A strategy to combat bullying in primary schools in the Osizweni Circuit

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Tlou, Pinke Sibongile Evidence Happiness
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University of the Free State
English: The aim of this study is to formulate a strategy to combat bullying in primary schools in the Osizweni Circuit in the Amajuba District.This study was initiatedby the increase in cases of bullying in South African primary schools. Bullying can be described as unfair or adverse conduct by an aggressor towards a victim, which includes harmful actions, such as name-calling, inflicting pain, pulling faces and making threats. Primary schoolsareregarded as institutionsthat provide academic education to children from Grade R to 7. The appropriate theoretical framework to couch this study is Ubuntu because it emphasises the emancipation and empowerment of the oppressed, and maintaining and strengthening the community. The study uses participatory action research as a qualitative enquiry methodology.The following people constitute the team of participants for co-research: one circuit manager, one Special Needs Education Services senior education specialist, one principal, two teachers, two parents, two learners who are victims of bullying, two learners engaged in bullying and other stakeholders. The other stakeholders included a representative of the South African Police Services (SAPS), a local councillor and a social development representative. The datacollected were audio-taped with the consent of the co-researchers, and transcribed and analysed to give meaning and structure to the data. The data were analysed using critical discourse analysis at the textual, discursive and social structure levels. The findings of the study determined whether the intervention was successful or not. This study will help to combat bullying in South African primary schools.
Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n strategie te formuleer om bullebakkery in laerskole in die Osizweni-kring in die Amajuba-distrik te bestry. Hierdie studie is geïnisieer deur die toename in gevalle van bullebakkery in Suid-Afrikaanse laerskole. Bullebakkery kan beskryf word as onbillike of ongunstige optrede deur 'n aggressor teenoor 'n slagoffer, wat skadelike optrede insluit, soos naamoproepe, pyn toebrande, gesigte trek en dreigemente maak. Primêre skole word beskou as instellings wat akademiese onderwys aan kinders van Graad R tot 7 bied. Die toepaslike teoretiese raamwerk om hierdie studie te staaf, is Ubuntu omdat dit die emancipatie en bemagtiging van die onderdrukte beklemtoon en die gemeenskap handhaaf en versterk. Die studie gebruik deelnemende aksienavorsing as 'n kwalitatiewe navraagmetodologie. Die volgende persone vorm die span deelnemers vir mede-navorsing: een kringbestuurder, een spesialis onderwysbeampte, spesiale onderwysbeampte, een skoolhoof, twee onderwysers, twee ouers, twee leerders wat slagoffers van bullebakkery is, twee leerders wat aan bullebakkery en ander deelneem belanghebbendes. Die ander belanghebbendes het 'n verteenwoordiger van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD), 'n plaaslike raadslid en 'n maatskaplike ontwikkelingsverteenwoordiger ingesluit. Die data wat ingesamel is, is met die toestemming van die mede-navorsers geluidbandig en getransskribeer en geanaliseer om betekenis en struktuur aan die data te gee. Die data is ontleed aan die hand van kritiese diskoersanalise op die tekstuele, diskursiewe en sosiale struktuurvlakke. Die bevindings van die studie het bepaal of die intervensie suksesvol was of nie. Hierdie studie sal help om bullebakkery in Suid-Afrikaanse laerskole te bestry.
Bullying, Primary school, Ubuntu, Participatory action research, Dissertation (M.Ed. (School of Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2018