Designing of a capacity development system for educational staff at Further Education and Training (FET) colleges in the Free State

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Phutsisi, Marianna Dipilwane Monyadiwa
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University of the Free State
English: The notion of capacity building has recently incorporated various dimensions, which go beyond the human resources issue. An organisation may have suitably trained personnel but if it lacks a clear mission and strategic goals, and has inadequate governance and management structures to support those personnel, it is unlikely that it will function optimally [Centre for Higher Education Transformation (CHET) 2002:1]. It is against this background that the study conducted an investigation regarding a capacity development system as part of Human Resource Management and Development for educational staff at FET colleges. This is a qualitative study, where a collective case-study approach was followed (McMillan and Schumacher, 2001:24). The research commenced with an in-depth review of existing literature on capacity building in general. Subsequent to that, specific focus was given to the international, African and national perspectives on capacity development within the FET college sector. With regard to national perspectives, focus was on the South African literature and policy framework regarding capacity building such as the following pieces of legislation: the White Paper on Public Service Training and Education of 1997 (RSA DoPSA, 1997); the Public Service Regulations of 1999 (RSA DoPSA, 1999); the National Skills Development Strategy of April 2005 - March 2010 (RSA DoL, 2005); The Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (RSA DoL, 1998); and The Skills Levies Act of 1999 (RSA DoL, 1999). This policy formulation emanates from the need for a major investment in skills development and capacity development to improve performance and productivity, quality and cost-effectiveness of the Public Service in South Africa (RSA DoPSA 1997). The review of literature gave evidence on how capacity development is perceived, as well as the expectations dictated by the policy framework. It further indicated the policy imperatives and their influence on analysis and implementation with regard to capacity development. Structured interviews were also conducted with the Management of the Motheo and the Goldfields FET colleges as a result of their involvement in policy development and implementation, and a representative but purposefully selected group of the educational staff as recipients of training and development. In addition, focus group discussions were conducted as a means of clarifying issues raised during interviews and to validate the responses. To ensure validity of the study, verbatim accounts of participants were recorded as per the consent of the participants, in order to obtain literal and precise statements from the participants. With sufficient data and consultations made during interviews, impact assessment of the institutional policies, practices, provision and criteria applied during capacity development of the educational staff was possible. Finally, recommendations on how to design a capacity development system, based on the outcomes of the study were communicated to relevant stakeholders through a power point presentation made to the two participating colleges.
Afrikaans: Die gedagte van bekwaamheidsontwikkeling het onlangs begin om verskillende sienings in te sluit wat wyer strek as bloot die menslike hulpbronne-sy. 'n Organisasie mag wel toepaslik opgeleide personeel in diens hê, maar as daar nie 'n duidelike missie en strategiese doelwitte is nie, en daar is nie voldoende beheer- en bestuurstrukture om hierdie personeel te ondersteun nie, is dit onwaarskynlik dat dit optimaal sal funksioneer [Centre for Higher Education Transformation (CHET) 2002:1]. Dit is teen hierdie agtergrond dat die studie 'n ondersoek uitgevoer het na 'n bekwaamheids-ontwikkelingstelsel as deel van Menslike Hulpbronnebestuur en -Ontwikkeling vir opvoeders aan VOOkolleges. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie het 'n gemeenskaplike gevallestudiebenadering gevolg (McMillan en Schumacher, 2001:24). Die navorsing het begin met 'n in-diepte oorsig van bestaande literatuur oor bekwaamheidsontwikkeling in die algemeen. Daarna is spesifiek gekonsentreer op die internasionale, Afrika- en nasionale perspektiewe oor bekwaamheidsontwikkeling binne die VOO-kollege sektor. Wat die nasionale perspektiewe betref, was die fokus op Suid-Afrikaanse literatuur en beleidsraamwerk oor bekwaamheids-ontwikkeling soos die volgende wetgewing: die Witskrif oor Staatsdiensopleiding en -onderwys van 1997 (RSA DSDA, 1997), die Staatsdiensregulasies van 1999 (RSA DSDA, 1999), die Nasionale Vaardigheidsontwikkelingstrategie van April 2005 Maart 2010 (RSA DA, 2005), Die Wet op Vaardigheidsontwikkeling, 97 van 1998 (RSA DA, 1998) en Die Wet op Vaardigheidsheffings van 1999 (RSA DA, 1999). Hierdie beleidsformulering het ontstaan uit die behoefte aan In grootskaalse belegging in vaardigheids- en bekwaamheids-ontwikkeling om die prestasie en produktiwiteit, kwaliteit en kostedoeltreffendheid van die Staatsdiens te verhoog (RSA DSDA, 1997). Die literatuuroorsig het bewys gelewer van die persepsie van bekwaamheidsontwikkeling, asook van die verwagtinge wat deur die beleidsraamwerk voorgeskryf is. Dit het verder die beleidsopdragte en hulle uitwerking op die ontleding en implementering van bekwaamheidsontwikkeling aangedui. Daarna is gestruktureerde onderhoude gevoer met die bestuur van Motheo en Goldfields VOO-kolleges omrede hulle betrokkenheid by beleidsontwikkeling en -implementering, asook met 'n verteenwoordigende maar doelbewus geselekteerde groep uit die opvoederpersoneel as die ontvangers van opleiding en ontwikkeling. Verder is gekonsentreerde groepbesprekeings gevoer om die aangeleenthede wat tydens die onderhoude opgehaal is te verduidelik en om die response te staaf. Om die geldigheid van die studie te verseker is die deelnemers se mondelinge verklarings met hul toestemming op band opgeneem om hulle letterlike en presiese stellings vas te lê. Met voldoende data en konsulterings wat deur die onderhoude verkry is, was dit moontlik om die impak te evalueer van die institusionele beleide, praktyke, voorsiening en die kriteria wat tydens opvoeders se bekwaamheidsontwikkeling aangewend is. Ten slotte is 'n PowerPoint-aanbieding aan die twee deelnemende kolleges voorgelê met aanbevelings oor die ontwerp van 'n bekwaamheidsontwikkelingstelsel soos dit deur die uitkomste van die studie uitgewys is.
Adult education -- South Africa -- Free State, Educational planning -- South Africa -- Free State, Dissertation (M.A. (Higher Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2006