The role of criminology in the training of probation officers specialising in the management of young offenders in the Free State

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Steyn, Francois
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University of the Free State
English: During the past few years major progress has been made in legislation, criminal policy and the administration of justice. The transformation of the criminal justice system extended itself to the humane treatment of youths in conflict with the law. By applying the principles of restorative justice, various initiatives and alternatives to imprisonment, such as diversion programmes, have been designed and implemented to deal more effectively with South Africa's young offenders. As such, personnel and officials responsible for the provision of welfare and rehabilitative services (i.e. social workers, probation officers, magistrates, and police and other justice officials) had to re-align themselves in ensuring and securing the variety of services required for the proper and efficient management of youths in conflict with the law. In this regard, the competencies and training of officials responsible for services came under the spotlight. With this in mind, it was decided to undertake research to determine and describe the training that probation officers dealing with youths in conflict with the law require, and specifically what Criminology could contribute thereto. Various international and local authors comment on the role that the discipline has thus far played in probation training, but little research exists as to the scope and nature of such contribution. While pursuing this imperative, probation work's contribution to and involvement in crime prevention and victim support was also explored and investigated. Toward informing these aims and objectives, a total of 38 service providers (i.e. probation officers and social workers) in the Free State and eight lecturers from the Departments of Criminology and Social Work (University of the Free State) were consulted. The study design opted for was predominantly explorative in nature, as little is currently known about the training needs of probation officers working with young offenders. All respondents were purposively selected. Personal and group interviews were conducted with the aid of a semistructured interview schedule, while structured self-administered questionnaires were utilised in gathering data from lecturers. A literature review informed and guided the process of instrument development. The different forms of data collection complemented each other and promoted the validity and quality of the data gathered. The main findings indicate specialised probation training to consist of matters related to the following: court work; report writing; legislature; maintaining registers; reception procedures; assessment and diversion; treatment and intervention; informing and working with youths; aftercare; and programme evaluation. The empirical findings also emphasise that students should acquire sufficient practical experience during formal probation and social work training. Additionally, students should be trained in theories applicable to local probation demands. Furthermore, it was found that probation officers and social workers have an active role to play in crime prevention, mainly due to the nature of probation work, as well as to their theoretical knowledge, practical experience and knowledge about the communities they serve. The findings also indicate that, although victim support services are still inadequate in the Free State, a positive move toward the plight of victims is made since social workers are required to provide victims with support and counselling services. In this regard, victimcentred training is urgently needed. Overall, the research indicates criminology to play a primary role in the training of probation officers specialising in the management of young offenders. Both its theoretical and applied sides are relevant to such specialised training. More specifically, the study fields of crime causation, the victim of crime, the offender, crime prevention and the administration of justice will be instrumental in ensuring the effective management of youths in conflict with the law.
Afrikaans: Die afgelope paar jaar is deur drastiese vooruitgang op die gebied van wetgewing, misdaadbeleid en strafregspleging gekenmerk. Die transformasie van die regsisteem het ook die menslike behandeling van jeugoortreders meegebring. Deur die toepassing van versterkende reg is verskeie inisiatiewe en alternatiewe tot gevangenistraf daargestelom Suid Afrika se jeugoortreders meer effektief te beheer en behandel. Gevolglik was persone verantwoordelik vir die voorsiening van welsyn- en rehabilitasiedienste (bv. maatskaplike werkers, proefbeamptes, polisie- en ander regsbeamptes) genoodsaak om hulself tot hierdie inisiatiewe te rig ten einde die verskeidenheid dienste wat benodig word te verseker. In hierdie verband het die geskiktheid en opleiding van persone gemoeid met die behandeling van jeugoortreders onder die soeklig gekom. In hierdie verband is besluit om navorsing te onderneem om die opleiding wat proefbeamptes benodig vir die behandeling van jeugoortreders te bepaal en te beskryf. Meer spesifiek is die navorsing op die rol wat Kriminologie in hierdie opleiding kan speel gemik. Verskeie internasionale en plaaslike outeurs het reeds op die onderwerp kommentaar gelewer, maar onvoldoende navorsing bestaan wat hierdie rol genoegsaam toelig. Terwyl hierdie imperatief nagevolg is, is proefdienste se betrokkenheid en bydrae tot misdaadvoorkoming en die ondersteuning van slagoffers ook ondersoek. Ten einde hierdie doel en mikpunte te bereik is 38 diensverskaffers (proefbeamptes en maatskaplike werkers) in die Vrystaat en agt dosente verbonde aan die Departemente Kriminologie en Maatskaplike Werk (Universiteit van die Vrystaat) geraadpleeg. Die studieontwerp was oorwegend verkennend van aard omrede min bekend is oor die opleidingbehoeftes van proefbeamptes wat met jeugoortreders werk. Alle respondente is doelgerig geselekteer. Individuele en groepsonderhoude is met behulp van 'n deelsgestruktureerde onderhoudskedule gevoer, terwyl gestruktureerde self-geadministreerde vraelyste gebruik is om inligting van dosente te bekom. Die verskillende metodes van data opname het ook tot die geldigheid en kwaliteit van die versamelde inligting bygedra Die hoofbevindinge dui daarop dat die opleiding van gespesialiseerde proefbeamptes uit die volgende elemente moet bestaan: hofwerk, verslagskrywing; wetgewing; handhawing van registers; ontvangsprosedure; evaluering van jeugoortreders en wegwending; behandeling en intervensie; hoe om met jeugdiges te werk en in te lig; nasorg; en program evaluering. Die empiriese bevindinge beklemtoon verder dat studente voldoende praktiese ondervinding gedurende formele maatskaplike en proefdienste opleiding moet bekom. Boonop moet studente opgelei word in teorieë wat plaaslike proefdiensverwagtinge aanspreek. Verder is bevind dat proefbeamptes en maatskaplike werkers 'n aktiewe rol in die voorkoming van misdaad kan vervul. Hierdie aanname is op die aard van proefdienste, asook op diensverskaffers se teoretiese kennis en praktiese ervaring van die gemeenskappe wat hulle bedien, gebasseer. Die bevindinge dui ook aan dat, alhoewel dienste gemik op die ondersteuning van slagoffers in die Vrystaat steeds onvoldoende is, vordering op hierdie gebied gemaak word sedert daar van maatskaplike werkers verwag word om slagoffers van misdaad met ondersteunings- en beradingsdienste te voorsien. Slagoffer-gesentreerde opleiding word egter dringend benodig. Die bevindinge dui oorwegend aan dat Kriminologie 'n primêre rol in die opleiding van proefbeamptes wat vir die beheer en behandeling van jeugoortreders verantwoordelik is, het. Beide die dissipline se teoretiese en toegepaste dele is relevant in hierdie opleiding. Dit is veral die studiegebiede van Misdaadveroorsaking, die Slagoffer van misdaad, Misdaadvoorkoming en Strafregspleging wat tot die effektiewe beheer en behandeling van jeugoortreders kan bydra.
Probation officer, Social worker, Probation training, Criminology, Restorative justice, Assessment, Diversion, Youth development, Victims of crime, Crime prevention, Social work with criminals -- South Africa, Probation officer -- South Africa -- Free State -- Training of, Social work with juvenile delinquents -- South Africa, Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Criminology))--University of the Free State, 2001