Watter rol behoort gemeenteleiers in die geloofsvorming van tieners te speel?

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Welthagen, Floris Stephanus
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University of the Free State
Summary: There is a variety of ways to approach youth ministry and with this there is also different varieties of people that are worked with when talking about the congregational leaders and the youth. We are looking for a guideline for congregational leaders’ approach to youth ministry and faith formation. We hear about the stuggles as well as the help that congregational leaders receive when they work with teenagers in their congregation. It is important to realize what is happening in the lifes of the teenagers. There is acceptance of the importance of youth ministry with other church activities that form part of the formation of the teenager’s faith. Fowler’s stages of faith formation helps us to understand the development and differences that is identified within faith formation of people of different ages. Fowler’s work helps us to realize the differences of people. We need to know that people differ within their faith lifes, just as they differ in their daily routines. There is an emphasis on the importance of relationships that are formed through trust between the congregational leaders and youth. Keywords: teenagers, congregational leaders, youth ministry, faith formation, relationships, trust, teenagers
Afrikaans: Daar is verskillende benaderings tot jeugbediening en daar is ‘n groot verskeidenheid mense waarmee gewerk en saam gewerk word wanneer ons praat van gemeenteleiers en tieners. Ons is opsoek na ‘n riglyn vir gemeenteleiers se benadering tot jeugbediening en geloofsvorming van tieners. Ons hoor van die struikelblokke saam met die hulp wat gemeenteleiers beleef wanneer hulle in gemeentes werk met tieners. Dit is ook belangrik om te besef wat plaasvind in die lewens van tieners. Daar is ‘n klem op die belangrikheid van jeugbediening saam met ander kerklike aktiwiteite wat deel vorm van ‘n tiener se geloofsvorming. Fowler se fases van geloofsvorming help ons om begrip te ontwikkel vir die groot verskille en verskeidenheid binne die geloofsvorming van persone van alle ouderdomme. Fowler se werk help ons om tot ‘n besef te kom oor die verskille van mense. Ons moet weet dat mense binne hulle geloofslewe ook verskil soos wat hulle verskil in hulle maniere van omgaan in alledaagse gebeure. Daar is baie klem op die belangrikheid van verhoudings wat gevorm word deur wedersydse vertroue tussen die gemeenteleiers en tieners. Sleutelterme: tieners, gemeenteleiers, jeugbediening, geloofsvorming, verhoudings, vertroue, tieners
Teenagers, Congregational leaders, Youth ministry, Faith formation, Relationships, Trust, Dissertation (M.Th. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2017