. This research attempts to find ways of making tertiary
learning accessible to a group of underprepared students who would,
traditionally, have been excluded from tertiary learning in the previous
apartheid dispensation. The study focuses on the language needs of learners
who, for multiple reasons, have low English language proficiency. The
problem is compounded for these students in that English is their chosen
language of instruction. Thus, without English language proficiency, tertiary
learning is inaccessible or, at best, extremely difficult for these students.
The main aim of this study is to develop and implement a programme of
language learning which will meet the requirements of the Department of
English and, simultaneously, improve the English academic literacy skills of
this group of SL learners so as to provide them with much-needed support to
achieve academic success.
The methodology selected to achieve the aim, is emancipatory action
Research with its reflective cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting.
The action research cycles involve planning to improve the process; acting to
implement that plan; observing the effects of the plan and finally, reflecting
on the effects which, in turn, become the framework for the next cycle of
action research. Two processes are central to action research, viz. data gathering
and an action component. Data-gathering occurred over a period of
our years and various techniques were used, viz. interviews, classroom
observations, samples of students' written work, a journal of facilitator
meetings, various monitoring techniques, questionnaires to learners and
facilitators, test and examination results.
The study describes three action research cycles over a period of four years.
Initially, it was intended that the course should include a literature component
which, as a result of this research, was abandoned in the second cycle of the
action research. The reasons for this decision are documented in the study.
The findings of the research have led to the development of an academic
literacy course with the following broad goals, viz. to develop the ability to
read academic texts with good comprehension and critical attention; to
develop thinking and study skills and to develop the ability to express
information and ideas clearly, relevantly and logically in expository writing.
Several useful guidelines, for the development of an English language course
for Iow-proficiency tertiary learners, have emerged from the study. These
guidelines encompass the following key issues, viz. prior learning, learner
proficiency, learner motivation and interest, comprehensible input, learning
context, learning strategies, extensive and intensive reading, teaching
approach, language and literature teaching, materials design and research
methodology. This study has led to the development and implementation of
an academic literacy course founded on the following salient guidelines:
• A teaching approach based on a combination of communicative language
learning and input processing instruction;
• Proficiency should be developed within the context in which students find
themselves, viz. the academic context. Thus, academic literacy skills are
systematically developed;
• Comprehensible input is axiomatic to language learning at tertiary level,
thus, reading and writing fluency should be developed through a
programme which provides plenty of meaning-bearing input;
Classroom instruction should be based on a combination of content-based
instruction and task-based language teaching;
• Reading and writing skills should be taught through a process of
systematic strategy training; and
• Contextual support, which facilitates SLA, should be provided in the form
of strategy training, continuous evaluation, thorough feedback and
activities that replicate real-world tasks.
Literacy -- South Africa, English language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Foreign speakers, Language and education, Thesis (Ph.D. (English and Classical Culture))--University of the Free State, 2002