Geostatistical surface modelling of radionuclide distribution patterns over gold tailings: the new machavie TSF case study

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Nel, Luan
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University of the Free State
English: Motivated by an identified need for research specifically focused on providing industry with a better understanding of tailings impoundments, the project aimed to deliver a geostatistical 3D surface model of a typical tailings storage facility, which upon completion, would be capable of identifying radionuclide distribution patterns, for either prospecting or environmental assessment purposes. In an attempt to keep project expenses at a minimum, the 3D surface model was created using alternative methods of data acquisition, working in conjunction with a capable geostatistical-interpolator, as an alternative approach to more traditional geochemical sampling and laboratory analyses. Since the combination of portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) spectroscopy, natural gamma-ray spectrometry and Ordinary Prediction-based Kriging has not been tested for uranium exploration or environmental assessment over tailings impoundments before, the project, being the first of its kind, aimed to validate the viability of the approach. Evidenced by the successful identification of both radionuclide anomalies (potassium, thorium and uranium), as well as their respective migration pathways, results were found to validate the approach as a respectable alternative to conventional methods. Given the anionic and oxidative nature of the TSF in question, both analytical techniques identified changes in elevation, as being the dominant mechanism governing the distribution of mobilised radionuclides over the New Machavie TSF. While literature proposed the accumulation of radionuclides (K, Th and U) to the centre of the impoundments, results seemed to indicate the exact opposite, as radionuclides were found to migrate away from the top of the impoundments, before accumulating on the lower side slopes, following the natural flow direction of the TSF. With results stating the presence of uranium migration, geochemical indices were incorporated to quantify the extent of the migration. Despite literatures doubtfulness with regards to how radioactive disequilibrium would influence the results, both indices proved to be quite effective in verifying the radionuclide anomalies.
Afrikaans: Gemotiveerd deur ʼn geïdentifiseerde aanvraag na navorsing, spesifiek gefokus op die bevordering van kennis met betrekking tot slikdamme, was die doel van die projek om ʼn geostatistiese 3D-oppervlakmodel van ʼn tipiese slikdamkompleks te ontwerp. Na voltooiing van die vereistes sal die model in staat wees om radionuklied verspreidingspatrone te identifiseer vir beide uraanprospektering- en omgewingsevaluering doeleindes. In ʼn poging om projekuitgawes tot ʼn minimum te beperk, was die 3D-oppervlakmodel geskep deur gebruik te maak van alternatiewe metodes van dataverkryging, in samewerking met ʼn bekwame geostatistiese interpoleerder, as ʼn alternatiewe benadering tot tradisionele geochemiese steekproefneming en laboratoriumontledings. Aangesien die kombinasie van draagbare-XRF, natuurlike gamma-straal spektrometrie en voorspellings-gebaseerde Kriging nog nie getoets is vir uraanprospektering of omgewingsevaluering oor slikdamme nie, was die projek daarop gemik om die lewensvatbaarheid van die benadering te bekragtig. Gebaseer op die sukses behaal met die identifikasie van beide radionuklied-anomalieë, asook hul onderskeie migrasiepatrone, is daar bevind dat die benadering wel kan dien as ʼn alternatief tot meer konvensionele metodes. Gegewe die anioniese en oksidatiewe aard van die betrokke slikdamkompleks, het beide analitiese tegnieke verandering in elevasie uitgewys as die dominante meganisme verantwoordelik vir die verspreiding van gemobiliseerde radionukliede. Waar literatuur die akkumulasie van radionukliede na die middel van ʼn slikdam voorgestel het, het die resultate presies die teenoorgestelde gestaaf, nadat radionukliede gevind is om weg te beweeg van die bopunt van slikdamme, voordat hul aan die onderkant van die slikdamhelling akkumuleer, na aanleiding van die natuurlike vloeirigting van die slikdamkompleks. Met die identifikasie van uraanmigrasie, is daar gebruik gemaak van geochemiese indekse om die omvang van die migrasie te probeer kwantifiseer. Ten spyte van literatuur se twyfelagtigheid, met betrekking tot hoe radioaktiewe onewewigtigheid, die resultate van die geochemiese indekse sou beïnvloed, was daar gevind dat albei indekse effektief die radionuklied-anomolieë kon verifieer.
3D surface model, Alternative approach, Migration, Radionuclides, Tailings storage facility, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Geology))--University of the Free State, 2018