Arbeidsverhoudinge in die landbousektor met verwysing na die Bloemfontein-omgewing

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Heunis, James Christoffel
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University of the Free State
English: The recommendations of the Wiehahn Commission's enquiry into labour affairs, lead to a general upgrading and democratization of industrial relations in South Africa. One of the largest employers the agricultural sector has, however, largely been neglected in so far as statutory regulation of labour relations is concerned. In the absence of the Industrial Relations Act and the Wage Act, certain basic labour rights of farm workers, such as the right to organize and withhold labour, are not protected. Farm wages are not regulated by law and therefore the possibility of exploitation exists. Moreover a lack of mechanisms for collective bargaining by farm workers has resulted in a one-sided dictation of labour relations by farmers and in some cases, in paternalistic and discriminatory labour practices. Negotiations between the state, organized agriculture and labour (dating back a decade) have recentIy Iead to labour reforms in agriculture, resulting in the Unemployment Insurance Act and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act being extended to include farm workers. In November 1992 the Minister of Manpower committed the government to the extension of remaining labour laws viz the Industrial Relations Act and the Wage Act, to agriculture. The South African Agriculture Union and Cosatu, locked in continued debate on this issue, have thus far failed to reach consensus on the nature of labour legislation and are faced with the problem of bringing about change which is both truly reformative and sensitive to the unique features of the agricultural sector. In this process account has to be taken of the actual manifestation of labour relations and labour practices in agriculture on a general level, but also in specific areas. The labour set-up in different agricultural areas and enterprises does, after all, differ substantially. This study is an attempt to develop an understanding of the nature, problems and dynamics of labour relations in agriculture by means of a literature and empirical enquiry. The literature study manifests in a historical overview of labour relations in South Africa, in particular recent developments in the agricultural sector, discussion of farm workers' rights to organize and strike and the "legitimization" of such rights, and reconstruction of general research findings on labour practices in agriculture. It is concluded that labour relations can be upgraded by democratization and formalization of labour practices and by the extension of labour laws which uphold the labour rights of farm workers. The empirical study, being an attempt to satisfy the need for local (area specific) information on the manifestation of labour relations, results in an exploratory and descriptive profile of the labour situation on farms in the Bloemfontein area. Seeing that attitudes and practices which have been established and entrenched over centuries, cannot simply be eradicated by changing statutory regulations, cognizance is taken of aspects relating to the extension of labour laws to agriculture. Informal and paternalistic practices are striking features of labour relations on farms. The informality of agricultural labour practices reflects the unique circumstances in the agricultural sector, which include a dependence on seasonal and climatic factors, and thus emphasizes the need for flexible labour laws with regard to agriculture. Nevertheless, it is clear that the one-sided dictation of labour relations cannot continue. Therefore greater standardization and formalization of labour practices are recommended, and mechanisms for accomplishing the aforementioned and giving farm workers more say in labour affairs on farms are suggested. The value of the study lies in it's being an attempt to contribute to the greater sociological endeavour of understanding the relation between employer and employee, and the inherent conflictive nature of this relation, and addressing resulting problems.
