Potential synchrotron-compton high energy blazars among unidentified egret gamma-ray sources

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Nkundabakura, Pheneas
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University of the Free State
English: The synchrotron self-Compton (SSC), a process where synchrotron emitting electrons upscatter the same photons to high energies, remains one of the dominant mechanisms for ')'-ray production inside homogeneous jets, explaining the observed broadband emission in blazars. Therefore, the synchrotron-Compton blazars can provide information regarding production mechanisms of Very High Energy (VHE) photons and possibly the acceleration mechanisms of particles to high energies. Synchrotron-Cornpton blazars have been observed by ')'-ray telescopes, both ground- and space-based, for example the Eneryet-ic Gamnw-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on board the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) and the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi Observatory and are believed to be radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) with their jets oriented at relatively small angles with respect. to the line of sight. The main purpose of this study was to search for possible synchrotron-Compton blazars among the southern high galactic latitude sources among the unidentified EGRET sources with the aim to understand their nature. The identification of possible point sources, associated with the EGRET ')'-ray sources, is complicated by the large EGRET gamma-ray error boxes, that is between 0.5-1.5 degrees, which can harbour several potential sources, especially at low galactic latitudes. The initial phase of this study constituted the tedious search for extra-galactic flat spectrum radio counterparts in the online and published catalogues inside the EGRET error boxes of high galactic sources, with Ibl > 10°. The strategy was to select sources with lad < 0.7 for further multi-wavelength studies. To enable t.he utilization of the 26-m radio telescope of the Hortebeesthoek Radio Astronomical Observatory (HartRAO), only sources with the declination range -70° < Dec < +45° were considered. A further consideration was to single out only those fiat spectrum sources with a fiux density above 200 rnJy at 12.4 GHz, the latter are those sources with rising nonthermal spectra towards high energies. Based upon the above-mentioned criteria, a selection of thirteen blazar-like candidates was made for further investigation. In the second phase of this study, multi-wavelength photometric and spectroscopie observations of the selected sources were carried out in order to reconstruct their Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) which are the signature of the main emission mechanisms (that is the synchrotron and the inverse Compton processes) occurring in the jets. The main result of this investigation has been the determination of the redshifts of two radio sources selected initially as radio counterparts of two unidentified EGRET sources, 3EG J0821-5814 and 3EG J0706- 3837. The Ca H & K line depression, occurring around 4000 A (in the rest frame of the source), was used to diagnose the domination of the nonthermal emission ill the sources which helped disentangle Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs) from normal radio galaxies. In the third phase, the homogeneous synchrotron self-Compton model was used to constrain the physical parameters of the emitting plasma in the sources. Results show that the model can be successful, provided that there are sufficient data to pin down the observed parameters, such as the position of the peaks in emission as well the spectral indices in different parts of the SED. However, it has been pointed out that the SSC model could not provide a good fit for the synchrotron low-energy radio emission and it has been suggested subsequently to consider an inhomogeneous jet model. In the MeV to GeV energy range, the contribution of inverse Compton scattering from external photons has been considered to explain the SED satisfactorily.
