Selfkonsep, lokus van beheer en selfhandhawing as voorspellers van werktevredenheid by speurders

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Van Jaarsveld, Susanna Johanna
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University of the Free State
English: The aim of this study is to determine whether self-concept, locus of control and assertiveness can predict the job satisfaction levels of the South African Police Service (Free State) detectives. Existing studies show dissatisfaction with working conditions is an universal problem that is on the increase - especially in South African organisations. Job dissatisfaction does not only incur considerable financial losses for organisations, it also effects an employees' physical and psychological well-being and interpersonal relationships negatively. The population which was drawn from all ranks of the Detective unit of the South African Police Service, consists of four hundred detectives. The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, was administered to measure job satisfaction, the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale was utilised to assess the dimensions of the self-concept and the total self, while the Rathus Schedule was used to determine assertive behaviour and Schepers' Locus of Control Questionnaire was used to determine internal locus of control, external locus of control and autonomy. Descriptive statistics (mean cores, standard deviations) as well as inferential statitics (discriminant analysis, stepwise multiple regression, analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation coefficient) were applied utilising the SPSS computer programme. The results indicate, albeit tentatively, that self-concept, locus of control and assertiveness do predict the job sati faction levels of detectives and it is concluded that training and personal orientation can contribute to the development and strengthening of the self-concept, locus of control and assertiveness.
Afrikaans: Die doel van die studie is om werktevredenheid van speurders in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (Vrystaat Provinsie) te voorspel met behulp van selfkonsep, lokus van beheer en selfhandhawing. Vanuit die literatuur is dit duidelik dat werkontevredenheid 'n universele probleem is wat 'n stygende neiging wêreldwyd, en veral in Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies, toon. Werkontevredenheid manifesteer nie net in groot finansiële uitgawes vir organisasies nie, maar benadeelook werkernemers se fisiese en psigiese welstand sowel as individue se interpersoonlike verhoudinge. Die populasie is vanuit die Speurafdeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens geselekteer en bestaan uit vierhonderd lede van alle ranggroepe. Die Minnesota Tevredenheidsvraelys is gebruik om die werktevredenheid te meet, terwyl die Tennessee Selfkonsepskaal gebruik is om die dimensies van selfkonsep sowel as die totale selfkonsep te meet, die Rathus Selfhandhawingskaal is gebruik om selfhandhawing te meet en Schepers se Lokus van Beheer-vraelys is gebruik om interne lokus van beheer, eksterne lokus van beheer en outonomie te meet. Vir die doeleindes van die voorspellingstudie is van beskrywende (gemiddelde tellings en standaardafwykings) sowel as inferensiële (diskriminant-ontleding, stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie-ontleding, variansie-ontleding en Pearson se korrelasiekoëffisiënt) statistiek gebruik gemaak. Sodanige statistiese bewerkinge is met behulp van die SPSS rekenaarprogram gedoen. Alhoewel tentatief, blyk dit vanuit die verkreë resultate dat selfkonsep, lokus van beheer en selfllandhawing wel die werktevredenheid van speurders kan voorspel. Vanuit die ondersoek word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die ontwikkeling en versterking van selfkonsep, lokus van beheer en selfhandhawing 'n aansienlike bydrae kan lewer deur middel van opleiding en persoonlike oriëntasie.
Job satisfaction, Self-concept, Assertiveness, Dispositional, Situational, Interactional, Police officials, Detectives, Control (Psychology), Assertiveness (Psychology), Internal locus of control, External locus of control, Dissertation (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2001