'n Evaluasie van filialterapie

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Carstens, Magdaleen Petronella
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University of the Free State
English: Filial therapy is a cost-effective and economically viable method that has been thoroughly researched in several countries, and applied to various nationalities. Several variables have been measured in the process. The effectiveness of the training of parents as therapeutic agents in the lives of their children is a research area that needs to be further developed in South Africa. The primary goal of this study was to establish the effectiveness of filial therapy with regard to: • a more satisfactory experience of parenthood; • the red uction of: * problem situations related to parenthood, and * the number of problems that children experience; • the reduction of parental stress; and • the promotion of parental acceptance of the child. The secondary goal was to make recommendations with regard to the effectiveness of filial therapy as a parent-child treatment modality, based on the results, particularly in view of the changes that this therapy may bring about in the parent. The third goal was to provide a complete overview of filial therapy. The information that is gained from the study may, among other things, be of value to counselling professions, parents, children, and families on the whole. A literature study was done to obtain information with regard to the nature, origin, rationale, application, treatment model, choice of parents and children, format of group, phases, existing research, as well as the structure and contents of filial therapy. A detailed step-by-step manual in Afrikaans is provided for use by the therapist during filial therapy. As several of the medical and psychological terms and abbreviations that are used are not generally familiar, a separate chapter has been dedicated to the definition of these terms and abbreviations. The effectiveness of filial therapy is measured by comparing it with the Parent Effectiveness Training (PET). For this reason, a separate chapter is dedicated to the discussion of this programme. The experimental sample consisted of parents with children in middle childhood. This phase is discussed briefly in Chapter 6. Finally, attention is given to the research results, conclusions, shortcomings of the research and recommendations with regard to further research. In this research study a random sample consisting of 29 parents was used. The research design was a randomized experimental and control group design, consisting of a pre-test and a post-test. The experimental group (N = 10) underwent filial therapy, while the other group underwent the PET (N = 9). The control group (N = 10) did not undergo any kind of therapy or parental guidance. The following measuring instruments were completed by the parents in the various groups. These instruments focus on the parents' view of parenthood and their attitude towards the child. • Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI-2) • Filial Problem Checklist (FPC) • Parenting Stress Index (PSI) • Porter Parental Acceptance Scale (PPAS) Hypotheses were posed and tested to determine whether parents can be used as therapeutic agents and whether filial therapy is more effective than a more conventional parental guidance programme (such as the PET). The statistical processing was done by applying a non-parametric statistical research technique, namely the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Within the South African context, filial therapy can be successfully applied as a parent-child treatment modality. Judging from the results, it would seem that filial therapy is more effective than a more traditional parental guidance programme. Only the filial therapy parent group experienced that problem situations related to parenthood were meaningfully reduced after therapy, as well as the number of problems experienced by the child were reduced. The conclusion is therefore drawn that parents may be successfully used as therapeutic agents.
Afrikaans:Filialterapie is 'n koste-effektiewe en ekonomies-verdedigbare metode wat deeglik in verskeie lande nagevors en op verskillende nasionaliteite toegepas is. Verskeie veranderlikes is in die proses gemeet. Die effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid van opleiding van ouers as terapeutiese agent in hulle kind se lewe is 'n belangrike navorsingsarea wat in Suid-Afrika verder nagevors moet word. Die primêre doelwit van hierdie studie was om die doeltreffendheid van filialterapie te bepaal ten opsigte van: • 'n meer bevredigende belewing van ouerskap; • die vermindering van: * probleemsituasies wat met ouerskap verband hou, en * die hoeveelheid probleme wat kinders ervaar; • die vermindering van ouerskapstres; en • die bevordering van ouerlike aanvaarding van die kind. Die sekondêre doelwit was om op grond van die resultate aanbevelings te maak oor die doeltreffendheid van filialterapie as ouerkindbehandelingsmodaliteit, veral in die lig van die veranderinge wat dit moontlik in die ouer kan teweegbring. Die tersiêre doelwit was die verskaffing van 'n volledige oorsig oor filialterapie. Die inligting wat met die studie ingewin word, kan onder andere vir die helpende professies, ouers, kinders en gesinne in die geheel van waarde wees. 'n Literatuuroorsig is verkry oor die aard, ontstaan, rasionaal, toepassing, behandelingsmodel, keuse van ouers en kinders, groepsformaat, fases, bestaande navorsing, asook die struktuur en inhoud van filialterapie. 'n Volledige stap-vir-stap handleiding in Afrikaans word verskaf vir gebruik deur die terapeut in die aanbieding van filialterapie. Weens die gebruik van mediese en sielkundige terme, asook afkortings wat nie algemeen bekend is nie, word 'n aparte hoofstuk aan begripsbepalings gewy. Die doeltreffendheid van filialterapie word gemeet deur dit te vergelyk met die Doeltreffende Ouerleidingprogram (DOL), daarom word 'n aparte hoofstuk hieraan gewy. Die steekproef bestaan uit ouers met kinders in die middelkinderjare. Dié fase word daarom kortliks bespreek. Ten slotte word aandag geskenk aan die bespreking van resultate, gevolgtrekkings, leemtes van die ondersoek en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing. In die onderhawige studie is gebruik gemaak van 'n steekproef bestaande uit 29 ouers. Die navorsingsontwerp is 'n ewekansige eksperimentele en kontrolegroep-ontwerp, bestaande uit 'n voor- en natoets. Die een eksperimentele groep (N = 10) het filialterapie en die ander groep die DOL (N = 9) deurloop. Die kontrolegroep (N = 10) het geen vorm van terapie of ouerleiding ontvang nie. Die volgende meetinstrumente wat deur ouers self voltooi is en fokus op die ouers se siening van ouerskap en hulle houding jeens die kind, is vir voor- en natoetsing gebruik: • Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI-2) • Filial Problem Checklist (FPC) • Parenting Stress Index (PSI) • Porter Parental Acceptance Scale (PPAS) Hipoteses is gestel en getoets om te bepaal of die ouer as terapeutiese agent aangewend kan word en of filialterapie doeltreffender is as 'n meer konvensionele ouerleidingprogram (soos die DOL). Die statistiese verwerking is gedoen deur van 'n nie-parametriese statistiese navorsingstegniek, naamlik die Wilcoxon rangtekentoets gebruik te maak. Filialterapie kan in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks met sukses as ouerkindbehandelingsmodaliteit aangewend word. Dit blyk uit die resultate dat filialterapie doeltreffender is as 'n meer tradisionele ouerleidingprogram. Slegs die filialterapie ouergroep het ervaar dat probleemsituasies wat met ouerskap verband hou beduidend verminder het, asook die hoeveelheid probleme wat die kind ervaar, het verminder. Die afleiding word dus gemaak dat 'n ouer suksesvol as terapeutiese agent aangewend kan word.
Filial family play therapy (FFPT), Filial therapy, Middle childhood, Non-directive play therapy, Parent effectiveness training (PET), Measuring instruments, Child relationship enhancement family therapy (CREFT), Family psychotherapy, Parent and child, Parents -- Training of -- Evaluation, Thesis (Ph.D. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2003