Mainstreaming of smallholder irrigators: the case of Taung Irrigation Scheme, North West, South Africa

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Klopper, Jacobus Petrus
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University of the Free State
English:The majority of emerging farmers live in the former homelands where the former apartheid regime enveloped them, and it is these farmers that need to be mainstreamed into the economy. To be mainstreamed into the growing economy of South Africa, these farmers will need to overcome many challenges. Small-scale agriculture m South Africa is associated with non-productivity and commercially unviable agriculture. The situation is complex and is largely attributable to the fact that South African small-scale agriculture has a history of generating dependency. Farmers (especially those based in the large former homeland irrigation schemes) have become accustomed to the profound support provided by the parastatal organisations that managed most of the irrigation schemes in the country. The Taung irrigation scheme is no exception. Literature highlights constraints from an institutional and technical viewpoint faced by small-scale farmers. The issue of contract farming is explored as a means of overcoming all the constraints. Using primary data collected from the Taung irrigation scheme, this study points out the factors that have an influence on the success potential of small-scale farmers. Theinvestigation focuses on the role of private sector involvement and the role they play in helping small-scale farmers improve success potential and thus mainstreaming them in to the South African economy. The study uses cluster analysis and principal component analysis techniques to perform the analysis. The main components that have the most significant influence on success potential are highl ighted and discussed thoroughly. The issues of importance raised in this study are institutional and technical in nature. Thus, the continued collaboration between small-scale farmers, government and private sector is needed to ensure sustainable successful development. The study provides a reference framework for assessing potential success in smallholder farm management. The study also reveals the embedded institutional and technical deficiencies that need to be addressed to achieve a well functioning agricultural sector. Institutions have a critical role in reducing costs and can have an influence on the development and organisation of economic activity. The results call for a revisit of the policies and institutional framework, and enriching them with information on the factors that affect performance as found in this study. An innovative policy making process is necessary to support smallholder agriculture beyond the farm gate.
Afrikaans:Die meerderheid van opkomende boere konvergeer in die voormalige tuislande waar die voormalige apartheids regering hul geplaas het, en dit is hierdie boere wat in die hoofstroom ekonomie geïnkorporeer moet word. Kleinboer landbou in Suid Afrika word geasossieer met onproduktiwiteit en onvolhoubare komersieële landbou. Dit is 'n komplekse situasie en kan grootliks toegeskryf word aan die feit dat Suid Afrikaanse kleinboer landbou 'n geskiedenis het om afhanklikheid te genereer. Boere (veral die gebasseer in die voormalige tuisland besproeiing skemas) het gewoond geraak aan die volgehoue ondersteuning deur regerings geafiliëerde organisasies wat meeste van die besproeiingskemas in die land bestuur het. Die Taung besproeiingskema is geen uitsondering nie. Literatuur lig die beperkinge vanuit 'n institutionele en tegniese oogpunt uit wat kleinboere in die gesig staar. Daar word gefokus op die kwessie van kontrak boerdery as 'n moontlikheid om beperkinge te oorkom. Deur gebruik te maak van primêre data wat by die Taung besproeiingskema ingesamel is, lig die studie faktore wat 'n invloed op sukses potensiaal van kleinboere het uit. In die ondersoek word klem gelê op die rol van private instansies en die rol wat hulle speel om kleinboere se sukses potensiaal te verbeter en hul dus in die hoofstroom ekonomie van Suid Afrika te inkorporeer. Die analise is voltooi deur gebruik te maak van 'n klusteranalise en analise van die hoofkomponente. Die hoofkomponente wat die grootste invloed op sukses potensiaal het word uitgelig en deuglik bespreek. Belangrike kwessies wat in hierdie studie uitgelig is is institusioneel en tegnies van aard. Dus is die volgehoue samewerking tussen kleinboere, die regering en private instansies nodig vir suksesvolle ontwikkeling. Die studie verskaf 'n verwysingsraamwerk vir die bepaling van potensiële sukses met kleinboerbestuur. Terselfdertyd lê dit ook die ingeboude institusionele tekortkominge bloot waaraan aandag geskenk sal moet word om 'n landbousektor daar te stel wat goed funksioneer. Instellings speel 'n belangrike rol in die verlaging van koste en kan dus 'n uitwerking hê op die ontwikkeling en organisasie van ekonomiese aktiwiteite. Die resultate dikteer dat daar weer gekyk sal moet word na bestaande beleid en institusionele raamwerk om dit aan te vul met inligting oor die faktore wat prestasie beïnvloed soos bevind in hierdie studie. Innoverende beleidmakende proses wat die ontwikkeling van kleinboere na die plaashek steun is nodig.
Irrigation scheme, Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Taung, Irrigation farming -- South Africa -- Taung, Rural development -- South Africa -- Taung, Dissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Agricultural Economics))--University of the Free State, 2009