The motivation behind the persistent reapplication for a master's degree in applied psychology: a self-determination theory perspective

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Booysen, Daniella
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University of the Free State
English: This study aimed at exploring the motivation behind students’ persistence in reapplying for an applied master’s degree in Psychology. The Self-determination theory (SDT) had been used as a theoretical lens to guide the understanding behind their motivation and the subsequent determinants thereof. A qualitative research approach with a multiple case study design was used in order to gain a deeper understanding of these applicants’ motivation. Seven participants were obtained through snowball sampling and individual semi-structured interviews conducted. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Research findings included participants’ descriptions which indicated that the process of reapplication involved aspects related to the three needs of the SDT, namely autonomy, relatedness and competence. In terms of autonomy, participants included statements that indicated that they have a natural interest in Psychology and to qualify as a psychologist was an independent decision. Their need for relatedness was satisfied through social support from significant others and colleagues, as well as the need to serve the broader South Africa. Participants furthermore indicated that their level of competency was affected by their need to better equip themselves in order to enhance their professional growth. However, competence was questioned in the event of an unsuccessful application. In conclusion, the findings found a level of intrinsic motivation related to persistent reapplication for a master’s degree in applied psychology.
Afrikaans: Hierdie studie het gepoog om ondersoek in te stel rondom die motivering agter studente se aanhoudende heraansoek vir ʼn meestersgraad in toegepaste Sielkunde. Die Self-determinasie teorie (SDT) is as teoretiese lens gebruik ten einde ‘n beter begrip rakende die motivering en gevolglike determinante hiervan te verkry. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met meervoudige gevallestudies is gebruik om ʼn dieper begrip te verkry van sodanige aansoekers se motivering. Sewe navorsingsdeelnemers is deur ʼn sneeubalsteekproeftrekking gewerf en individuele semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gevoer. Tematiese analise was gebruik om die data te analiseer. Navorsingsresultate sluit in dat aansoekers aangedui het dat die proses van heraansoek aspekte insluit wat relevant is aan die drie behoeftes van die SDT, naamlik outonomie, verwantskap en bekwaamheid. Rakende outonomie, het aansoekers se stellings ingesluit dat hulle ʼn natuurlike belangstelling in Sielkunde het en om te kwalifiseer as ʼn sielkundige ‘n onafhanklike besluit was. Hulle behoefte aan verwantskap was bevredig deur die sosiale ondersteuning van geliefdes en kollegas, sowel as hul behoefte om tot diens te wees vir die breër Suid-Afrika. Aansoekers het verder aangedui dat hulle vlak van bekwaamheid beïnvloed was deur hulle behoefte om hul bevoegdheid te ontwikkel om sodoende professionele groei te stimuleer. Bekwaamheid was ook bevraagteken gedurende die proses van ʼn onsuksesvolle aansoek. Ter afsluiting, die bevindinge het ʼn vlak van intrinsieke motivering aangedui wat verband hou met aanhoudende heraansoek vir ʼn meestersgraad in toegepaste sielkunde.
Dissertation (M.A. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2016, Autonomy, Competence, Master's degree, Psychology, Selection, Self-determination theory, Relatedness