'n Psigo-opvoedkundige ondersoek na neuro-linguïstiese programmering as psigoterapeutiese model

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Vorster, Catharina Margaretha
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University of the Free State
English: In article 1 the historical overview of the development of the NLP model brought to the light that two psychologists, Richard Bandier and John Grinder, initiated the NLP model. They mainly modelled the most effective patterns of three experts in psychology. The NLP model was composed of these and was used initially in psycho-therapy with children and adults. The application possibilities of the NLP model, however, were expanded to a variety of fields, including education. From a psycho-educational point of view it seems as if NLP can be used to help children on their way to adulthood. Although it seems as if the NLP model does have relevance in psycho-education, the extent of the relevance still has to be determined. In Article 2 a perspective is given on the most important NLP concepts and presuppositions, and thus the focus is on its application value for children. In terms of the NLP model it was found that as every child (as well as every adult) has a unique model of the world, a profound understanding of the way in which children create images of the world will be to the advantage of each psychologist/teacher in order to understand the child better. Children have representational systems by means of which information is processed mainly visually, auditively and kinaesthetically. Although children normally have a primary representational system, they have to be guided to develop access to all their representational systems. Thus they will be able to communicate with more ease with others and to master the different learning areas in school. However, it has also been found that researchers question the validity of some of the NLP concepts. Article 3 offers a psycho-educational investigation of the most important NLP skills and techniques. NLP techniques can be divided into NLP communication techniques and NLP esoteric techniques. The researcher came to the conclusion that the NLP esoteric techniques seem to be totally unacceptable in application to children, especially from a Christian point of view, as they may result in children coming into contact with occult activities. A spiritual imbalance in the child's personality and a concomitant disturbed personality may result from being exposed to these techniques. Although NLP communication techniques in some cases may be regarded as manipulative, it does seem that these techniques, with re-interpretation, may render positive results in Christian therapy and schools. In Article 4 it is related that an empirical study has found that South African psychologists are still relatively uninformed of NLP as psycho-therapeutic model. It has also been found that a small percentage of respondents use NLP techniques specifically in therapy with children. Some of the psychologists were of the opinion that some of the NLP techniques may influence children negatively. As South African educational psychologists specifically, but also psychologists in general, still have a lack of knowledge ofNLP, the conclusion may be reached that South African training institutions do not really introduce psychologists to alternative psycho-therapeutic models. The question also arises as to whether NLP is not rather being used, in South Africa, in fields outside the therapeutic context, like education. In Article 5 the critical evaluation of the NLP model led to the finding that there are similarities between the philosophies ofNLP and the New Age movement. The fact that this model according to its origin is humanistic in nature, which entails that people are seen as central and able to redeem themselves, is totally unacceptable to the Christian psychoeducationist. Furthermore, the fact that many researchers question the validity of the NLP model, leads to the conclusion that the NLP model, as a whole, should be dealt with circumspectly. A need exists for justifiable scientific research on the NLP model. Before this need has not been satisfied satisfactorily from a Christian perspective, the NLP model cannot be used in the South African psycho-educational context with absolute safety.
