Facilitating a culture of research among undergraduates in occupational therapy at the University of the Free State

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Du Toit, Sanetta Henrietta Johanna
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University of the Free State
English: The overall theme of this study is the facilitation of a research culture at undergraduate level for occupational therapy (OT) students at the University of the Free State (UFS). The term "culture" in this regard depicts an ethos of traditions and customs (or roles, habits and values) that will mature with the OT student during the four years of training. Clinical practice, especially when mini-research projects are executed as part of the prerequisite of the training programme, provides an opportunity for acquiring roles, habits and values associated with a research ethos. Successive mini-research projects also have the potential to stimulate continuous research in the clinical context while simultaneously generating evidence for practice. The experience of engagement in mini-research projects by students, as well as the researcher's role in directing and coordinating these projects as supervising clinician, supported this study. An action learning and action research (ALAR) design, aimed at improving practice, guided the multi-method data collection. This data-driven process was dominated by a plan, act, observe, and reflect cyclical sequence. The three completed research cycles included various stakeholders. Direct stakeholders were predominantly the OT students from the UFS, as well as OT clinicians and academics. Indirect stakeholders were the residents of the dementia care ward at Ons Tuiste. The research findings are presented in the format of five articles: Article 1 identifies possible factors hampering the development of a research culture. These factors relate to understanding the position of South African occupational therapists (specifically those therapists trained at and involved with the UFS) regarding research and publication. Trends noted in literature were verified by consulting OT clinicians and academics in Bloemfontein. In conclusion, the idea is introduced that a succession of mini-research projects could facilitate an ethos of research for both clinical supervisors and students. Article 2 addresses the question of how mini-research projects could be designed and structured so as to contribute to a meaningful learning experience for students on clinical placement. The ALAR approach was instrumental in the process of directing successive mini-research projects for students servicing a dementia care unit. A tree analogy is used to explain the design and structuring of the mini-research projects as well as additional aspects that nurtured the process. The article concludes with recommendations on how to structure and design mini-research projects that could be beneficial to other clinicians and final-year OT students in their areas of practice. The predominant question answered in Article 3 relates to whether the ALAR approach, when utilised during clinical practice, could contribute positively to the professional development of undergraduate OT students. The researcher applied findings in an attempt to uncover how involvement in successive mini-research projects influenced students' attitudes and/or knowledge towards research. She also attempts to show how exposure to various forms of reflection not only impacted on the students' professional development, but could also cont ribute to facilitating a research culture at undergraduate level. In Article 4 the researcher addresses the question of the potential impact of refl exive practice skills on student development. The researcher aims to demonstrate how specific meaningful learning qualities contributed to the personal development of undergraduate OT students. The discussion of the findings indicates that action learning and reflection are valuable components when considering clinical practice and community service learning (CSL). A visual portrayal of action learning, being instrumental in the learning process, summarises the characteristics identified within the mini-research projects and suggests that CSL could contribute to lifelong learning. Article 5 specifically addresses what elements of a research development framework could utilise the potential of clinical practice in OT training. The construction of the Framework to promote an Appreciation for Research-Related Activities (FARRA) and its associated model is elucidated. Comments generated by a quantitative questionnaire to an expert panel are also discussed. Suggestions are then made as to what course of action could assist with refining and implementing the FARRA model aimed at laying the foundation for a lifelong inclination towards research.
