Die noodsaaklikheid van kerklike belydenisskrifte

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Horak, Gerhardus Cornelius
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University of the Free State
English: The central issue in this study is the question of the necessity of ecclesiastical articles of faith in the light of modem circumstances, with particular reference to Post - modernism. While the point of departure of this thesis is based upon Reformation convictions, the premiss is also postulated that the need exists for the Church to reconsider the need and relevance of articles of faith in the light of the contemporary tendency towards a receding recognition of the validity of articles of faith, which have evolved in an earlier historical time-frame, are binding for later believers. In the PROLEGOMENA an introductory analysis is attempted of the various theological and socio-eccliastical functions of articles of faith as well as terminology such as "faith," "confession of faith", and "articles of faith." SECTION 1 considers dogma - historical indications within the early Church, during the Reformation and in modem times from which deductions can be made by which the necessity of articles of faith can be determined. The specific circumstances within which articles of faith evolved are considered and it is considered whether such circumstances have continued to exist into present times. Particular examples of articles of faith are chosen for consideration, not because of the theological or other importance of such articles, but because the chosen articles of faith are representative of a broad spectrum of Church history. SECTION 2 attemps an exegetical evaluation of a Biblical foundation for the necessity of articles of faith in Old and New Testament texts. A conclusion that there is a Biblical foundation for articles of faith would be a strong confirmation of the hypothesis of this thesis that articles of faith were supposed as an integral part of Church practise in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. SECTION 3 considers the general credal tendencies of modem times, and analyses specifically such phenomena as secularisation, metaphor, ecumenism, and globalization. The historical approach of this thesis is aimed at evaluating the degree of relevancy and clarity of the message of the Church for modem man who is today faced with cultural, political and other societal problems which did not exist in earlier times. SECTION 2 attemps an exegetical evaluation of a Biblical foundation for the necessity of articles of faith in Old and New Testament texts. A conclusion that there is a Biblical foundation for articles of faith would be a strong confirmation of the hypothesis of this thesis that articles of faith were supposed as an integral part of Church practise in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. SECTION 4 consists of the formulation of the conclusion based upon this research, namely that articles of faith, today as in the past, have an indespensible function. It is also concluded that articles of faith should not be stagnantly absolutised, but should rather be continously and dynamically formulated within a socio - historical time - frame, without, however, destroying the original credal core.
Afrikaans: Die sentrale vraagstelling in hierdie studie wentel rondom die noodsaaklikheid van kerklike belydenisskrifte in die lig van die hedendaagse tydsgees met spesifieke verwysing na postmodernisme. Terwyl die Reformatoriese oortuiging as vertrekpunt sal dien, vra dit verder dat die kerk weer na die behoefte en relevansie van belydenisskrifte sal kyk veral in die lig van die feit dat daar vandag 'n merkbare afname van erkenning asook die funksionering daarvan in die kerklike lewe bestaan. Die vraag wat ontstaan, veral as daar gekyk word na die historiese konteks van die tyd waarin die belydenisskrifte ontstaan het, is of hulle nog bindend vir latere tye kan wees. Die PROLEGOMENA bied 'n inleidende verantwoording van die verskillende verwantskappe wat belydenisskrifte binne die teologie en kerklike lewe het asook 'n verklaring van terminologieë soos onder andere bely, belydenisskrif en geloof. DEEL 1 bied dogmahistoriese aanduidings aan rondom die vroeëre Kerk, die Reformasie en eie tyd om die historiese ontwikkeling na te gaan en om dan daaruit sekere afleidings en gevolgtrekkings te maak ten einde die noodsaaklikheid van belydenisskrifte te bepaal. Daar word in besonder gekyk na die omstandighede wat aanleiding gegee het tot die.formulering van belydenisskrifte in die verlede en of daardie behoeftes nog vandag bestaan. Daar is nie soseer op die die belydenisskrifte wat vir hierdie doel gebruik is, besluit in terme van hulle belangrikheid nie maar eerder omdat dit verteenwoordigend van die breë spektrum van die kerkgeskiedenis is. DEEL 2 is eksegeties van aard en ondersoek 'n verteenwoordigende seleksie van onderskeidelik Ou- en Nuwe- Testamentiese tekste ten einde te bepaal of die bestaan van belydenisskrifte wel Bybels gefundeer kan word. Indien wel, sal dit as 'n sterk argument kan dien ten gunste van die aanvanklike hipotese dat belydenisskrifte in en vir die Kerk noodsaaklik is. Uit die navorsing word die slotsom gemaak dat belydenisse 'n integrale deel in beide Ou- en Nuwe Testament uitmaak. DEEL 3 handeloorsigtelik oor die hedendaagse tydsgees met spesifieke verwysing na postmodernisme waar onder andere sekularisme, metafore, ekumenisme en globalisme onder die loep geneem word. Die rede vir hierdie navorsing is juis te wyte aan die historiese aard van belydenisskrifte om te bepaal of die Kerk sy boodskap nog op 'n duidelike verstaanbare en relevante wyse verkondig aan die mens wat met bepaalde kulturele, politieke en maatskaplike probleme worstel, wat nie in vroeëre eras bestaan en aangeraak kon word nie. DEEL 4 bevat die slotsom wat uit die navorsing bereik is, naamlik dat belydenisskrifte soos in die geskiedenis en des te meer in ons dag nie net 'n bestaansreg het nie, maar onontbeerlik en dringend noodsaaklik is. Vanweë die feite wat die historiese navorsing op gelewer het, word dit opnuut beklemtoon dat belydenisskrifte nie verabsoluteer mag word nie maar juis in die lig van die voortdurende veranderinge in die samelewing vir voortdurende verstellings en aanpassings oop moet wees.
Creeds, Confessions, Democracy, Ecumenism, Faith, Globalization, Metaphors, Pentecostalism, Post-Modernism, Secularization, Creeds -- History and criticism, Thesis (PhD. (Systematic Theology))--University of the Free State, 1999, Christianity -- Creeds