Afrikaans: Die aanbevelings van die Wiehahn-kommissie (1979-1983) het 'n algemene opgradering en demokratisering van die arbeidsverhoudingestelsel in Suid-Afrika tot gevolg gehad. Wat betref statutêre regulering van arbeidsverhoudinge is een van die grootste werkgewers die landbou - egter grootliks buite rekening gelaat. In die afwesigheid van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge in die landbou word basiese arbeidsregte van plaaswerkers soos die reg om te organiseer en arbeid te weerhou, nie beskerm nie. Aangesien daar ook geen regulering van plaaswerkerlone voorkom nie, bestaan die moontlikheid dat hierdie werkers uitgebuit kan word. Die gebrek aan meganismes vir pIaaswerkers om kollektief te beding impliseer 'n eensydige diktering van landbou-arbeidsverhoudinge deur boere en bring dit dikwels paternalistiese en selfs diskriminerende arbeidspraktyke mee. Onderhandeling oor die uitbreiding van arbeidswetgewing wat reeds oor 'n dekade heen strek, het maar onlangs tot hervorming gelei en vroeg in 1993 gestalte gekry in die uitbreiding van die Werkloosheidversekeringswet en die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes na plaaswerkers. Hoewel die Minister van Mannekrag reeds in November 1992 onderneem het om die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge en die Loonwet spoedig na die landbou uit te brei, het konsensus tussen die georganiseerde landbou en werknemerorganisasies oor die aard en bepalings van hierdie wette tot op datum nog uitgebly. Arbeidshervorming in die landbou vra om verandering wat tegelykertyd bedryfsensitief en hervormend van aard is, en moet in hierdie proses ag geslaan word op die werklike manifestasie van landbouarbeidsverhoudinge en praktyke landwyd, maar ook in bepaalde landboustreke waarin landboubedrywe en arbeidsituasies grootliks varieer. In hierdie studie word gepoog om en empiriese ondersoek, begrip problematiek en dinamika van aan die hand van literatuurte ontwikkel vir die aard, landbou-arbeidsverhoudinge. Hiervoor word 'n historiese oorsig van die wyse waarop arbeidsverhoudinge in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel het gelewer en veral gefokus op onlangse ontwikkelinge in die landbousektor, terwyl plaaswerkers se vakbond- en stakingsregte beredeneer en algemene (landwye) navorsingsbevindinge oor landbouarbeidspraktyke gerekonstrueer word. Die vernaamste slotsom waartoe in hierdie studie geraak word, is dat landbouarbeidsverhoudinge op n hoër peil geplaas kan word deur demokratisering en formaIisering van arbeidspraktyke, en dat arbeidswetgewing, wat statutêre regulering van arbeidsverhoudinge en beskerming van plaaswerkers se arbeidsregte verseker, beslis na die landbou uitgebrei behoort te word. Die empiriese studie is daarop gemik om streekspesifieke in Iigting oor die mani festasie van landbou-arbeidsverhoudinge te genereer en vind neerslag in 'n verkennende en beskrywende profiel van die arbeidsverhoudingesituasie op plase in die Bloemfontein-omgewing. Daar houdings en praktyke wat oor dekades gevestig is, nie soos statutêre maatreëls eenvoudig met 'n pennestreep deurgehaaI kan word nie, word veraI op daardie aspekte wat deur die uitbreiding van arbeidswetgewing geraak word, gefokus. Op grond van die empiriese bevindinge val die informele en paternalistiese aard van landbouarbeidsverhoudinge op. Hoewel die informele arbeidsituasie toegeskryf word aan die eiesoortige bedryfstoestande in die landbou, waaronder veral 'n uitgelewerdheid aan klimatologiese en seisoenale faktore, en die behoefte aan buigsame arbeidswetgewing vir die landbou hierdeur bekragtig word, blyk dit terseIfdertyd dat die huidige situasie, waar die boer arbeidsverhoudinge eensydig dikteer, nie kan voortduur nie want dit laat immers ruimte vir arbitrêre en selfs diskriminerende en ekspIoiterende arbeidspraktyke. In die lig hiervan word aanbeveeI dat daar 'n groter mate van standaardisering en formalisering van arbeidspraktyke moet plaasvind en dat plaaswerkers groter seggenskap in die arbeidsituasie op plase behoort te kry en word 'n aantal meganismes hiervoor aan die hand gedoen. In geheel gesien lê die waarde van die studie daarin dat dit bydra tot die groter (bedryf-) sosiologiese poging om die verhouding tussen werkgewer en werknemer, en die endemiese konflik in hierdie verhouding, te verstaan en die problematiek daarvan aan te spreek.
Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Sociology))--University of the Free State, 1993, Agricultural labourers, South Africa, Bloemfontein, Industrial relations, Agriculture and state