The diversity and technological properties of yeasts from indigenous traditional South African fermented milks

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Loretan, Theunie
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University of the Free State
English: Yeasts are widely dispersed in nature and considered as natural inhabitants of the dairy environment. They are also natural contaminants in milk and milk products causing either spoilage or leading to fermentation with beneficial effects. In kefir, yeasts belong to the typical microflora and are responsible for the prickly and refreshing taste due to carbon dioxide production. In a number of other fermented dairy products, yeasts play an important role in metabolic interactions, thereby ensuring a product with typical sensoric properties. In this study, yeasts from kefir milks fermented by seven indigenous kefir grains were isolated and characterised in order to determine the diversity of the yeast flora in South African kefir. These kefir grains were inoculated into full cream milk and incubated at 25°C tor 18 h. The fermented kefir milks revealed yeast counts between 2.00x108 and 3.00x108 cfu/ml. The representative yeast strains were dominated by Kluyveromyces marxianus, Kluyveromyces laetis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Other species encountered were Saccharomyces unisporus, Saccharomyces rouxii, Torulaspora delbrueckii and Debaryomyces hansenii. Furthermore, a total of 50 yeasts were isolated and identified from 14 different traditional fermented milks manufactured in households by small-scale dairy farmers in rural areas. Growth patterns and the characteristics of Kluyveromyces marxianus, Debaryomyces hansenii and Torulaspora delbrueckii, the three dominant yeast species encountered in the fermented milk samples, were determined. A commercial lactic acid bacteria (LAB) culture was used in various combinations with the yeasts in the growth and fermentation studies. Growth at different pH values suggested that these yeasts (especially T. delbrueckii) play a metabolically active role during, as well as right to the end of the lactic acid fermentation of milk. T delbrueckii also showed significant growth at 15°C, but was not able to ferment lactose, as was the case with Kluyv. marxianus and D. hansenii. The growth of these two yeasts was also directly proportional to the concentration of lactose. All three yeasts were able to grow in the presence of 0.6, 0.85, 1.25 and 1.5 % lactate. Although the best aroma profiles were experienced at 22°C, no specific yeast or combination was responsible for the production of a desirable aroma. The highest alcohol and CO2 production resulted from a yeast:LAB combination with Kluyv. marxianus. These results could not highlight a specific combination of yeasts and LAB of all the variables tested to include in a fermented milk product to enhance or improve its characteristics. Some combinations produced desirable aromas while other combinations produced better alcohol or CO2 yields. However, it indicated that yeasts play a role in the improvement of the characteristic fresh pungent flavour encountered with traditional fermented milks.
Afrikaans: Giste kom wyd verspreid voor in die natuur en word algemeen in suiwel ekosisteme aangetref Giste is gevolglik natuurlike kontaminante in melk en melkprodukte wat bederf kan veroorsaak of tot voordelige fermentasie kan lei. In kefir is giste deel van die tipiese mikroflora wat verantwoordelik is vir die kenmerkende prikkelende en verfrissende smaak, a.g.v. die produksie van koolstofdioksied. In verskeie ander gefermenteerde melkprodukte speel giste 'n belangrike rol in die metaboliese interaksies waardeur verseker word dat gewenste sensoriese eienskappe ontwikkel. In hierdie studie is giste uit kefir melk, wat deur sewe verskillende kefir korrels gefermenteer is, geïsoleer en gekarakteriseer om die spesie diversiteit te bepaal. Die kefir korrels is in volroom melk geïnokuleer en vir 18 h by 25°C geïnkubeer. Gistellings van tussen 2.00x108 en 3.00x108 kolonie vormende eenhede is bepaal. Kluyveromyces marxianus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae en Kluyveromyces laetis was die mees dominante spesies, terwyl Saccharomyces unisporus, Saccharomyces rouxii, Torulaspora delbrueckii en Debaryomyces hansenii in laer getalle voorgekom het. Vyftig verteenwoordigende giste uit 14 verskillende tradisioneel-gefermenteerde suurmelk monsters, wat in huishoudings in landelike gebiede vervaardig is, is voorts geïsoleer en identifiseer. Groeistudies is onder verskillende omgewingstoestande uitgevoer om die groeipatrone en eienskappe van die drie dominante giste nl. Kluyveromyces marxianus, Debaryomyces hansenii en Torulaspora delbrueckii te bepaal. 'n Kommersiële melksuurbakterie-kultuur (MSB) is in verskillende kombinasies met die giste gebruik in die groei- en fermentasie studies. Groei by verskillende pH waardes dui daarop dat dié giste, (veral T. delbrueckii), 'n metabolies-aktiewe rol speel gedurende en tot aan die einde van die melksuurfermentasie van die melk. T. delbrueckii het ook die beste groei getoon by 15°C maar was, inteenstelling met Kluyv. marxianus en D. hansenii, nie in staat om laktose te fermenter nie. Die groei van die twee giste was direk eweredig met die konsentrasie van laktose. Al drie giste kon in die teenwoordigheid van 0.6, 0.85, 1.25 en 1.5 % laktaat groei. Alhoewel die beste geur profiele by 22°C bepaal is, was geen spesifieke gis of kombinasie verantwoordelik vir die gewenste geur nie. Die vinnigste alkohol en koolstofdioksied produksie is met 'n gis:MSB kombinasie met Kluyv. marxianus verkry. Hierdie resultate kon nie 'n spesifieke gis of kombinasie van giste en MSB uitwys wat al die gewenste eienskappe in 'n gefermenteerde melkproduk verbeter nie. Sommige kombinasies het gewenste geur en smaak geproduseer, terwyl ander weer meer alkoholof CO2 gelewer het. Hierdie resultate dui egter daarop dat giste 'n belangrike rol speel in die verbetering van die vars prikkelende smaak, kenmerkend van tradisioneel-gefermenteerde melkprodukte
Yeasts, Traditional fermented milks, Indigenous kefir, Lactic acid bacteria, Lactic fermentation, Metabolic interactions, Fermented milk, Yeast -- Identification, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Microbiology and Biochemistry))--University of the Free State, 1999