Aqueous substitution behaviour of the chlorotris (1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane) platinum(II) ion

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Sam, Zolisa Agnes
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University of the Free State
English: The aim of this study was to prepare, characterise and investigate the interesting reactivity and substitution behaviour of the platinum(ll) analogue of the Wilkinson catalyst, [PtCI(PTA)3t, in aqueous medium. The water-soluble ligand 1,3,5-triaza-7- phosphaadamantane (PTA) was employed in the synthesis of the various complexes in this study. This title complex was reacted with various halides and pseudo-halides like SC~, Br", N3- to form products, which could be characterised, and also to investigate the aqueous substitution behaviour of these. Characterisation of the complexes that were synthesised was done by the use of multi-nuclear NMR, IR, UV-Vis techniques and X-ray crystallography. X-ray crystallography was utilised to study the crystal structure of {[Pt(NCS)(PTA)3]NCS}3-5H20 which crystallises in a triclinic space group, Pi; and was refmed to a final R value of3.67%. The structure of this compound showed that the Pt(II) centre displays a well defined square planar geometry but it crystallised with three platinum complexes, three thiocyanate counter-ions and five water solvent molecules in the asymmetric unit. The three platinum complexes are chemically equivalent, but are crystallographically slightly different due to small variations in their packing modes. The above-mentioned substitution reactions were investigated by means of UV-Vis spectrophotometry and stopped-flow techniques. Since the [PtCI(PTA)3t complex was not stable in aqueous medium, (represented in the scheme below), an excess of the chloride ion concentration (as NaCI) was added in all investigations done with the complex. Diagram included on full text. The equilibrium studies of [PtCI(PT A)3t were done by the addition of halides and pseudo-halides, Y (Br", N3-, SCN") which resulted in the rapid substitution of the chloride to form [PtY(PTA)3f as the final product. The equilibrium constants obtained were 10(1), 7(1) and 2.8(5) M-I for SCN", N3- and Br" respectively. The protonation behaviour of the [PtCI(PT Abt complex was also investigated and it was found that it subsequently converts to the cis-[PtCh(PTA)2]. Two pKa values, pKal = 2.1(1) and pKa2= 3.3(8) which are assumed to represent the protonation of the [PtCI(PTA)31CI and cis-[PtCbCPTA)21 complexes respectively, were determined. The rates of substitution reactions were too fast to monitor by time-resolved spectroscopy, which enabled the study of the rapid chloride exchange process by 35CI NMR since significant line broadening was observed. From the experiments done it was noted that increased concentration of the chloride resulted in slower rates of the chloride exchange, The chloride exchange rate constant for the [PtCI(PT A)3]+ at 22 °C was determined to be 2(1) x103 M-1 S-1. The complex aqueous solution behaviour of the [PtCI(PTA)3t complex can be represented in the scheme below, where the charges of the complexes have been omitted for simplicity, PTAH+ = protonated PTA ligand, and iso = isomerisation. Illustration included in full text.
Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die reaktiwiteit en substitusiegedrag van die wateroplosbare Pt(II)-analoog van die Wilkinsonkatalis, [PtCl(PTA)3t, in waterige medium te ondersoek. Die wateroplosbare ligand, 1,3,5-triaza-7 -phosphaadamantaan (PTA) is gebruik vir die sintese van die verskillende komplekse. Die titelkompleks is met verskeie haliede en pseudohaliede, naamlik SC~, Br", N3-, gereageer. Karakterisering van die gevormde produkte is gedoen met behulp van multikern KMR, IR, UV-Sigbare tegnieke en X-straalkristallografie. X-straalkristallografie IS spesifiek gebruik om die struktuur van {[Pt(NCS)(PTA)3]NCSh5H20, wat in die trikliniese ruimtegroep pj kristalliseer, op te klaar en te verfyn tot 'n R-waarde van 3.67%. Hierdie struktuur het getoon dat die Pt(II)-metalkern 'n tipiese vierkantig-planêre geometrie vertoon, maar dat dit as drie onafuanklike Pt(II)-katione, drie tiosianaatione en vyf watermolekule in die asimmetriese eenheid uitkristalliseer. Die drie Pt(II) metaalsentra is almal chemies ekwivalent maai vertoon klein verskille as gevolg van pakkingseffekte. Die bogenoemde substitusiesreaksies is met UV-Sigbare spektrofotometrie en stopvloeitegnieke bestudeer. Aangesien die [PtCI(pTAht kompleks onstabiel in suiwer waterige medium is (sien skema hieronder), moes 'n oormaat vry [Cr] (as NaCI) in alle eksperimente bygevoeg word om hidroliese te minimiseer. Illustration included on the full text. Die ewewigstudies op [PtCI(PTAhf is gedoen deur die byvoeging van die betrokke halied of pseudohalied Y (Br", N3-, SCN"), wat die vinnige substitusie van die chloroligand tot gevolg gehad het met die vorming van die [PtY(PTA)3f komplekse as [male produkte. Die ewewigskonstantes is spektrofotometriese as 10(1), 7(1) en 2.8(5) M-I vir SCN, N3- en Br" onderskeidelik bepaal. Die protoneringsgedrag van die [PtCI(PTA)3]+ kompleks is ondersoek en daar is gevind dat daar twee pKa waardes bestaan wat uiteindelik veroorsaak dat die cis- . [PtCh(PT A)2] kompleks gevorm word. Huidige getuienis dui aan dat hierdie twee waardes pKa1 = 2.1(1) en pKa2= 3.3(8) die protonering van die [PtCl(PTA)3]+ en die .cis-[PtCh(PTA)2] onderskeidelik verteenwoordig. Die tempo van chloriedsubstitusie deur die verskillende inkomende ligande was te vinnig om dit met behulp van tydafhanklike volspektrurnanalise te monitor, maar was nietemin geskik om die chlorieduitruiling met behulp van 35ClKMR., aangesien betekenisvolle lynverbreding waargeneem is, te ondersoek. Dit het volgens die eksperimente geblyk dat 'n toename in vrye cloriedkonsentrasie 'n afname in die tempo van chlorieduitruiling tot gevolg het, en die chlorieduitruilingstempokonstante van die [PtCl(PTA)3]+ kompleks by 22°C is as 2(1) x 103M-1s-1 bepaal. Die komplekse oplossingsgedrag van die [PtCl(PT A)3f kompleks word in die volgende skema voorgestel, waar ladings eenvoudigheidshalwe uitgelaat is, PTAH'" die geprotoneerde PT A ligand, en iso isomerisasie voorstel. Illustrasie ingesluit in volledige teks
Platinum compounds, Substitution reactions, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2002