Afrikaans: Die oorhoofse tema van hierdie studie is die fasilitering van 'n navorsingskultuur op voorgraadse vlak vir arbeidsterapie(AT)-studente aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV). Die term "kultuul' beskryf in hierdie verband 'n etas van tradisies en gebruike (of rolle, gewoontes en waardes) wat saam met die student ontwikkel gedurende die vier jaar voorgraadse opleiding. Praktiese opleiding bied 'n geleentheid om die rolle, gewoontes en waardes wat met 'n navorsingsetos verband hou, te bemeester, in die besonder wanneer mini-navorsingsprojekte uitgevoer word as 'n voorvereiste van die opleidingsprogram. Opeenvolgende mini-navorsingsprojekte bied ook die potensiaal om voortgesette navorsing in die kliniese konteks te stimuleer terwyl uitkomsgebaseerde praktykvoering ontwikkel word. Die ondervindinge van studente tydens hul betrokkenheid by mini-navorsingsprojekte, asook die navorser se rol betreffende die bestuur en koordinering van hierdie projekte as kliniese toesighouer, ondersteun hierdie studie. 'n Aksienavorsing - en aksieleernavorsingsontwerp, gemik op verbeterde praktykvoering, het hierdie metode van meervoudige data-invordering gerig. Hierdie datagedrewe proses is oorheers en gekenmerk deur 'n sikliese orde van beplan aksie, observeer en reflekteer. Die drie voltooide navorsingsiklusse het verskeie belanghebbendes as deelnemers betrek. Direkte belanghebbendes was hoofsaaklik AT-studente aan die UV, sowel as AT-klinici en akademici. Indirekte belanghebbendes was inwoners van 'n demensieversorgingseenheid by Ons Tuiste. Die navorsingsbevindinge word in 'n vyf-artikelformaat aangebied: In Artikel 1 word moontlike faktore wat die ontwikkeling van 'n navorsingskultuur belemmer, ge"identifiseer. Hierdie faktore hou verband met 'n begrip van die posisie van Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsterapeute (spesifiek daardie terapeute wat opgelei en betrokke is by die UV) wat betref navorsing en publikasie. Tendense in die literatuur is geverifieer deur AT-klinici en akademici in Bloemfontein te raadpleeg. Ten slotte word die konsep dat opeenvolgende mininavorsingsprojekte 'n etas van navorsing vir beide kliniese toesighouers en studente kan bevorder, voorgehou. Artikel 2 spreek die wyse aan waarop mini-navorsingsprojekte ontwerp en gestruktureer moet word, ten einde by te kan dra tot 'n betekeni svolle leerondervinding vir studente tydens praktiese opleiding. Die aksienavorsing- en aksieleerbenadering was instrumenteel in die proses om opeenvolgende mini-navorsingsprojekte vir studente tydens praktiese dienslewering in 'n demensie-versorgingseenheid te lei en te rig. 'n Boom-analogie word gebruik om die ontwerp en struktuur van die mini-navorsingsprojekte te verduidelik, asook om addisionele aspekte wat die proses bevorder het, te identifiseer. Die artikel sluit af met aanbevelings oor hoe om mininavorsingsprojekte te struktureer en te ontwikkel sodat dit kan dien tot voordeel van ander klinici en AT-studente in hul finale jaar. Die belangrikste vraag wat in Artikel 3 beantwoord word, handel oor die kwessie of die aksieleeren aksienavorsingsbenadering, wanneer dit tydens praktiese opleiding gebruik word, 'n positiewe bydrae tot die professionele ontwikkeling van voorgraadse AT-studente kan lewer. Die navorser het bevindinge aangewend in 'n paging om vas te stel hoe betrokkenheid in die opeenvolgende mini-navorsingspojekte studente se ingesteldheid en/of kennis van navorsing be'invloed het. Sy het ook gepoog om aan te dui hoe blootstelling aan verskeie vorme van refieksie, 'n impak kan he op studente se professionele ontwikkeling en hoe dit ka n bydra tot die fasilitering van 'n navorsingskultuur op voorgraadse vlak. In Artikel 4 hanteer die navorser die kwessie rakende die potensiele impak van refiektiewe praktykvaardighede op studenteontwikkeling. Die navorser poog om te demonstreer hoe spesifieke betekenisvolle leerkwaliteite tot die persoonlike ontwikkeling van voorgraadse AT-studente bygedra het. Die bespreking van die bevindinge dui aan dat aksieleer en refieksie waardevolle komponente van praktiese opleiding en samelewingsdiensleer is. 'n Visuele voorstelling van aksieleer, instrumenteel tot die leerproses, verskaf 'n opsomming van die kenmerke wat inherent aan die mini-navorsingsprojekte is, en stel dit dat samelewingsdiensleer tot lewenslange leer kan bydra. Artikel 5 spreek spesifiek die soeke na elemente van 'n navorsingsontwikkelingsraamwerk aan, wat die potensiaal van praktiese opleiding in AT kan ontgin. Die konstruering van 'n raamwerk ter bevordering van die waardering van navorsingsverwante vaardighede (Framework for the Appreciation of Research-Related Activities - FARRA) en die gepaardgaande model word bespreek. Kommentaar op die raamwerk, verkry vanuit 'n kwantitatiewe vraelys aan 'n paneel van kundiges, word ook bespreek. Aanbevelings word dan gemaak oor watter werkswyse potensieel kan bydra tot die verfyning en implementering van die FARRA-model met die oog daarop dat dit as basis vir 'n lewenslange ingesteldheid tot navorsing kan dien.
Research culture, Mini-research projects, Action learning, Action research, Occupational therapy, Research-informed practice, Model, Thesis (Ph.D. (Centre for Higher Education Studies and Development))--University of the Free State, 2007