Afrikaans: In artikel 1 het die historiese oorsig rakende die ontwikkeling van die Neuro-linguïstiese Programmeringsmodel (NLP-model) aan die lig gebring dat twee psigoloë, Richard Bandier en John Grinder, die NLP-model geïnisieer het. Hulle het die mees effektiewe patrone van hoofsaaklik drie deskundiges in die psigologie gemodelleer. Die NLP-model is hieruit saamgestel en aanvanklik in psigoterapie met kinders en volwassenes aangewend. Die toepassingsmoontlikhede van die NLP-model het egter uitgebrei na 'n verskeidenheid terreine, insluitende die onderwys. Vanuit 'n psigo-opvoedkundige oogpunt wil dit voorkom asof NLP aangewend kan word om kinders in hulle opwegwees na volwassewording te help. Alhoewel dit blyk asof die NLP-model relevansie vir die psigo-opvoedkunde het, moet die mate van relevansie egter nog vasgestel word. In Artikel2 word 'n psigo-opvoedkundige perspektief op die belangrikste NLP-konsepte envooronderstellings gegee en sodoende op die toepassingswaarde daarvan vir kinders gefokus. Ingevolge die NLP-model is bevind dat, aangesien elke kind (ook volwassene) 'n unieke wêreldmodel besit, 'n deeglike begrip van hoe kinders voorstellings van die wêreld skep, tot voordeel van elke sielkundige/onderwyser sal strek om elke kind beter te verstaan. Kinders besit voorstellingsisteme waardeur inligting hoofsaaklik visueel, ouditief en kinesteties verwerk word. Alhoewel kinders normaalweg oor 'n primêre voorstellingsisteem beskik, moet hulle ook gelei word om toegang tot al hulle voorstellingsisteme te ontwikkel. Sodoende sal hulle makliker met ander kan kommunikeer en die verskillende leerareas op skool baasraak. Daar is egter ook bevind dat navorsers die geldigheid van sommige NLPkonsepte ernstig bevraagteken. Artikel 3 bied 'n psigo-opvoedkundige ondersoek aangaande die belangrikste NLPvaardighede en -tegnieke. NLP-tegnieke kan verdeel word in NLP-kommunikasietegnieke en NLP-esoteriese tegnieke. Die navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die NLP- esoteriese tegnieke veral vanuit 'n Christelike standpunt heeltemalonaanvaarbaar VIr toepassing op kinders blyk te wees, aangesien dit onder andere daartoe kan lei dat kinders met okkultiese bedrywighede in aanraking kan kom. 'n Geestelike wanbalans in die persoonlikheid van die kind en 'n gepaardgaande versteurde persoonlikheid kan die gevolg wees van blootstelling aan hierdie tegnieke. Alhoewel NLP-kommunikasietegnieke in sommige gevalle as manipulerend beskou kan word, blyk dit asof hierdie tegnieke tog met herinterpretasie positiewe resultate in Christelike terapie en skole kan lewer. In Artikel 4 is in 'n empiriese studie bevind dat Suid-Afrikaanse sielkundiges nog relatief onbekend is met NLP as psigoterapeutiese model. Verder is bevind dat daar 'n klein persentasie van die respondente is wat NLP-tegnieke in hul terapie met spesifiek kinders gebruik. Vandie sielkundiges was van mening dat sommige NLP-tegnieke kinders moontlik negatief kan beïnvloed. Aangesien Suid-Afrikaanse opvoedkundige sielkundiges in die besonder, maar ook sielkundiges oor die algemeen, nog 'n gebrekkige kennis aangaande NLP het, kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat Suid-Afrikaanse opleidingsinstansies nie sielkundiges werklik aan alternatiewe psigoterapeutiese modelle bekendstel nie. Die vraag kan ook gevra word of NLP nie moontlik eerder in Suid-Afrika op terreine buite die terapeutiese konteks, soos die onderwys, aangewend word nie. In Artikel 5 het die kritiese evaluering van die NLP-model tot die bevinding gelei dat daar ooreenkomste tussen die filosofieë van NLP en die New Age-beweging bestaan. Die feit dat hierdie model na sy oorsprong humanisties van aard is, wat inhou dat mense as sentraal gesien word en in staat is om hulself te verlos, is vir die Christen psigo-opvoedkundige heeltemalonaanvaarbaar. Voorts lei die feit dat baie navorsers die geldigheid van die NLPmodel bevraagteken, tot die gevolgtrekking dat die NLP-model in totaliteit met groot omsigtigheid hanteer moet word. Daar bestaan 'n behoefte aan verantwoordbare wetenskaplike navorsing aangaande die NLP-model. Voordat hierdie behoefte nie bevredigend vanuit 'n Christelike perspektief vervul is nie, kan die NLP-model nie met absolute veiligheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse psigo-opvoedkundige konteks toegepas word nie.
Neuro-linguistic programming, Psycho-therapeutic model, Psycho-educational, Representational systems, Accessing cues, Submodalities, Modelling, Excellence, Communication techniques, Esoteric techniques, Neurolinguistic programming, Change (Psychology), Psychotherapy -- Methodology, Change (Psychology), Psychotherapy -- Methodology, Thesis (Ph.D. (Psychology of Education))--University of the Free State, 2001