Reproductive efficiency of ostriches (Struthio camelus)

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Lambrechts, Helet
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University of the Free State
English: South Africa is the world's largest ostrich producer, producing approximately 60% of the world's total number of ostriches slaughtered annually. Almost 90% of all ostrich products (i.e. leather, meat and feathers) generated are exported. High input costs, together with fluctuations in the exchange rate, places commercial ostrich producers under constant pressure to produce slaughter birds as cost-effectively as possible. The characteristic low reproductive performance of commercial ostrich breeding systems, as reflected in the large variation in the numbers of eggs produced, and high chick mortalities, contribute to the emphasis on the cost-effective production of slaughter ostriches. The identification of poor or non-producing breeding ostriches are hampered by a communal nesting system and the free-range conditions of commercial ostrich breeding systems. different management practices, and behavioural and physiological aspects were studied to determine their potential to identify and select breeding ostrich males and females with a higher productive performance, and thereby improving overall reproductive performance of breeding ostriches under intensive farming conditions. Maintaining ostrich males and females separately as single-sex flocks during the non-breeding resting period improved the overall reproductive performance of the breeding ostriches. The reproductive cycles of breeding ostriches can successfully be manipulated to ensure the timely production of chicks and thus slaughter birds. The successful implementation of intra-season breeding rest periods to synchronize and thus improve overall reproductive performance is however, determined by the time of the breeding season when the breeding rest is enforced. Breeding ostriches can be maintained at stocking rates higher than those currently applied. However, too high stocking densities are detrimental to the well-being of the breeding ostriches under intensive conditions. A trade-off was observed in terms of egg production and hatchability, with hatchability decreasing as average egg production/female increased. The egg production performance of ostrich females was significantly correlated with serum LH levels. Territorial aggression exhibited by breeding ostrich males did not exhibit significant genetic variation to serve as an indirect selection criterion for egg production in companion breeding females. The territorial aggression observed in the breeding ostrich males, however, showed genetic variation, thus indicating that the temperament of ostriches may be changed through genetic selection, potentially improving their ability to adapt better to intensive husbandry practices. Ultrasound scanning of follicle development can be used to identify ostrich females with an early onset of production and selection of females on partial reproduction records will improve overall reproduction efficiency of commercial breeding systems Significant heritabilities were reported for follicle score during scanning in ostrich females. No negative correlation was reported for female live weight, body measurements, and egg production. Although no reliable .in dicator was identified to quantify the reproductive fitness of ostrich males under intensive conditions, correlations reported for phallus and semen quality traits with male fertility were in the right direction. To conclude: The implementing of flush feeding and teasing management practices will aid in the synchronization of the reproductive cycles of breeding ostriches, thus enabling the commercial ostrich farmer to optimize the reproductive potential of breeding ostrich males and females under intensive breeding conditions. The use of these management practices, together with ultrasound scanning, will aid in the accurate identification and consequent selection of breeding ostrich females with an early onset of production Results from the study indicated that reproductive success is in part determined by an early onset of reproduction, implying that the identification and selection of breeding ostriches with an early onset of production will subsequently lead to an overall improvement and optimization of the reproductive efficiency and thus reproductive performance of breeding ostriches under intensive breeding conditions. Improving the reproductive performance of breeding ostrich males and females will potentially lead to an increase in the number of day-old chicks produced per female, thereby decreasing the overall costs of producing a day-old chick, as well as contribute to decreasing the feed costs of a commercial ostrich breeding operation. The observed high degree of genetic variation in the commercial ostrich breeding population implies that considerable genetic improvement is feasible through the identification of breeding ostriches with an improved reproductive performance, given the high repeatability estimates previously reported for ostriches under flock-mating conditions. It is, however, important to keep in mind the long-term goal of a breeding program, i.e. selection must be performed but without compromising production under commercial conditions. Unravelling the neuroendocrine mechanisms behind the flexibility in reproductive timing in ostriches may aid in the understanding of why ostrich males and females differ in terms of basic reproduction-related mechanisms, e.g. why some come into production earlier than others. This will aid in determining the influence of domestication on the ability of ostriches to adapt to and cope with stressful breeding environments, and also potentially assist the commercial ostrich farmer in the selection of individuals with a better reproduction efficiency under commercial conditions.
