Die verpleegkundige se belewenis van moontlike MIV-infeksie na besering- en/of blootstelling-aan-diens

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Ziady, Laura Ester
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University of the Free State
English: The aim of the research was to describe the experience of nurses in the studied hospital who had been exposed to possible HIV infection during injury or exposure on duty. A qualitative phenomenological descriptive study was used to describe the emotions and non-verbal reactions of the twelve participants during two subsequent interviews. These were conducted post-exposure, and after counseling and prophylactic treatment took place. The staff from a selected private hospital were included in the study after exposure to blood and human body fluid. The exposures varied between stabbing with a used scalpel, needle prick injuries, contact between blood and broken skin, as well as two cases of exposure during unprotected cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which took place in the hospital’s public parking area. The research results show that the study had achieved its goal. Data regarding the experience of staff that were exposed to possible HIV infection while on duty was collected, described and studied. After completion of the study, it was found that the exposed staff’s experience had two main features. Firstly, they were grieving for the loss of the concept of being healthy and invincible, blessed with nursing skills and definite goals in life. The bereavement process included phases of denial, anger, anxiety and fear, with recurring thoughts regarding the adverse events, as well as acceptance which developed with time. The bereavement process and shock of the exposure had wider consequences to the family, as well as an impact on the working environment. Some staff members remained anxious and fearful on duty for some time, while others were still experiencing episodes of anxiety and fear at the end of the three months’ surveillance period. According to the literature, these individuals may have been demonstrating the first symptoms of post- traumatic stress disorder, and they were therefore referred for further medical follow-up. Most participants reported that they experienced genuine support and compassion from colleagues, at home and in the community. The second category of experience was the physical side effects which participants developed due to the prophylactic antiretroviral therapy. Some participants experienced severe difficulties due to the treatment, while others had fewer problems. During the pre- treatment period, all the participants verbalized their fear and anxiety regarding use of the drugs. The opinion exists that anxiety might have coloured their experience of the side effects, though all the participants, excluding one, completed the prophylaxis with good effect. Some proposals to adjust and possibly improve the hospital’s exposure surveillance system were developed from the research results, including that a 24-hour crisis management system be implemented for exposed staff members; that support groups be started for staff, colleagues and family members; that all staff receive orientation and support during unfamiliar procedures or placement in unknown departments; that all exposures-on-duty be investigated and studied so that pro-active or preventive measures may be devised; and that problems with staffing and working climate be resolved. All exposed staff must further receive empathetic and altruistic support, as well as positive, scientifically based information regarding the drugs that can or are to be used, including physical help with any possible side effects due to this medication. All the findings and proposals were subsequently addressed to the relevant members of the Hospital Management. If healthcare services wish to retain nursing staff in future, more will need to be done to prevent all types of exposure-on-duty; and, if they do occur, to anticipate, manage and shorten the subsequent period of the professional nurse or learner’s bereavement.
