Beplanningsriglyne vir buitelugrekreasie in 'n nasionale park, met spesiale verwysing na die Golden Gate Hoogland Nasionale Park

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Odendaal, Derek
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University of the Free State
English: This study was approached from the following points of view; Natural recreation resources are being utilised by man to an increasing extent and it is expected that this utilisation will escalate in future. Due to increasing population numbers and economic development, more and more natural areas are losing their recreational value. Thus, there is a risk that the limited number of protected natural recreation resources, such as national parks, wilderness areas and other nature reserves, may become subject to over-exploitation. To prevent the latter, comprehensive planning and management of outdoor recreation in such areas is essential. To obtain the necessary perspective and insight, related literature and research results were reviewed. Both ecological and psychological principles, as well as the recreational carrying capacity of natural areas werre examined in order to lay down principles for the effective planning and management of natural areas - effective in the sense that a high-quality recreation experience can be offered to the recreationist, ànd that the natural qualities of the specific resource can be preserved. The role of the National Parks Board as supplier of recreational opportunities in South Africa was examined in order to point out shortcomings and problems in this regard. Following this, a description of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park was given - firstly with regard to the history, establishment and physical features of the Park, and secondly with regard to the infrastructure and some aspects of management in the Park. Two different questionnaires were distributed amongst the visitors to the Park for a period of 12 months in order to determine demographical data, visitor use patterns, preferences, needs and shortcomings. The one questionnaire was distributed to the general visitors, while the other questionnaire was distributed only to the users of the Rhebuck Hiking Trail. Statistics on the utilisation of the Park were also collected by using registers and reports. Some of the most important findings arising from the above-mentioned were as follows: I The Park receives an increasing number of visitors and it is expected that visitor numbers will steadily increase in future. II The most popular outdoor activities in the Park are those which are nature-orientated, while the most popular indoor activities tend to be more passive. III A number of shortcomings were found with regard to the recreation facilities of the Park. Among them are the need for better ablution facilities in the caravan park, a filtered swimming pool, better route markers along the trails as well as an interpretive trail. IV As regards the Rhebuck Hiking Trail, it was found that the route is too strenuous for the average hiker, that it is not marked clearly enough and that the map of the route is insufficient. Most hikers seemed to be satisfied with the standard of the overnight hut. There also seems to be a need for a longer hiking route in the Park. V Most visitors were of the opinion that the number of visitors to the Park should be limited during peak seasons and that further development in the Park should be undertaken only after careful consideration. Som of the most important recommendations are: i that a multi-disciplinary approach be followed whenever park planning is involved; ii that every national park should have a distinct zoning plan for outdoor recreation; iii that the National Parks Board should adopt a clear, uniform policy with regard to the provision of outdoor recreation facilities and services in the national parks, and that an infrastructure for the advancement of outdoor recreation in the national parks should be established; iv that entry gates should be constructed at the two entry points to the Golden Gate Highlands National Park; v that the caravan, camping and picnic terrains in the Park should be re-planned and that better ablution facilities should be provided; vi that a few more trails should be provided in the park, that all trails should be clearly marked and that an interpretive trail should be provided; and vii that the Rhebuck Hiking Trail should be re-planned and extended to a four-day route, with two- and three-day variations.
