Psychopathic traits in a group of white Afrikaans-speaking students

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Jordaan, A. J.
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University of the Free State
English: Although psychopathy is recognised by many psychologists as a distinct concept, it is still surrounded by controversies. Self-report measuring instruments such as the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI), the Levenson Psychopathy Scale (LPS) and the Antisocial Action Scale (AAS) have been developed to address some of the needs regarding the assessment of psychopathy. The aim of this study was to determine the relevance of these instruments in a white Afrikaans-speaking student population, since no standardised psychopathy measuring instruments are available for the South African population. A sample of 86 white Afrikaans-speaking male and female psychology students was used in this study, and translated versions of the above-mentioned instruments, as well as the Negative Emotionality Scale (NEM-30), were administered. The results of this study indicate high internal consistencies for these scales and their sub-scales, except for the Alienated Tendencies (NEM-30) sub-scale. Therefore, it is indicated that these instruments are suitable for assessment and research purposes in white, Afrikaans-speaking student populations. However, the AAS seems to be more suitable as a screening device than diagnostic instrument for psychopathy in this particular population. The results also indicated differences in psychopathic traits across genders and cross-national populations. Limitations of the study are pointed out and recommendations are made.
Afrikaans: Hoewel psigopatie deur talle sielkundiges as 'n afsonderlike konsep beskou word, word dit steeds deur kontroversie omring. Selfbeskrywingsvraelyste soos die Psychopathie Personality Inventory (PPI), die Levenson Psychopathy Scale (LPS) en die Antisocial Action Scale (AAS) is ontwikkelom sekere behoeftes rakende die assessering van psigopatie aan te spreek. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die relevansie van die genoemde meetinstrumente vir 'n wit Afrikaanssprekende studentepopulasie te bepaal, aangesien geen gestandaardiseerde meetinstrumente vir toepassing in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks beskikbaar is nie. 'n Steekproef van 86 wit Afrikaanssprekende, sielkunde studente (mans en vroue) is by die studie ingesluit. Afrikaanse vertalings van die bogenoemde vraelyste, asook die Negative Emotionality Scale (NEM-30), is op die steekproef afgeneem. Die resultate van die studie dui op 'n hoë interne geldigheid vir al die skale en hul sub-skale, behalwe vir die "Alienated Tendencies" sub-skaal van die NEM-30. Hiedie meetinstrumente blyk dus geskik te wees vir assesserings- en navorsingsdoeleindes in wit Afrikaanssprekende studente populasies. Dit kom egter voor of die AAS meer geskik is om vir sifting as vir diagnostiese doeleindes in die genoemde populasie gebruik te word. Die resultate dui ook op verskille in psigopatiese eienskappe in verskillende geslagte (mans en vroue) en kruis-nasionale populasies. Die beperkings van die studie word aangedui en aanbevelings word gemaak.
Psychopathy, Afrikaans-speaking students, Gender differences, Psychopathic personality inventory, Antisocial action scale, Levenson psychopathy scale, Negative emotionality scale, Psychology, Pathological, Antisocial personality disorders -- Diagnosis, Dissertation (M.A. (Counselling Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2004