Afrikaans: Die doel van die studie was om data oor die belewenis van die verpleegpersoneel wat tydens die uitvoering van hul dagtaak in die bestudeerde hospitaal aan moontlike MIV- infeksie blootgestel was, in te win en te beskryf. ʼn Kwalitatiewe fenomenologiese beskrywende studie is gebruik om die emosies en nie- verbale optrede van die twaalf deelnemers tydens twee opeenvolgende onderhoude na die blootstelling, berading en toediening van die profilaktiese behandeling te beskou. Verpleegpersoneel van ʼn spesifieke privaat hospitaal is in die studie ingesluit nadat hulle aan-diens ʼn verskeidenheid van blootstellings aan bloed en menslike liggaamsvloeistowwe gehad het. Die blootstellings het gewissel van sny met 'n gebruikte skalpellem, naaldprikke, spatsels liggaamsvloeistof in die gesig, kontak met bloed aan stukkende hande asook twee gevalle van onbeskermde kardiopulmonale resussitasie wat in die hospitaal se openbare parkeerterrein plaasgevind het. Na aanleiding van die navorsingsresultate kan tot die slotsom gekom word dat die studie die doel daarvan bereik het. Data oor die belewenis van die personeel wat aan-diens aan moontlike MIV-infeksie blootsgestel is, is versamel, beskryf en ontleed. Daar is tot die slotsom gekom dat die blootgestelde verpleegpersoneel se belewenis tweeledig van aard is: Eerstens rou die blootgestelde personeel emosioneel oor die verlies aan die gedagte van hulself as onaantasbaar, geseënd met goeie gesondheid, vaardigheid en ʼn bepaalde lewensdoel. Die rouproses omsluit fases van ontkenning, woede, angs en vrees, gedagtes aan die gebeure, asook aanvaarding en vrede. Hierdie rouproses en die skok van die gebeure het ʼn kringeffek op die gesinslede asook die werksomstandighede gehad. Van die blootgestelde personeel was vir ʼn tydperk angstig en skrikkerig aan-diens, terwyl enkeles aan die einde van die drie maande bewakingstyd steeds episodes van angs en vrees ervaar het. Volgens die literatuur mag hierdie individue moontlik simptome van post-troumatiese stres versteuring begin ontwikkel het, en hulle is vir verdere mediese opvolg verwys. Van die deelnemers het in besonder die opregte empatie en ondersteuning wat hul by die werk, tuis en in die gemeenskap ontvang het, in besonder genoem. Die tweede kategorie van belewenis was die fisieke newe-effekte wat van die deelnemers op die profilaktiese anti-retrovirale terapie ervaar het. Sommige van die deelnemers het die terapie besonder moeilik ervaar, terwyl ander minder probleme gehad het. Almal het vooraf hul angstigheid en vrees vir hierdie middels aangemeld. Die gevoel is dat vrees dalk hul ervaring van die newe-effekte gekleur het. Tog het al die deelnemers, behalwe een, die terapie positief ervaar en suksesvol voltooi. Enkele aanbevelings is uit die navorsingsresultate gemaak om die hospitaal se huidige bewakingstelsel aan te vul en moontlik in die toekoms selfs te verbeter. Aanbevelings, soos om ʼn 24-uur krisishanteringsdiens vir blootgestelde personeel in te stel; om ondersteuningsgroepe vir die personeel, hul kollegas en hul gesinslede op die been te bring; aan alle personeel oriëntasie en begeleiding tydens onbekende take of plasing in ʼn vreemde omgewing te bied; alle blootstellingsinsidente aan-diens volledig te ondersoek, om daaruit te leer en later pro-aktief of voorkomend op te tree, en om probleme met personeelverskaffing en werksklimaat spoedig uit te stryk. Verder behoort die blootgestelde personeel te alle tye empatiese en altruïstiese ondersteuning, wetenskaplik gegronde, positiewe inligting oor die profilatiese middels wat gebruik kan of gaan word te ontvang, asook enige nodige onmiddellike fisieke hulp vir moontlike newe-effekte van die medikasie. Ten laaste is al die bevindinge en aanbevelings vanuit die studie na die belanghebbende outoriteite in die Hospitaalbestuur verwys. Indien gesondheidsdienste in die toekoms verpleegpersoneel wil behou, sal meer gedoen moet word om alle vorme van blootstelling-aan-diens te voorkom, en indien dit wel plaasvind, die gevolglike rourespons van die blootgestelde verpleegkundige of leerling te verwag, te hanteer en te verkort.
Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Nursing))--University of the Free State, 2007, Acceptance, Anger, Antiretroviral therapy, Anxiety and fear, Bereavement process, Compassion, Denial, Exposure-on-duty, Grief, Injury-on-duty, Needle stick incident, Nurses, Post-exposure prophylaxis, Side effects, Staff surveillance, Sharps-related exposure, Support