Theoretical principles of ethics in the management of human resources in the South African public sector

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Sindane, Abakholwa Moses
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University of the Free State
English: The public sector is a sector characterised by its own value system. Values such as accountability, transparency, efficiency, equity, to name but a few, have to be taken into account by all those engaged in this sector. On the other hand, values are integral parts of ethics, thus necessitating that those engaged in the public sector should be well versed in ethics. participatory decision making to take place. Leadership that reflects innovation and imagination, driven by a vision and experimentation should be encouraged. The development of an ethics culture that goes beyond the confines of the institutions into the community should be entertained. The introduction of aspects of ethics in relevant subjects at tertiary should be looked into. Also suggested, are possible research projects that may emanate from this research project. In this dissertation, the author argues that theoretical principles of ethics should form the basis of all activities in human resource management in the public sector. Emphasis on human resource management is deliberate, since only human beings are capable of ethical or unethical behaviour. Managers of human resources in the public sector should be adequately trained in ethics in order for them to train their subordinates, and thereby curb unethical behaviour. Theories are helpful in predicting and explaining phenomena, such as why people behave the way they do. Principles, on the other hand, serve as fundamental basis for reasoning or action. Both the teleological and deontological theories of ethics are discussed in this dissertation. The two sub-types of teleological theory, that is, the directive utiliterianism and the situational sub-type are discussed, and practical examples provided. Deontological theory pertains to values, and it is also discussed with examples. Human resource management activities, such as human resource provisioning, utilisation, motivation, and maintenance are discussed from an ethical point of view. The roles of different role players in human resource management are explained, and so too is the necessity for ethics from each role player. Although no claim is made of being exhaustive on values, some important ones in human resource management in the public sector are discussed at length. The promotion of ethics is fundamental to the endeavour to curb unethical behaviour such as corruption, fraud, maladministration and theft. Different ways for the promotion of ethics in human resource management are suggested in this dissertation. Among these, leadership and training are singled out as being particularly important, because leaders determine the culture, climate, and the direction of institutions. While acknowledging that training has always been undertaken in human resource management in the public sector, training in ethics requires a paradigm shift. New training methodologies, designed to develop new attitudes and change old ones should be developed. Especially now that the South African Public Service is in a state of flux, it present an ideal opportunity for training in public service ethics. Suggestions for the promotion of ethics are dealt with in the last part of this dissertation. It is suggested, for example, that some form of enforcement mechanism for codes of conduct be introduced to enhance effectiveness. The democratisation of public institutions, which tampers with their bureaucratic nature, should be speeded up in order for participatory decision making to take place. Leadership that reflects innovation and imagination, driven by a vision and experimentation should be encouraged. The development of an ethics culture that goes beyond the confines of the institutions into the community should be entertained. The introduction of aspects of ethics in relevant subjects at tertiary should be looked into. Also suggested, are possible research projects that may emanate from this research project.
Afrikaans: 'n Uitstaande kenmerk van die openbare sektor is dat dit oor 'n eie waardestelsel beskik. Werknemers in hierdie sektor moet waardes in ag neem soos onder meer aanspreeklikheid, deursigtigheid, doeltreffendheid en gelykheid in die funksionering van hierdie sektor. Waardes vorm 'n integrale onderdeel van etiek. Derhalwe moet werknemers van hierdie sektor deeglik bekend wees met etiese reels. In hierdie verhandeling poog die skrywer om aan te dui dat die teoretiese grondbeginsels van etiek die basis behoort te vorm van alle aktiwiteite rakende menslike hulpbronbestuur in die openbare sektor. Die klem word doelbewus op menslike hulpbronbestuur geplaas, aangesien dit slegs die menslike wesens is wat tot onetiese optredes in staat is. Bestuurders van menslike hulpbronne in hierdie sektor moet deeglike opleiding in etiek ontvang. Deeglike opleiding deur bestuurders aan ondergeskiktes ten einde onetiese optrede te beperk is noodsklik. Teorië is nuttig in die voorspelling en verklaring van gedragsverskynsels. Beginsels dien egter as beweegredes vir optredes of redenasies van persone. Beide die teologiese en deontologiese teorië van etiek word in hierdie verhandeling behandel. Die twee elemente van die teologiese teorie, te wete, direktiewe utiliterianisme en die situasionele teorië word bespreek. Praktiese voorbeelde word ook verskaf Die deontologiese teorie handeloor waardesisteme, en word ook deur middel van voorbeelde bespreek. 'n vertrekpunt wat op etiek gebaseeris, word gevolg insoverre dit menslike hulpbronbestuurs aktiwiteite soos voorsiening, benutting, motivering en onderhoud van die arbeidsmag aangaan. Die onderskeie rolle van die rolspelers in menslikke hulpbron bestuur word verduidelik, asook die noodsaaklikheid van etiek by hierdie rolspelers. Alhoewel geen aanspraak op volledigheid rondom waardebeskouings gemaak word nie, word sekere belangrike waardes in menslike hulpbronbestuur volledig bespreek. In 'n poging om onetiese optredes soos korrupsie, bedrog en wanadministrasie, te bekamp, speel die bevordering van etiek 'n fundamentele rol. Verskillende werkswyse hieroor word ook behandel, soos onder meer leierskap en opleiding, wat in hierdie verhandeling as besonder belangrik ge-identifiseer word. Die belangrikheid van die twee elemente blyk daaruit dat die leiers van 'n instansie die kultuur, klimaat en die rigting daarvan bepaal. Terwyl dit erken word dat opleiding nog altyd onderneem is in menslike hulpbronbestuur in die openbare sektor, word die stelling gemaak dat opleiding op die gebied van die etiek 'n klemverskuiwing vereis. Nuwe opleidingsmetodologieë, gemik om nuwe opvattings, sowel as om die bestaande opvattings te wysig, moet ontwikkel word. Veralop die huidige tydstyp, waar die openbare sektor 'n stadium van verandering odergaan, is dit 'n ideale geleentheid om hierdie soort van opleiding te implimenteer. In die laaste gedeelte van hierdie verhandeling word voorgestel dat etiek meer op die voorgrond geskuifbehoort te word. Dit word byvoorbeeld aan die hand gedoen dat afdwingingmeganismes vir gedragskodes ingestel word. Die demokratisering van die openbare sektor, wat oënskynlik in teensteling is met sy burokrtiese aard, moet versnel word ten einde gesamentlikke besluitneming te fasiliteer. Innoverende leirskap, oorgedrewe deur visie en eksperimentasie, moet aangemoedig word. Die ontwikkeling van 'n kultuur wat wyer strek as die samelewings instelling behoort ondersoek te word.Die bekendstelling van etiese aspekte in relevante vakgebiede op tersiêre vlak moet ondersoek word.Moontlike navorsingsprojekte wat kan voortvloei uit hierdie verhandeling word ook voorgestel.
Political ethics -- South Africa, Civil service ethics -- South Africa, Public administration -- Moral and ethical aspects, Dissertation (M.Admin. (Public Management))--University of the Free State, 1999