Recent legislation regarding the appointment of public school educators: the end of the decentralisation debate in education?

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Beckmann, Johan
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University of the Free State
English: After 1994 it was generally expected that the decentralisation of powers would give parents in school governing bodies significant power regarding the governance of schools concerning the appointment of staff and recommendations for appointment. The South African Schools Act of 1996 appeared to meet these expectations. However, a number of amendments to the law since then have apparently diminished the powers of parents in this regard. This article analyses the powers parents received in this regard circa 1996 and the amendments effected since then, and argues that the recent changes do not necessarily mean an end to decentralisation.
Afrikaans: Na 1994 was daar ’n algemene verwagting dat desentralisering van magte ouers in skoolbeheerliggame aansienlike mag sou gee oor die beheer van skole betreffende die aanstelling en die aanbeveling van personeel vir aanstelling. Dit het gelyk of die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet van 1996 aan dié verwagtinge voldoen. ’n Reeks wetswysigings sedertdien het oënskynlik die gesag van ouers in dié verband afgetakel. Hierdie artikel analiseer die magte wat ouers circa 1996 in dié verband ontvang het, die veranderings wat sedertdien aangebring is en voer aan dat die mees onlangse veranderings nie noodwendig die einde van desentralisering beteken nie.
Decentralisation, Public schools, School teachers, Appointment of staff
Beckmann, J. (2009). Recent legislation regarding the appointment of public school educators: the end of the decentralisation debate in education? Acta Academica, 41(3), 128-141.