Dinamiek in klaviermusiek van die agtiende en negentiende eeue

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Rachel Mercia Emily, Labuschagne
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University of the Free State
English: Dynamics is an aspect of musical expression which result from fluctuations in the loudness of the produced sound. These fluctuations fulfill a definite role in the interpretation of solo piano music. In this thesis the historical course of dynamic markings in piano music of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as reflected in literature, is examined. The nature of dynamics and the role of interpretation with reference to dynamics are explained. The relation between the evolution of the piano and compositional techniques with regard to dynamic expression is discussed. The possibilities of dynamic expression are illustrated through examples from piano works of selected composers. This study reflects that dynamics function prominently in the role of the performer to project and highlight essential elements of interpretation and expression. Refined interactions take place between dynamics and musical contingencies. The following musical factors are underlined by means of effective dynamic manipulation: emotional expression, representation of programmatic and characteristic elements, creation of atmosphere, contrast forming, shaping of formal elements, phrasing, defining of articulation and touch, textural differentiation, tone quality, tonal balance, harmonic coloration and realisation of stilistic elements. The application of dynamics is influenced by acoustic elements, personal characteristics of the pianist, the potential of the original instruments, certain compositional techniques, historical aspects of style, and the nature of specific compositions. This study accentuates the fact that dynamics is a relative, multi-dimentional and not completely prescribabie phenomenon in music. Due to this fact, the application of dynamics cannot be pinned down and individual interpretation is required to a great extent, whether dynamic markings appear in the music or not. In spite of this slippery nature of dynamics, its role in musical expression is of utmost importance.
Afrikaans: Dinamiek is daardie aspek van musikale uitdrukking wat resulteer uit wisselinge in die luidheid van die klank wat geproduseer word. Hierdie wisselinge in luidheid vervul 'n beslissende funksie in die vertolking van solo-klaviermusiek. In hierdie verhandeling word die historiese verloop van dinamiese aanduidings in klaviermusiek van die agtiende en negentiende eeue ondersoek soos dit in die literatuur weerspieël word. Die wese van dinamiek en die rol van interpretasie met betrekking tot dinamiek word uiteengesit. Die verhouding tussen die ontwikkeling van die klavier en musikale skryftegnieke ten opsigte van dinamiese uitdrukking word bespreek. Deur middel van enkele voorbeelde uit klavierwerke van geselekteerde komponiste word die uitdrukkingsmoontlikhede van dinamiek toegelig. Die studie beklemtoon dat dinamiek prominent funksioneer in die voordraer se rol om essensiële elemente ten opsigte van interpretasie en uitdrukking te projekteer en op te helder. Verfynde interaksies vind plaas tussen dinamiek en musikale gebeurlikhede. Effektiewe dinamiese manipulasie versterk en ondersteun die volgende musikale faktore: emosionele uitdrukking, programmatiese voorstelling, skepping van bepaalde stemmings, kontrasvorming, konstruksie en struktuuromlyning, definiëring van artikulasie, aanslagtipes, frasering, melodiese ontwerp, tekstuurverskille, realisering van stilistiese eienskappe, toonkwaliteit, voortstuwing, toonbalans en harmoniese koloristiek. Die aanwending van dinamiek word beïnvloed deur akoestiese elemente, persoonlike eienskappe van die pianis, die potensiaal van die oorspronklike instrumente, 'bepaalde skryftegnieke, historiese stylkenmerke en die aard van spesifieke komposisies. Die studie onderstreep die feit dat dinamiek 'n relatiewe, multi-dimensionele verskynsel in musiek is wat nie volledig-voorskriftelik is nie. Daarom is die aanwending daarvan onvaspenbaar en word individuele interpretasie tot 'n groot mate vereis, hetsy dinamiese aanduidings in die bladmusiek voorkom of nie. Ten spyte van die onvaspenbaarheid van dinamiek, is die rol daarvan in die vertolking van solo-klaviermusiek van kardinale belang.
Dissertation (M. (Music))--University of the Free State, 1994, Piano music -- Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.), Music -- 18th century, Music -- 19th century