Die belewing van geloofsekerheid by die Gereformeerde Afrikaanssprekende adolessente leerder

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De Jager, Anna Magdalena
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University of the Free State
English: Changes in the spiritual and educational milieu are inevitable in a society undergoing transformation, such as South Africa. These changes gave rise to the urgent need for this research, which was consequently undertaken with the following goal: • To determine how Reformed Afrikaans-speaking adolescent learners experience certainty of faith. The study begins with a systematised exposition of certainty of faith with a view to conducting the qualitative research in Chapter 2. The initial investigation focuses on how faith is explained in the subject literature, so that a concept of faith can be developed with specific reference to the adolescent. The modern adolescent is placed in perspective in Chapter 3, with the emphasis on important biological, physiological and psychological changes taking place during adolescence, as well as the psychosocial, physiological and related developmental tasks of the adolescent. The adolescent's quest for personal identity is characterised by spontaneous self-discovery, the development of self-esteem and strong individuality. Attention is also given, inter alia, to the adolescent's relationship with his school and community, his social relationships and his relationship with his peers. The moral and religious values of the adolescent are also addressed. The parents, the teachers, the peer group, the church and finally the community are factors that influence the certainty of faith experienced by adolescents. This is discussed in detail in Chapter 4. The method and process of the qualitative research are explained in Chapter 5. An empirical research investigation was conducted in order to ascertain the certainty of faith experienced by adolescents in the four Reformed churches in the Free State as far as humanly possible. Qualitative research was also used to establish personal contact with adolescents in order to gain first-hand insight into the certainty of faith experienced by them. This is followed by the processing of the qualitative research data in Chapter 6. The qualitative research was conducted to determine how the modern Afrikaans-speaking adolescent experiences certainty of faith. It was clear that the mentioned adolescents experience certainty of faith. They are also endeavouring to live according to God's will, to exercise a positive influence on others and to avoid non-Christian groups. Some of them even intend to pursue Christian careers later on in their lives. The important role of the parent in the adolescent's certainty of faith clearly came to the fore in the research. Parents who gave adolescents the right guidance from a young age are reaping the rewards thereof today. It was also proved that parents should continue with their task, particularly in these times characterised by changes in attitudes regarding moral values, standards and views about ways of life. Ministers do not realise what an important role they play in dealing with adolescents in the confirmation class. This applies not only to the knowledge they must impart; their attitude towards and relationship with each individual are also of the utmost importance. The conclusion (Chapter 7) indicates the recommendations, the strengths of the study and the shortcomings of the qualitative research, as well as further guidelines for research. This study makes a contribution towards highlighting the central meaning of certainty in the confession of faith and religious life of the Christian adolescent. The adolescent believer knows who he believes in, and if he believes unconditionally in Him, he accepts His Word with the same commitment. The data indicate that adolescents who want to confirm their faith, experience certainty of faith that is not always theologically formulated.
Afrikaans: In 'n samelewing van transformasie (soos Suid-Afrika) vind daar noodwendig veranderinge in die geestelike en opvoedkundige milieu plaas. Hierdie veranderinge het gelei tot die dringende behoefte aan hierdie navorsing. Navorsing is gevolglik onderneem met die volgende ten doel: • Om vas te stel wat die belewing van geloofsekerheid by Gereformeerde Afrikaanssprekende adolessente leerders is. Die studie begin met 'n gesistematiseerde uiteensetting van geloofsekerheid met die oog op hierdie kwalitatiewe navorsing (hoofstuk 2). Daar word aanvanklik ondersoek ingesteloor hoe geloof in die literatuur verklaar word, sodat 'n begrip van geloof met spesifieke verwysing na die adolessent, verkry kan word. Die perspektiefstelling van die hedendaagse adolessent volg in hoofstuk 3, met die klem op belangrike veranderinge wat tydens adolessensie plaasvind, soos die biologiese, fisiologiese en sielkundige veranderinge asook die psigososiale, fisiologiese en verwante ontwikkelingstake van die adolessent. Die adolessent se soeke na persoonlike identiteit word gekenmerk deur sy spontane ontdekking van die self, die ontwikkeling van selfagting en sterk individualiteit, Daar word onder andere ook aandag geskenk aan die adolessent se verhouding tot die skool, die samelewing, sy sosiale verhoudings asook sy verhouding met sy portuurgroep. Die adolessent se morele en religieuse waardes word ook aangespreek. Die faktore wat 'n invloed op adolessente se geloofsekerheid het, is die ouers, die onderwysers, die portuurgroep, die kerk en laastens die gemeenskap. Dit word breedvoerig in hoofstuk 4 bespreek. Die metode en proses van die kwalitatiewe navorsing word in hoofstuk 5 uiteengesit. 'n Empiriese navorsingsondersoek is gedoen om die geloofsekerheid van die adolessente van die vier Gereformeerde kerke in die Vrystaat te probeer vasstel, sover as wat dit menslik moontlik is. Ook is van kwalitatiewe navorsing gebruik gemaak om persoonlike kontak met adolessente te bewerkstellig en sodoende die geloofsekerheid van die adolessente eerstehands te probeer peil. Daarna volg die verwerking van die data van die kwalitatiewe navorsing in hoofstuk 6. Die kwalitatiewe navorsing is gedoen om uit te vind hoe die huidige Afrikaanssprekende adolessent geloofsekerheid beleef. Dit het duidelik geblyk dat die genoemde adolessente geloofsekerheid ervaar. Hulle probeer dan ook om te lewe volgens die wil van God, om ander positief te beïnvloed en hulself te weerhou van nie-Christelike groepe. Sommige beoog selfs om later in hullewe Christelike beroepe te beoefen. Die belangrike rol van die ouer in die adolessent se geloofsekerheid, het duidelik in die navorsing na vore gekom. Ouers wat die adolessente van kleins af die regte leiding gegee het, pluk vandag die vrugte daarvan. Ook is bewys dat ouers steeds hul taak moet voortsit, veral vandag waar houdings ten opsigte van morele waardes, standaarde en menings rakende leefwyses verander het. Predikante besef nie watter belangrike rol hulle het om te vervul met die hantering van die adolessente in die katkisasieklas nie. Dit geld nie net vir die kennis wat hulle moet oordra nie, maar hul houding teenoor en verhouding met elke individu is ook van die uiterste belang. Die slotbeskouing (hoofstuk 7) dui die aanbevelings, die sterk punte van die studie, die tekortkominge van die kwalitatiewe navorsing asook verdere riglyne vir navorsing aan. Hierdie studie lewer 'n bydrae om die sentrale betekenis van sekerheid in die geloofsbelydenis en geloofslewe van die Christen-adolessent uit te lig. Die gelowige adolessent weet in wie hy glo en as hy onvoorwaardelik in Hom glo, aanvaar hy sy Woord met dieselfde oorgawe. Die data dui daarop dat die adolessente wat belydenis van geloof wil aflê, geloofsekerheid ervaar wat nie altyd teologies geformuleer is nie.
Adolescence, Afrikaans-speaking learners, Confession of faith, Certainty of faith, Qualitative research, Questionnaire, Interview, Interpretation of data, Confirmation class, Reformed, Thesis (Ph.D. (Theology))--University of the Free State, 2010