'n Analise van die verwerkliking van die pedagogiese bedrywigheidstrukture in Senior Sekondere swart onderwys

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Conradie, Barend Johannes
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University of the Free State (South Campus)
English: The 'thesis' in this study is that the education occurrence, as a typical human phenomenon, is at times adequately realised and at times inadequately. In analysing the educative activities of teachers and pupils in the Senior Secondary school phase an attempt is made to find which activities can be regarded as achieving the aim of education and which not. In order to achieve the above set goal it was necessary to analyse the theme in chapter one and to account for the methodology to be used. The actual problem was stated as well as the purpose of the study. An attempt to formulate the qualitative hypothesis was also undertaken. In chapter two a cursory historic and anthropologic analysis is made of the Black man's and therefore the Black child's culture. Because this can actually not be done by a person from another culture than the Black culture, the author allows the Black person to speak and formulate this by referring to the literature of Black authors. In chapter three the Secondary school in Lebowa is investigated as part of the life-world where Black children design their 'world'. The Senior Secondary school in Lebowa is, for the purpose of this study, regarded as the education situation wherein the educative activities take place. The essences of the pedagogic activity structures are described in chapter four. The twelve essences of the pedagogic activity structures are examined to determine which educative activities are adequately realised and which are not. The analysis of questionnaire answers of Senior Secondary School children determined whether this realisation was adequate or not. In the last chapter each of the essences. is analysed and according to the tendency of the respondent answers the pedagogic importance of each of the essences is emphasised. The recommendations made in this chapter refer mostly to the teachers and teacher training. The pedagogic ideals can be adequately realised in the didactic situation if the teachers corps is suitably equipped and if they are truly prepared and motivated to guide the child to proper adulthood through purposeful educative activities.
Afrikaans: In bierdie proefskrif word die 'tesis' gebuldig dat die pedagogiese gebeure, as tipies rnenslike gebeure, in die swart skoolsi tuasie sorns toereikend en soms ontoereikend verwerklik word. Die onderwysers en kinders neern deel aan opvoedingsbandelinge wat sorns suksesvol voltrek word en soms misluk. om hierdie toereikende en ontoereikende verwerkliking van die pedagogiese bandelinge te bepaal moes skrywer in hoofstuk een die tema ontleed en 'n metodologiese verantwoording doen. In hoofstuk twee is 'n kursoriese kultuur-historiese en kultuur-antropologiese perspektief op die lewensbeskouing van Swart mense en dus. Swart kinders probeer gee. Dit is gedoen deur die Swart persoon self, sever moontlik, aan die woord te stel. In hoofstuk drie is die Sekondere skoal, in Lebowa, as weg tot wereldontwerp vir die Swart leerlinge van nader. beskou. Die Senior Sekondere skool in Lebowa is in hierdie studie beskou as die opvoedingsituasie waarin die opvoedingsbandelinge plaasvind . In hoofstuk vier is die essensies van die pedagogiese bedrywigheidstrukture beskyf. Die twaalftal essensies van die pedagogiese bedrywigheidstrukture is onder die loep geneem om te bepaal watter opvoedingshandelinge toereikend voltrek word en watter nie. Die toereikende verwerkliking al dan nie, is bepaal deur die deurskouing van vraelysantwoorde van Senior Sekondere skoolkinders. In die laaste hoofstuk is elk van die essensies deurskou en aan die hand van die tendens van die respondent-antwoorde is die pedagogiese belangrikhei.d van elk van die essensies beklemtoon. Die aanbevelings wat gemaak word het meestal betrekking op die onderwysers en onderwysersopleiding. Die pedagogiese kan in die didaktiese skoolsituasie toereikend verwerklik word indien die onderwyserskorps behoorlik toegerus word en waarlik weerbaar en gemotiveerd is om deur doelgerigte opvoedingshandelinge die kind te lei tot behoorlike volwassenheid.
Senior Secondary school phase, Black children, Pedagogic activity, Secondary education, Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--University of the Free State, 1986