Autism specific education in South African public schools: practices and challenges

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Botha, Corina (J. C.)
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University of the Free State
English: Occupational therapists employed in district-based support teams within the South African public educational system play a key role in assisting disabled learners with educational support. Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have difficulty in accessing appropriate education in public schools in the Motheo District. As a short-term goal to provide the growing number of ASD learners with access to education, autism-specific classes commenced in three special schools and two full-service schools within the Motheo District in 2010. Presently, schools in the Motheo District follow their own strategies regarding the overall management and design of their autism-specific services, and there appears to be variability in the quality of autism-specific education. The development of a context-based, accessible, applicable and sustainable service model is critical. The role of district-based occupational therapists does not only entail the design of support strategies for marginalised learners, but also the monitoring of quality education to learners with ASD in public schools. Since autism-specific education is a new addition to special needs education in the Free State, there are no sustainable service models, training programmes and self-auditing tools in place for use in the expansion and maintenance of quality autism-specific education. Hence, there was a need to determine how other provinces responded to the increased need for autism-specific education and the structuring of ASD educational services. The primary aim of the research study entailed an investigation of practices and challenges in South African public schools that offer autism-specific education with the end goal of contributing to developing tools to monitor quality education, strategies to support and develop educators and to expand quality ASD education in the Motheo District. The literature overview highlighted that the global increase in the prevalence of ASD (c.f. 2.2.6) holds significant implications for the provisioning of specialised educational services. Autismspecific education is costly due to the high frequency of intervention by specialised staff; the extensive adjustments to learning material; intensive training programmes; assistive technology; and the need for individualised support strategies. Internationally, there has also been a shift from accommodating learners in special schools to provide inclusive education, which accommodates diverse needs in an ordinary classroom setting. White Paper 6 (2001(1):5) introduced inclusive education in South African schools, but various systemic barriers within the South African context complicate the transformation to an inclusive education system. Globally, the inclusion of learners with high-level support needs remains a challenge. There has been a dramatic increase in the quantity and range of products marketed for educating learners with ASD. Many of these programmes and training modules are not affordable, accessible or applicable to South African public schools. The mentioned challenges contributed to the need for investigating the practices and challenges of autism-specific education in South African public schools. A quantitative approach and a descriptive study design were used. The study had five research objects that focussed on: (i) The training and experience of educators of ASD classes; (ii) School-based operations; (iii) Classroom practices; (iv) Autism-specific support strategies; and (v) Challenges and critical success factors of autism-specific education. Educators of autism-specific classes within the South African public sector were selected as the study population. The total population of educators who fit the inclusion criteria was surveyed, since sampling was not appropriate for the small research population. In the absence of an appropriate standardised measurement tool, a questionnaire was designed. The focus of the study was to investigate autism-specific education through a wide lens rather than to perform an in-depth study into a specific aspect of autism-specific education. An expert and evaluation committee reviewed the questionnaire concerning the appropriateness of the items in terms of the literature available and alignment with the research objectives. A research methodology was developed to optimise response rates and to facilitate a standard data collection process across schools. Approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee, Faculty Health Sciences, University of the Free State (ECUFS no 09/2013). Permission was obtained from all the relevant authorities to conduct the study at public schools within South Africa that offer autism-specific education. A pilot study was performed to determine the viability of the study, to ensure that all processes run efficiently and to achieve objectives. A key objective in the design of the measurement process was to use methodology that optimised participation of a population that was scattered nationally, to maximise return rate on questionnaires and to ensure the collection of interpretable data. The study had a response rate of 75%. The Department of Biostatistics at the University of the Free State did the analysis and descriptive statistics were calculated. The study found that some challenges and practices are similar to global trends, but that the South African context produces unique practices and challenges. Barriers in the South African education system (e.g. variability in the quality of education and provisioning of resources) and difficulties in the implementation of inclusive education at national, provincial, district and school level seemed to significantly affect support to marginalised learners. Autism support groups play a key role in the development and expansion of autism-specific education within the South African context. Schools are taking responsibility for the development of school- and classroom-based practices within the limitations of their infrastructure, funding model and availability of specialist resources. Educators of ASD classes are pioneers in developing context-based autism-specific education practices, but they are at risk for occupational burnout due to challenges in the South African inclusive education system. The study provided valuable information that would aid district-based occupational therapists in the design of training programmes, service standards and strategies to develop quality autismspecific education in the Motheo District.