Afrikaans: Suid-Afrika is die wereld se grootste produsent van volstruise en produseer ongeveer 60% van die wereld se totale getal volstruise wat jaarliks geslag word. Die Suid-Afrikaanse volstruisbedryf is primer 'n uitvoerbedryf - ongeveer 90% van alle volstruisprodukte (leer, vleis en vere) word uitgevoer. Hoe insetkostes, tesame met 'n fluktuerende wisselkoers, plaas kommersiele volstruisprodusente onder gedurige druk om slagvolstruise so koste-effektief as moontlik te produseer. Kommersiele volstruisproduksiestelsels word gekenmerk deur 'n Jae reproduksiedoeltreffendheid, soos weerspieel in 'n groat variasie in eierproduksie, asook hoe kuikenmortaliteite Die identifisering van individuele volstruismannetjies en -wyfies met lae reproduksiedoeltreffendhede word bemoelik deur die feit dat volstruiswyfies in meer as een nes kan le, asook deur die ekstensiewe tot semi-intensiewe omstandighede en troppparingstelsels waaronder kommersiele volstruisbroeikuddes aangehou word. Die potensiaal van sekere bestuurspraktyke en gedrags- en fisiologiese aspekte om aktief-reproduserende volstruise te identifiseer en sodoende die reproduksiedoeltreffendheid van 'n broeikudde te optimaliseer, is in die studie ondersoek. Die fisiese en visuele skeiding van mannetjies en wyfies tydens die russeisoen het 'n positiewe invloed op die sinkronisasie van die reproduksiesiklusse van die volstruise gehad, met 'n betekenisvolle verbetering in seisoenale reproduksieprestasie. Die reproduksiesiklusse van broeivolstruise kon suksesvol deur middel van gedwonge binne-seisoen rusperiodes gesinkroniseer en verbeter word. Die sukses van die bestuurspraktyk om reproduksie te sinkroniseer en te verbeter, word egter bepaal deur die tyd van die jaar wanneer die bestuurspraktyk ge'fmplementeer word. Volstruisbroeikuddes kan teen hoer digthede as wat tans deur die toepaslike riglyne voorgeskryf word, aangehou word. Met 'n toename in die gemiddelde eierproduksie per wyfie, het die uitbroeibaarheid van eiers afgeneem. Volstruisbroeitroppe wat by te hoe digthede aangehou word, kan ook 'n negatiewe invloed op die normale reproduksiegedrag van volstruise he. Eierproduksie van volstruiswyfies was betekenisvol gekorreleerd met serum LHvlakke. Territoriale aggressie by volstruismannetjies het daarop gedui dat temperament by volstruise oorerflik is, wat impliseer dat volstruise geneties selekteer kan word om beter by intensiewe volstruisboerderypraktyke aan te pas. Territoriale aggressie het egter geen waarde as 'n indirekte seleksiemaatstaf waarvolgens volstruiswyfies vir verhoogde eierproduksie geselekteer kan word nie. Ultraklankskandering kan suksesvol gebruik word om aktief-reproduserende volstruiswyfies te identifiseer, asook om wyfies met 'n hoer reproduksiepotensiaal tydens 'n broeiseisoen uit te soek. Geen negatiewe korrelasie is gevind tussen die liggaamsmassa, Jiggaamsmates en eierproduksiepotensiaal van volstruiswyfies nie. Alhowel geen betekenisvolle maatstaf van semenkwaliteit by volstruismannetjies ge'fdentifiseer is nie, was die korrelasies positief en in die regte rigting. Om saam te vat: Die implementering van prikkelvoeding- en koggelpraktyke sal bydra tot die sinkronisasie van die reproduksiesiklusse van broeivolstruise en so die kommersiele volstruisboer in staat sal stel om die reproduksiepotensiaal van sy broeivolstruise onder intensiewe toestande te verbeter. Die toepassing van hierdie bestuurspraktyke, tesame met die gebruik van ultraklankskandering, sal die identifisering en gevolglike seleksie van broeiwyfies wat vroeg in le kom, moontlik maak. Bevindinge van die studie het aangedui dat reproduksiesukses deels deur 'n vroee aanloop van eierproduksie bepaal word, wat beteken dat die identifisering en seleksie van wyfies wat vroeg in le kom, sal lei tot die algehele verbetering en optimering van die reproduksiedoetreffendheid en -prestasie van broeivolstruise onder intensiewe toestande 'n Verbetering in die reproduksieprestasie van volstruise sal potensieel die aantal dagoud kuikens per wyfie geproduseer verhoog, wat weer die koste om 'n dagoud kuiken te produseer, sal verlaag. Deur nie-produserende indiwidue in kommersiele broeitroppe te identifiseer, sal ook wesenlik tot aansienlike besparings in voerkoste bydra. Die hoë mate van genetiese variasie in die kommersiele volstruisbevolking impliseer dat daar aansienlike genetiese vordering gemaak kan word deur die identifisering van volstruise met 'n verhoogde/verbeterde reproduksieprestasie, gesien teen die hoe herhaalbaarhede wat reeds vir volstruise in tropparingstelsels gerapporteer is. Dit is egter belangrik die langtermyn doelwit van so 'n seleksieprogram altyd nagestreef word sander om produksie in kommers1ele sisteme in te boet nie. Die ontrafeling van die neuro-endokriene meganismes wat 'n rol in die reproduksiesiklusse van volstruise speel, sal bydra tot verklarings waarom volstruismannetjies en -wyfies verskil in terme van basiese reproduksiemeganismes (bv. hoekom sommige vroeer in le kom as ander, ens.). Dit sal ook bydra om die invloed van domestikering op die aanpassingsvermoe van volstruise om potensiele stresvolle toestande te hanteer en dus beter onder intensiewe kommersiele boerderyomstandighede te vaar, te verstaan. Die seleksie van volstruise met 'n verbeterde aanpassingsvermoe vir kommersiele boerderypraktyke sal potensieel tot 'n algehele verbetering in reproduksiedoeltreffendheid bydra.
Breeding ostriches, Reproduction efficiency, Flush feeding, Teasing, Stocking density, Male territorial aggression, Serum hormone levels, Ultrasound scanning, Semen quality, Ostriches -- Reproduction, Ostrich farming -- South Africa, Thesis (Ph.D. (Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences))--University of the Free State, 2004