Die rol van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Sonop Christelike Tehuis 1916-2016: 'n historiese oorsig vanuit kerklike perspektief

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Viljoen, Antonie Phillippus (Tonie)
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University of the Free State
English: The research of the history of Sonop Christian Residence, that commemorated its hundredth anniversary on 2 September 2016, can be approached from two angles: The first and most common approach would be to research the student life of the inhabitants over the past years in the most general sense of the word, and record it either chronologically or thematically. Matters that would come to light from this approach are as follows:  The number of inhabitants per year from 1917 to the centenary, with a subsection on how many in a group per year from first year to final year students.  Election, composition and functioning of the house committees over all the years, with further reference to the different portfolios, in order to manage the full extent of the residents’ comings and goings.  Traditional house meetings with not only the laughter and true student humour, but also the serious issues that are sometimes debated at length and philosophically.  The relationship of the house committees with members of the former Sonop Commissions of the church councils of the Dutch Reformed Church, Pretoria and Pretoria East congregations, the members of the former Sonop Council of Synod and nowadays the Sonop Company, as well as the former and current house fathers.  The role of the “nonnie” (kitchen matron) cannot be left out of any Sonop story. To the contrary, it could well be a study of its own!  The unique distribution of housing in specific regions, such as the North, East, West, Central, Far West, Senate, Blue Train, and first-year accommodation in the Parsonage and the “Stalle” (Stables), with specific reference to the origin of the names and the specific culture to be found in each region.  Characteristic to university residences, Sonop also has mascots. Apart from the fact that Sonop has its own mascot, Garribaldi (named after the well-known Italian General Garibaldi), it is also the caretaker and protector of Tuks’s mascot, Uncle Gert. These two mascots form an integral part of the history of Sonop.  Sonop’s achievements in the areas of academics, culture, sport and Rag. Although Sonop is relatively small in its number of inhabitants, it has lived out the determination and valour of General Garibaldi and – to the surprise of others – leaves its mark on the above-mentioned activities on a regular basis. The second approach – and this is the approach taken in this study within the field of Ecclesiology – is particularly not to focus on student life, but rather on the role of the Dutch Reformed Church at Sonop from 1916 to 2016. The proposal for a residence for male students at the former Transvaal University College was made during a Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church of Transvaal in 1916. The proposal was approved and referred to the Dutch Reformed Church congregation of Pretoria for execution. From the founding date of September 2, 1916, to the celebration of Sonop’s centenary celebrations in 2016, the role of the Dutch Reformed Church has been intertwined with Sonop like a golden thread throughout its history. From day one Congregations and Church Council Committees, as well as Synods and Synodal Commissions have established and expanded Sonop with unprecedented zeal by means of specifically nominated persons, whose names are recorded in the research paper. Difficult economic times, conflicting personalities and requests to transfer Sonop to the University of Pretoria could not stop the execution of the Divine command. The story of the role of the Dutch Reformed Church at Sonop from 1916 to 2016 is a story with the same message as Zechariah 4:10: For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth (King James Version). God’s way of doing often starts small, but the result is great. Of course, Sonop is undoubtedly proof thereof!
Afrikaans: Om die geskiedenis van Sonop Christelike Tehuis, wat op 2 September 2016 sy honderdste bestaansjaar herdenk het, na te vors, kan vanuit twee hoeke benader word: Die eerste en mees algemene benadering sou wees om die studentelewe van die inwoners oor die jare heen in die breedste sin van die woord na te vors en óf kronologies, óf tematies op skrif te stel. Sake wat vanuit hierdie benadering onder die loep sou kom, is:  Getal inwoners per jaar vanaf 1917 tot met die Eeufees, met ʼn onderafdeling van hoeveel per jaargroep vanaf eerstejaar- tot finalejaarstudente.  Verkiesing, saamstelling en funksionering van die Huiskomitees oor al die jare, met verdere verwysing na die verskillende portefeuljes ten einde die volle omvang van die inwoners se doen en late te bestuur.  Tradisionele huisvergaderings met die lag en egte studentehumor, maar ook die ernstige sake waaroor soms lank en filosofies gedebatteer word.  Die verhouding van die Huiskomitees met lede van die destydse Sonopkommissies van die kerkrade van die Ned.Geref. Gemeentes Pretoria en Pretoria-Oos, lede van die destydse Sonopraad van die Sinode en deesdae Sonopmaatskappy, asook die huisvaders van weleer en huidige huisvader.  Die rol van die nonnie (kombuismatrone) kan in geen Sonopverhaal uitgelaat word nie. Inteendeel, dit kan ʼn studie op sy eie wees!  Die unieke verdeling van die huisvesting in spesifieke windstreke, soos die Noorde, Ooste, Weste, Sentraal, Verre Weste, Senaat, Bloutrein, en die eerstejaars se verblyfplekke in die Pastorie en die Stalle, met spesifieke verwysing na die afkoms van die name en die spesifieke kultuur wat in elke streek gevind kan word.  Eie aan universiteitskoshuise, het Sonop ook gelukbringers. Buiten dat Sonop sy eie gelukbringer, Garribaldi (vernoem na die bekende Italiaanse generaal Garibaldi), het, is hy ook die bewaarder en beskermer van Tuks se gelukbringer, oom Gert. Die twee gelukbringers vorm ʼn integrale deel van Sonop se geskiedenis.  Sonop se prestasies op akademiese gebied, kultuur, sport en Jool. Alhoewel Sonop relatief klein in getal inwoners is, leef hy dieselfde vasberadenheid en onverskrokkenheid van generaal Garribaldi van weleer uit en druk – tot verbasing van ander – sy stempel op gereelde basis op bogenoemde aktiwiteite af. Die tweede benadering – en dit is die benadering wat in hierdie studie binne die veld van die Ekklesiologie gevolg is – is om juis nié op die studentelewe te fokus nie, maar op die rol van die Ned.Geref. Kerk in Sonop vanaf 1916 tot 2016. Die voorstel om ʼn koshuis vir mansstudente aan die destydse Transvaal University College te vestig, is in 1916 tydens ʼn Sinode van die Ned.Geref. Kerk van Transvaal gemaak. Die voorstel is goedgekeur en na die Ned.Geref. Gemeente Pretoria verwys vir uitvoering. Van die stigtingsdatum, 2 September 1916, tot met die viering van Sonop se Eeufeesvieringe in 2016, loop die rol van die Ned.Geref. Kerk in Sonop soos ʼn goue draad deur die geskiedenis van die tehuis. Gemeentes en Kerkraadskommissies, asook Sinodes en Sinodale Kommissies het vanaf dag een Sonop met ongekende ywer deur middel van spesifiek benoemde persone, wie se name in die navorsingstuk opgeneem is, opgebou en uitgebou. Moeilike ekonomiese tye, botsende persoonlikhede en versoeke om Sonop aan die Universiteit van Pretoria oor te dra kon die uitvoer van die Goddelike opdrag egter nie stuit nie. Die verhaal van Die rol van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Sonop vanaf 1916 tot 2016 is ʼn verhaal met dieselfde boodskap as Sagaria 4:10 Moenie die dag van klein dingetjies gering ag nie (Die Nuwe Vertaling, 1983:985). God se manier van doen begin dikwels klein, maar die resultaat daarvan is groot. Daarvan is Sonop ongetwyfeld ʼn bewys!
Sonop Christian Residence, Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, Dormitories, Students, Church history, Thesis (D.Th. (Ecclesiology))--University of the Free State, 2017