Afrikaans: Distriksgebaseerde arbeidsterapeute werksaam in die Suid-Afrikaanse openbare onderwyssisteem speel ʼn belangrike rol in die opvoedkundige ondersteuning van gestremde leerders. Leerders met Outisme Spektrum Versteurings sukkel tans om toegang te verkry tot toepaslike onderwys in openbare skole in Motheo Distrik. As ʼn korttermyndoelwit om die groeiende aantal leerders met Outisme Spektrum Versteurings van onderwys te voorsien is daar gedurende 2010 outisme-spesifieke klasse by drie spesiale en twee voldiensskole in die Motheo-Distrik geskep. Huidiglik volg skole in die Motheo Distrik hul eie strategieë m.b.t. die algehele bestuur en ontwerp van outisme-spesifieke dienste en blyk daar variasie te wees in die gehalte van outisme-spesifieke onderwys. Derhalwe is die ontwikkeling van ʼn konteksgebaseerde, toeganklike, toepaslike en volhoubare diensmodel van kritieke belang. Die rol van distriksgebaseerde arbeidsterapeute behels nie net die ontwerp van ondersteuningstrategieë vir die gemarginaliseerde leerders nie, maar ook die monitering van gehalte-onderrig aan leerders met Outisme Spektrum Versteurings in openbare skole. Aangesien outisme-spesifieke onderwys ʼn nuwe toevoeging is tot spesiale onderwys in die Vrystaat, is daar huidiglik nie ʼn volhoubare diensmodel, opleidingsprogramme en selfmoniteringsinstumente in plek vir die uitbreiding en instandhouding van gehalte- outismespesifieke onderwys nie. Dit was daarom nodig om te bepaal hoe ander provinsies gereageer het op die groeiende behoefte aan outisme-spesifieke onderwys en ondersteuningsdienste. Die primêre doel van die navorsingstudie was ʼn ondersoek rakende die praktyke en uitdagings van Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole wat outisme-spesifieke onderwys aanbied. Die oogmerk van die behoeftebepaling was die ontwikkeling van monteringsinstrumente, ondersteunings- en ontwikkelingstrategieë vir opvoeders en diensstrukture vir die uitbreiding van kwaliteit outismespesifieke onderwys in die Motheo Distrik. Die literatuuroorsig beklemtoon dat die wêreldwye toename in die voorkoms van Outisme Spektrum Versteurings beduidende implikasies inhou vir die voorsiening van gespesialiseerde opvoedkundige dienste. Outisme-spesifieke onderwys is duur a.g.v. die hoë frekwensie van intervensie deur gespesialiseerde personeel; die uitgebreide aanpassings aan leermateriaal; intensiewe opleidingsprogramme; ondersteunende tegnologie; en individuele ondersteuningstrategieë. Internasionaal was daar ʼn skuif van spesiale onderrig na inklusiewe onderwys, waar diverse leerbehoeftes in ʼn gewone klaskameromgewing geakkommodeer word. Witskrif 6 (2001:5) beskryf inklusiewe onderwys in Suid-Afrikaanse skole, maar verskeie sistemiese struikelblokke in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks bemoeilik die transformasie na ʼn inklusiewe onderwysstelsel. Wêreldwyd blyk inklusiewe onderrig aan leerders met intensiewe ondersteuningsbehoeftes ʼn uitdaging te wees. Daar is ʼn dramatiese toename in die hoeveelheid en verskeidenheid van produkte wat bemark word vir die onderrig van leerders met Outisme Spektrum Versteurings. ʼn Beduidende hoeveelheid van hierdie programme en opleidingsmodules is nie bekostigbaar, toeganklik of van toepassing in die Suid-Afrikaanse publieke onderwyskonteks nie. Die genoemde uitdagings het bygedra tot die ondersoek na praktyke en uitdagings van outisme-spesifieke onderwys in Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole. ʼn Kwantitatiewe benadering en ʼn beskrywende studie-ontwerp is gebruik. Die studie het vyf navorsingsdoelwitte gehad wat gefokus het op: (i) Die opleiding en ervaring van opvoeders van outisme spesifieke klasse; (ii) Skoolgebaseerde