Enhancing the effectiveness of principals in implementing inclusive education using Ubuntu approach

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Masondo, Charity Nombuso
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University of the Free State
English: This dissertation aims at formulating a strategy to enhance the effectiveness of principals in implementing Inclusive Education (IE) in four schools in the Amajuba District, KZN.The major focus of this dissertation was the effectiveness of principals in implementing inclusive education where a lack of such inclusivity resulted in learners being deprived of attending schools due to various learning barriers. Consequently, some of these learners are in special schools by default, while others are early school leavers. The study included a team of stakeholders whose interest was enhancing principals’ skills to effectively implement inclusive education. The stakeholders included principals of both primary and secondary schools, with and without knowledge of inclusive education, but with the intention and motivation to work together. Since education is a societal issue, community development workers were part of the team. The approach of Ubuntu was deemed appropriate for the study because it expresses compassion, justice, caring, kindness and solidarity. In order to achieve this, the following specific objectives were formulated to direct the study: • To explore the challenges faced by principals in implementing IE; • To analyse the components of the strategies that have been formulated and used to date to enhance the effective implementation of inclusive education by principals; • To understand the necessary contextual conditions for the effective implementation of these strategies; • To anticipate the threats to emerging strategies with the intention of formulating a risk management system; and • To test emerging strategies in order to discover whether they achieve the intended aim of enhancing the effectiveness of principals in implementing IE, using Ubuntu as an approach. The theory of Ubuntu is used as the theoretical framework in order to conduct an in-depth study on the effectiveness of principals in implementing IE. Its suitability as a theoretical framework is grounded in its recognition of values that appreciate, respect and promote social justice, bring peace, give hope and emancipate the less fortunate. Participatory Action Research (PAR) is an approach that recognises the fact that the person being studied must participate in the design by being engaged in meetings and discussions with the aim of sharing, and empowering one another. Therefore PAR was used as a methodology to address the needs of the communities that require IE in their schools. This method was used because it is democratic, equitable, liberating and life-enhancing. In addition, PAR assisted the team by reshaping its members’ knowledge of how political, social and economic factors impact on their daily lives, as knowledge assists in redressing problems in the community. During the study, the findings and recommendations revealed that, in order for IE to be effective, there is a need for a dedicated team to support principals. This team must have a shared vision, a strong support system and strong, committed leadership. This is instrumental to successful networking, advocacy, capacity building, training, strengthening inter-sectoral collaboration and stakeholders’ engagement. Many findings led to the conclusion that in order for IE to be effectively implemented by principals, collaborative strategies need to be implemented which included building a strong support team, exchanging knowledge, providing advisory assistance, raising awareness on IE practices, aligning with policies, increasing parental involvement, preventing institutionalisation, early identification of threats, categorising schools, sharing of resources and working together. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was used to analyse the data since it facilitates the use of text by co-researchers.
Afrikaans: Die verhandeling ten doel om die formulering van 'n strategie om die doeltreffendheid van skoolhoofde in die uitvoering van I E in vier skole by Amajuba Distrik KZN verbeter, die groot toestemming van hierdie verhandeling was die in doeltreffendheid van skoolhoofde in die implementering van inklusiewe onderwys wat gelei het tot leerders ontneem in die bywoning van skole as gevolg van die verskillende hindernisse leer, sommige van hulle is in spesiale skole by verstek en ander vroeë skoolverlaters. Die studie geformuleer 'n span van verskeie belanghebbendes met 'n belangstelling op die verbetering van skoolhoofde om inklusiewe onderwys effektief te implementeer. Diegene belanghebbendes ingesluit hoofde van beide primêre en sekondêre skole, met kennis en sonder kennis van inklusiewe maar met 'n voorneme om saam te werk. Sedert onderwys is 'n maatskaplike kwessie gemeenskap sontwikkelingswerkers was deel van die span. Die benadering van Ubuntu goedgevind vir die studie, want dit gee uitdrukking aan deernis, geregtigheid, omgee, liefde en solidariteit. Ten einde dit te bereik, is die volgende spesifieke doelwitte geformuleer om die studie te rig: • Om die uitdagings wat skoolhoofde in die uitvoering van IE te verken; • Om die komponente van die strategieë wat geformuleer en gebruik tot op datum met die effektiewe implementering van inklusiewe onderwys deur skoolhoofde verbeter analiseer; • Om die nodige kontekstuele voorwaardes vir die effektiewe en suksesvolle implementering van hierdie strategieë te verstaan; • Om die bedreigings vir opkomende strategieë met die bedoeling van die formulering van 'n risikobestuurstelsel vooruitloop nie; en • Om opkomende strategieë te toets ten einde vas te stel of hulle die beoogde doel van die verbetering van die doeltreffendheid van skoolhoofde in die uitvoering van IE gebruik van Ubuntu as 'n benadering te bereik. Ubuntu teorie word gebruik as die teoretiese raamwerk in die studie om diep navorsing oor die doeltreffendheid van skoolhoofde in die uitvoering van IE. Dit is die beste teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie as gevolg van sy erkenning van waardes wat waardeer, respek, te bevorder sosiale geregtigheid, vrede, gee hoop en ook bevry die minderbevoorregtes. Deelnemende Aksie PAR is 'n benadering wat erken die feit dat die persoon wat bestudeer het om deel te neem in die ontwerp deur wat betrokke is by vergaderings en samesprekings met die doel om te deel, te bemagtig mekaar. Navorsing (PAR) is gebruik as metode om die behoeftes van die gemeenskappe wat IE nodig het in hul skole aan te spreek. Hierdie metode is gebruik, want dit is demokratiese, regverdige, bevrydend en lewensverrykende. PAR sal ek en my span te help om ons kennis van hoe politieke, maatskaplike en ekonomiese ten einde probleme reg te stel in die gemeenskap waar dit 'n impak ons daaglikse lewe te hervorm. Tydens die studie was daar bevindinge en aanbevelings aan die lig gebring dat ten einde vir IE effektiewe daar 'n behoefte vir 'n toegewyde span om die skoolhoofde ondersteun word, moet die span 'n gedeelde visie, 'n sterk ondersteuning stelsel en 'n sterk toegewyde leierskap het is belangrik in die netwerk, voorspraak, kapasiteitsbou, opleiding, bevordering intersektorale samewerking en belanghebbendes betrokkenheid sal wees belangrike dinge vir sy sukses. Baie bevindings het gelei tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat IE effektief geïmplementeer word deur skoolhoofde saamwerk strategieë nodig om gebruik te word soos die bou van 'n sterk ondersteuning span, die uitruil van kennis, bied raadgewende hulp, bewusmaking oor IE praktyke, in lyn met beleid, verhoog ouerbetrokkenheid,, verhoed dat institusionalisering, vroeë identifikasie, kategorisering skole, deel van hulpbronne en saam te werk. Kritiese diskoersanalise is gebruik om data te ontleed omdat dit toelaat dat die gebruik van teks deur mede-navorsers.
Participatory action research, Critical discourse analysis, Ubuntu, Effective implementation of IE by principals, Inclusive education, School principals, Ubuntu (Philosophy), Dissertation (M.Ed. (School of Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2017