Afrikaans: Synchrotron eie-Compton (SEC), die proses waar synchrotron fotone opwaarts verstrooi word na hoë energieë deur synchrotron-stralende elektrone; blyeen van die dominante meganismes vir gammastraal produksie en verskaf 'n bevredigende verklaring vir die waargenome wye-band uitstraling van blasars van radio-tot Baie Hoë Energie (BHE) gammastrale. Synchrotron-Compton blasars kan dus inligting verskaf aangaande die produksie-meganismes van BRE fotone en moontlik op die versnellings-meganismes van deeltjies tot baie hoë energie . Synchrotron-Compton blasars is waargeneem deur beide grond-en ruimte gammastraal teleskope, naamlik, die Eneryetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) op die Compton Gamma- Ray Obseruaioru (CGRO) asook die Larqe ATea Telescope (LAT) op die Fermi Observatory. Daar word beweer dat synchrotron-Compton blasars sterk radio Aktiewe Galaktiese Kerne (AGKs) is waar 'n gas-spuit met relatiwistiese deeltjies vanaf 'n kompakte kern 'n relatiewe klein hoek vorm met betrekking tot die waarnemingslyn. Die hoof doel van hierdie studie was die soektog na moontlike Synchrotron-Compton blasars tussen die suidelike hoë galaktiese breedtegraad bronne van die ongeïdentifiseerde EGRET populasie, met die doelom die aard en eienskappe van die bronne te ontrafel. Die identifikasie van moontlike puntbronne, wat geassosieer kan word met die EGRET gammastraal bronne, word bemoeilik deur die groot foutgrense (tussen 0.5 en 1.5 grade) van die EGRET bronne. Verskeie moontlike bronne kan binne hierdie grense val, veral by lae galaktiese breedtegrade. Die aanvanklike fase van hierdie studie het bestaan uit die noukeurige soektog na ekstra-galaktiese plat spektrum radio bronne uit webgebaseerde en gepubliseerde katalogusse, binne die EGRET foutgrense, van hoë galaktiese bronne, dit wil sê met Ibl > 10°. Die strategie was om bronne te kies met lal < 0.7 vir verdere multi-golflengte studies. Om die benutting van die 26-m radio teleskoop by die H ortebeestlioek Radio Sterrcuioq (HartRAO) te verseker, is daar op bronne gekonsentreer met deklinasie hoeke tussen -70° < Dec < +45°. 'n Verdere oorweging vir die kies van bronne was om die bronne te identifiseer met 'n plat spektrum, dit wil sê met 'n vloeddigtheid bo 200 mJy by 12.4 GHz. Net bronne met stygende nie-termiese spektrum na. hoër energieë. Gebaseer op bogenoemde kriteria, is 'n seleksie van 13 blasar-agtige kandidate gemaak vir verdere studie. In die tweede fase van hierdie studie is multi-golflengte fotometriese en spektrornetriese waarnemings gedoen van die gekose bronne, om sodoende die Spektrale-Energie- Verdeling (SEVs) van die bronne te rekonstrueer. Hierdie SEVs is die kenteken van die hoof uitstralings-meganisme betrokke in die spuit, dit wil sê die synchrotron en die inverse-Compton prosesse. Die hoof resultaat van die ondersoek was die bepaling van die rooiverskuiwing van twee radio bronne wat aanvanklik gekies was as radio ewekniee van tvVCC ongeïdentifiseerdo EGRET bronne, naamlik 3EG J0821-5814 en 3EG J0706-3837. Die Ca 11& K lyn depressie, wat rondom 4000A (in die russisteem van die bron) voorkom, was gebruik om die dorninansie van die nie-termiese uitstraling van die bronne te bevestig. Dit het gehelp om die Plat Spektrum Radio kwasars (PSRQs) te onderskei van normale radio sterrestelsels. In die laaste fase was die homogene synchrotron eie-Cornpton model gebruik om die fisiese parameters van die stralende plasma in die bronne te begrens. Resultate dui dat die model suksesvol kan. wees, rnits daar genoeg data is om die waargenome parameters te begrens, soos byvoorbeeld die posisie van die stralingspieke in die spektrum, sowel as die spektraal-indekse in verskillende dele van die SEV. Daar is egter aangedui dat die SEC model nie 'n goeie verduideliking vir die lae-energie synchrotron radio uitstraling kan gee nie. As gevolg hiervan is 'n voorstel gemaak om 'n nie-homogene spuit model te oorweeg. In die MeV en GeV energie-band verskaf die bydrae van inverse-Conipton verstrooing vanaf eksterne fotone 'n meer bevredigende meganisme om clie SEV te beskryf.
Radiation mechanisms, Non-thermal, Line, Identification, Techniques, Spectro-scopic, Galaxies, Jets, BL Lacertae objects, General, Quasars, Gamma rays, Synchrotons, Synchrotron radiation, Gamma rays spectrometry, Thesis (Ph.D. (Physics))--University of the Free State, 2010