bedryfstelsels; (iii) Klaskamerpraktyke; (iv) Outisme-spesifieke ondersteuningstrategieë; en (v) Uitdagings en kritiese suksesfaktore van outisme-spesifieke onderwys. Opvoeders van outisme-spesifieke klasse binne die Suid-Afrikaanse openbare sektor is gekies as die studiepopulasie. Die totale populasie van opvoeders wat voldoen het aan die insluitingskriteria het deelgeneem, aangesien die populasie te klein was vir ʼn steekproef. In die afwesigheid van ʼn geskikte gestandaardiseerde meetinstrument is ʼn vraelys ontwerp met die doel om huidige praktyke en uitdagings t.o.v. outisme-spesifieke onderwys in Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole te ondersoek. ʼn Ekspert- en evalueringskomitee het die vraelys hersien om die toepaslikheid van die items i.t.v. die beskikbare literatuur en die navorsingsdoelwitte te verseker. ʼn Navorsingsmetodologie is ontwikkel ten einde ʼn hoë responssyfer en ʼn standaardbenadering t.o.v. data-insameling by verskillende skole te fasiliteer. Die fokus van die studie was om outisme-spesifieke onderwys te ondersoek d.m.v. ʼn wyelensbenadering, eerder as ʼn in-diepte fokus op ʼn sekere aspek van outisme-spesifieke onderwys. Goedkeuring is verkry vanaf die Etiekkomitee, Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe, Universiteit van die Vrystaat (ECUFS geen 09/2013). Toestemming is ook verkry van al die betrokke owerhede om die studie uit te voer by Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole wat outisme-spesifieke onderwys aanbied. ʼn Loodstudie is uitgevoer om die lewensvatbaarheid van die studie te bepaal, om te verseker dat al die prosesse doeltreffend verloop, en dat doelwitte bereik word. ʼn Belangrike doel in die ontwerp van die metingsproses was om navorsingsmetodologie te ontwikkel wat optimale deelname van die wydverspreide populasie, maksimale reaksie op die vraelyste en die insameling van interpreteerbare data te verseker. Die studie het ʼn responssyfer van 75% gehad. Die Departement Biostatistiek aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat het die data-analise uitgevoer en beskrywende statistiek is bereken. Die studie het bevind dat sommige uitdagings en praktyke soortgelyk is aan wêreldwye tendense, maar dat die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks unieke praktyke en uitdagings produseer. Struikelblokke in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel (bv. variasie in die gehalte van onderwys en die voorsiening van hulpbronne) en probleme rondom die implementering van inklusiewe onderwys op nasionale, provinsiale, distrik- en skoolvlak ʼn beduidende invloed het op die ondersteuning aan gemarginaliseerde leerders. Outismeondersteuningsgroepe speel ʼn belangrike rol in die ontwikkeling en uitbreiding van outismespesifieke onderwys in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Skole neem verantwoordelikheid vir die ontwikkeling van die skool- en klaskamergebaseerde praktyke m.b.t. infrastruktuur, befondsing en die beskikbaarheid van spesialiteitshulpbronne. Opvoeders van leerders met Outisme Spektrum Versteurings is pioniers in die ontwikkeling van konteksgebaseerde outisme-spesifieke onderwyspraktyke, maar val binne ʼn hoë risikogroep vir beroepsuitbranding a.g.v. ernstige uitdagings in die Suid-Afrikaanse inklusiewe onderwysstelsel. Die studie het waardevolle inligting verskaf wat distriksgebaseerde arbeidsterapeute in staat stel tot die ontwerp van opleidingsprogramme, diensstandaarde en strategieë ten einde gehalte outisme-spesifieke onderwys in die Motheo Distrik te ontwikkel.
Practices and challenges, Autism-specific education, South African public schools, District-based occupational therapists, Dissertation (M. Occupational Therapy (Occupational Therapy))--University of the Free State, 2014