Afrikaans: Die studie is benader vanuit die volgende uitgangspunte: Natuurlike rekreasiehulpbronne word toenemend deur die mens benut en dit word verwag dat sodanige benutting in die toekoms sal eskaleer. As gevolg van toenemende bevolkingsgetalle en ekonomiese ontwikkeling word àl meer natuurgebiede van hul rekreatiewe waarde ontneem. Die gevaar ontstaan dus dat die beperkte hoeveelheid beskermde natuurlike rekreasiehulpbronne, soos onder andere nasionale parke, wildernisgebiede en ander natuurreservate, aan oorbenutting onderhewig kan word. Om laasgenoemde te verhoed, is deeglike beplanning en bestuur van buitelugrekreasie in sodanige gebiede noodsaaklik. Verwante literatuur en navorsingsresultate is in oënskou geneem ten einde perspektief en insig te verkry. Beide ekologiese en psigologiese beginsels, asook die rekreatiewe dravermoë van natuurgebiede moes ondersoek word ten einde riglyne neer te lê vir die doeltreffende beplanning en bestuur van natuurgebiede - doeltreffend in dié sin dat 'n rekreasie-ervaring van hoë gehalte aan die buitelugrekreasiebeoefenaar gebied kan word én dat die natuurlike kwaliteite van die spesifieke hulpbron behoue bly. Die rol van die Nasionale Parkeraad as voorsiener avn buitelugrekreasiegeleenthedee in Suid-Afrika is ondersoek ten enide knelpunte en tekortkominge in dié verband uit te wys. Verder is 'n beskrywing van die Golden Gate Hoogland Nasionale Park gegee - eerstens ten opsigte van di geskiedenis, totstandkoming en fisiese kenmerke van die Park, en tweedens ten opsigte van die infrastruktuurontwikkeling en enkele aspekte van bestuur in die Park. Twee afsonderlike vraelyste is vir 'n tydperk van 12 maande onder die besoekers aan die Park versprei ten einde demografiese gegewens, benuttingspatrone, voorkeure, behoeftes en tekortkominge te bepaal. Die een vraelys is onder die algemene besoekers versprei, terwyl die ander vraelys slegs onder die gebruikers van die Ribbok-voetslaanpad versprei is. Statistieke ten opsigte van die benutting van die Park is ook uit registers en verslae versamel. Van die belangrikste bevindinge voortspruitend uit bogenoemde was as volg: I Die Park ontvan 'n toenemende getal jaarlikse besoekers en projeksies dui daarop dat hierdie getalle steeds sal styd in die toekoms. II Die gewildste vorme van buitelugrekreasie in die Park is natuurgeoriënteerde aktiwiteite, terwyl die gewildste binnenshuise rekreasie-aktiwiteite meer passief van aard is. III 'n Aantal terkortkominge in die rekreasiefasiliteite van die Park is gevind, waaronder 'n behoefte aan beter ablusiegeriewe in die kampeerterrein, 'n gefiltreerde swembad, beter roeteaanwysings op die wandelpaadjies, asook 'n interpretiewe wandelroete. IV Wat die Ribbok-voetslaanpad betref, is bevind dat die roete te moeilik is vir die gemiddelde stapper, dat dit nie duidelik genoeg gemerk is nie en dat die kaart van die roete onvoldoende is. Dit blyk dat daar ook 'n behoefte aan 'n langer voetslaanroete in die Park is. V Die meeste van die besoekers was van mening dat die getal besoekers aan die Park gedurende spitstye beperk moet word en dat verdere ontwikkeling in die Park uiters oordeelkundig moet geskied. Van die belangrikste aanbevelings na aanleiding van die ondersoek is: i dat 'n multidissiplinêre benadering gevolg moet word tydens die beplanning van alle nasionale parke; ii dat elke nasionale park 'n duidelike soneringsplan ten opsigte van rekreatiewe benutting moet hê; iii dat die Nasionale Parkeraad 'n duidelik omlynde, uniforme beleid ten opsigte van die voorsiening van buitelugrekreasiefasiliteite en -dienste in die nasionale parke moet aanneem en 'n effektiewe infrastruktuur vir die bevordering van buitelugrekreasie moet skep; iv dat toegangshekke by die twee toegangspunte van die Golden Gate Hoogland Nasional Park opgerig moet word; v dat die woonwa-, kampeer- en piekniekterreine in die Park herbeplan en beter ablusiefasiliteite voorsien moet word; vi dat 'n aantal addisionele wandelpaadjies in die Park voorsien word, alle wandelpaadjies duidelik gemerk moet word en 'n interpretiewe wandelroete daargestel word; en vii dat die Ribbok-voetslaanpad herbeplan en verleng moet word tot 'n vierdaagse roete, met twee- en driedaagse variasies.
Dissertation (M.A. (Physical Education) - University of the Free State, 1985, Leisure areas, South Africa, Physical education, Rhebuck Hiking Trail, Outdoor activities, Golden Gate Highlands National Park, National Parks Board, Nature reserves, Wilderness areas, Natural recreation resources