Die rol van sportisolasie as faktor in die daarstelling van 'n nuwe politieke bedeling in Suid Afrika, 1980-1992

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Rademeyer, Jacobus Scheepers
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University of the Free State
English: The role of sports as a social and educational instrument should never be underestimated. In South Africa sport is sometimes referred too as a second religion and plays a very important role in many South African cultures. This was also the view of the antiapartheid movements in South Africa and throughout the world at the time of their decision to use sport as a mechanism against apartheid in South Africa. Since the National Party's apartheid policy was implemented m 1948, it almost immediately started playing a role in sport as well. Although sport was practiced separately before 1948, the implementation of apartheid enforced laws, which stated that black and white could not practice sport together. For the next three decades conflict between the National Party-government and the resistance movements against apartheid continued, with sport frequently being caught in-between. With the signed of the Gleneagles Agreement in 1977, the anti-apartheid movements gained more momentum in their struggle against apartheid in sport, because this agreement, signed by the heads of state of Commonwealth countries, pleaded for the abolishment of sporting ties with South Africa. The 1980s are seen as the nucleus of the struggle against apartheid in sport. Although the South African government was less involved in sports administration during the 1980s, the influence of the apartheid policy had already set the different structures in which sport was to be played. The anti-apartheid movements' campaign against apartheid in sport intensified during the 1980s, with the abolishment of all apartheid structures as their main objective. The South African sportsmen and -women also got involved in the struggle by trying t~ find new ways and alternatives to bypass the boycott action against apartheid in sport. Although the initiatives of these sports people were mainly in their own interest and for the furthering of their sporting careers, their attempts were not always very successful. This was mainly due to the strong grip that the political situation in South Africa had on sport in the country. It became clear that only a change in the political situation in South Africa would ensure the re-admission of South African sports people into the international sporting arena. The message was clear that the anti-apartheid movements would not accept normal sport in an abnormal society in South Africa. In their attempts to ensure international participation, South African sports people started denouncing apartheid, putting pressure on the government to enter into discussions concerning a new political dispensation for South Africa. The successful use of boycotts and resistance actions by the anti-apartheid movements contributed to the change in perspective by the South African sports people and assisted in the creation of a emotional resistance against the apartheid policy. For the sports people of South Africa the denouncement of apartheid was, at the end, the only way to ensure their rightful place in world sports in the future.
Afrikaans: Die rol van sport as sosiale- en opvoedkundige instrument kan nooit te gering geskat word nie. In Suid-Afrika word daar soms na sport verwys as 'n tweede geloof, wat slaafs deur feitlik al die kultuurgroepe nagevolg word. Hierdie was ook die siening van die antiapartheidsgroeperinge in Suid-Afrika en regoor die wêreld toe daar besluit is op sport as 'n middel tot 'n doel in die stryd teen apartheid in Suid-Afrika. Die Nasionale Party-regering se beleid van apartheid het na 1948 feitlik onmiddelik ook deurgesypel na die gebied van sport. Alhoewel afsonderlike sportbeoefening reeds voor 1948 in Suid-Afrika aan die orde van die dag was, het die implementering van die apartheidswetgewing in 1948 hierdie afsonderlike ontwikkeling grondwetlik afdwingbaar gemaak. Oor die volgende dertig jaar het die stryd tussen die Regering en die versetmagte teen apartheid voortgeduur, met sport wat gereeld in die spervuur tussen dié twee groepe vasgekeer was. Met die ondertekening van die Gleneagles-ooreenkoms in 1977 het die versetaksie teen apartheid in sport groter momentum gekry, want dié ooreenkoms, wat deur leiers van Statebondslande onderteken is, het sportbetrekkinge met Suid-Afrika teengestaan. Die tagtigerjare word allerweë beskou as die hoogtepunt van die stryd teen apartheid in sport. Alhoewel die Regering gedurende die tagtigerjare op 'n veel laer vlak by sport betrokke was, het die politieke invloede sedert 1948 steeds sterk bly vassteek. Aan die anderkant het die versetgroeperinge se veldtog teen apartheid in sport in felheid toegeneem, met die doel voor oë om nie net apartheid in sport uit te wis nie, maar ook om apartheid in sy totaliteit te vernietig. Intussen het Suid-Afrikaanse sportlui tot die stryd toegetree en met verskeie alternatiewe vorendag gekom in 'n poging om die sportboikot te breek. Alhoewel die sportlui se inisiatiewe hoofsaaklik slegs in die belang van hulle ere sportloopbane was, het die politieke wurggreep wat politiek op sport gehad het me toegelaat dat sportlui se pogings enige vrugte afwerp nie. Dit het gou duidelik geword dat slegs politieke veranderinge in Suid-Afrika die lot van sportlui positief sou kon beïnvloed. Die boodskap vanuit die anti-apartheidsgeledere was duidelik: geen normale sport sou in 'n abnormale gemeenskap toegelaat word nie. Die enigste oplossing was dus politieke verandering met die oog op die normalisering van sport in die land. Sportlui het toenemend hulself uitgespreek teen apartheid as wetgewing en op grootskaal hulle heil in die buiteland gaan probeer soek. Die anti-apartheidsgroeperinge was egter hierdie aksies te wagte en het Suid-Afrikaanse sportlui verhoed om hulle sportloopbane internasionaal voort te sit. Hierdie skuif het veroorsaak dat sportlui nog meer druk op die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering geplaas het om apartheid af te sweer en te onderhandel vir 'n nuwe, meer aanvaarbare politieke bestel in Suid-Afrika. Deur die gebruik van boikot-en versetaksies het die antiapartheidsgroeperinge daarin geslaag om sportlui in Suid-Afrika sodanig te beïnvloed dat hulle ook kampvegters vir 'n verandering in politieke klimaat in Suid-Afrika geword het, ten einde dit vir hulle moontlik te maak om weer hul regmatige plek in die internasionale sportarena te kon inneem.
Sports -- South Africa -- History -- 20th century, Apartheid -- South Africa, Thesis (Ph.D. (History))--University of the Free State, 2002