Die toepassing van 'n voorsieningsadministrasiestelsel vir openbare hospitaalapteke en mediese depots

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Van Hoeylandt, Rita Oscar Emilie Thomas
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University of the Free State
Afrikaans: Openbare instellings, soos byvoorbeeld hospitale, het hulle ontstaan daaraan dat hulle in die behoefte aan essensiële goedere en gesondheidsdienste vir die handhawing van die algemene welsyn van die gemeenskap in Suid-Afrika moet lewer. Geen gesondheidinstelling kan sonder mediese voorraad funksioneer nie en gevolglik sal sodanige instellings jaarliks ‘n sekere deel van ‘n staat se beperkte fondse by wyse van begroting, vir die aankoop van mediese voorrade moet bestee. Die optimale aanwen-ding van skaars middele en bronne vir die bevrediging van die toenemende behoeftes van die gemeenskap in Suid-Afrika noodsaak die doeltreffende logistieke hantering van mediese voorrade. Die betekenis, omvang en vereistes van voorsieningsadministrasie vir mediese voor-rade is breedvoerig verklaar. Verskillende faktore wat ‘n voorsieningsadministrasie-stelsel by openbare hospitaalapteke en mediese depots noodsaak soos onder andere noodsaaklikheid van opgeleide personeel en bewerkstelliging van gestandaardiseerde metodes en prosedures by voorsieningsadministrasie is uitgelig. Die omvang van voorsieningsadministrasie by mediese depots en hospitaalapteke in die openbare sektor is kompleks van aard. Daar bestaan verskeie funksies en dienste waarby voorsieningsadministrasie van mediese voorrade in die openbare sektor ‘n rol speel. Die omvang van die behoeftes vir mediese voorrade by die openbare sektor is uiteenlopend van aard en verskil van streek tot streek na gelang wat die verskillende siektetoestande soos byvoorbeeld malaria wat gebiedsgebonde is, mag voorkom. Organisatoriese reëlings vir ‘n voorsieningsadministrasiestelsel by openbare hospitaal-apteke en mediese depots word onderneem om goedere en dienste aan pasiënte tydens hulle behandeling, te kan lewer. Die organisatoriese reëlings in provinsies moet sorgvuldig beplan en verdeel word tussen instellings, afdelings en onder funksio-narisse om die doelwit, te wete doeltreffende en effektiewe voorsiening van mediese voorrade aan mediese depots, hospitale en klinieke te kan bewerkstellig. Organisatoriese reëlings word onderverdeel in werkverdeling, delegasie van bevoegd-hede, kommunikasie en koördinering. Daar is gepoog om hierdie organisatoriese reëlings deeglik uit te lig wat noodsaaklik vir ‘n voortreflike voorsienings-administrasiestelsel by openbare hospitaalapteke en mediese depots is. Die koördi-nering van mediese bevoorrading is noodsaaklik omdat daar gefragmenteerde dienslewering in die gesondheidsektor van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Omdat gedefrag-menteerde gesondheidsdienste by provinsies voorkom, verg dit ‘n hoë mate van koördinering van bedrywighede. Aanbevelings is gemaak om die organisatoriese reëlings van mediese bevoorrading by openbare hospitaalapteke en mediese depots meer doeltreffend en effektief te bewerkstellig en te bevorder.
English: Public institutions, such as hospitals, originate from the needs, by which they have to satisfy the needs of the community for essential goods and health services to maintain the general well-being of the community of South Africa. No health institution can function without medical items and consequently such institutions will annually spend a certain portion of the limited funds of government by means of a budget, to procure medical items. The optimum use of scarce resources and funds to satisfy the needs of the community of South Africa necessitates an effective logistical handling of medical items. The meaning, extent and requirements of provisioning administration for medical items is explained in detail. Various factors, that necessitate a provisioning administration system in public hospital pharmacies and medical depots such as, the necessity of trained personnel and the accomplishment of standardized methods and procedures for provisioning administration are fully declared. The extent of provisioning administration at medical depots and hospital pharmacies in the public sector is complex of nature. Various functions and services exist whereby provisioning administration of medical items in the public sector play a part. The extent of the needs for medical items in the public sector which is diverse of nature and differ from region to region depending on different diseases such as malaria are explained. Organizational functions for a provisioning administration system at public hospital pharmacies and medical depots are undertaken to provide goods and health services to patients during their treatment. The organizational functions at provinces must be thoroughly planned and divided among institutions, divisions and among officials in order to promote the objective of effective and efficient provisioning of medical items. Organizational functions are subdivided into work division, delegation of authority, communication and co-ordination. These organizational functions are explained thoroughly to bring about an excellent provisioning administration system at public hospital pharmacies and medical depots. The co-ordination of medical provisioning is essential with the fragmented service tendering in the health sector of South Africa. Since frayed health services occur at provinces a process of provisioning requires the co-ordination of all activities. Possible recommendations are made that may bring about and promote a more effective and efficient organization of medical provisioning at public hospital pharmacies and medical depots.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Public Management))--University of the Free State, 2003
Provisioning administration for medical items, Provisioning administration in public pharmacies and medical depots, Provisioning administration system in public pharmacies and medical depots, Organisational functions in public pharmacies and medical depots, Work division in public pharmacies and medical depots, Delegation of authority in public pharmacies and medical depots, Communication in public pharmacies and medical depots, Co-ordination in public pharmacies and medical depots, Pharmaceutical and medical related tenders, Materials management -- South Africa, Health facilities -- Materials management -- South Africa, Health services administration -- South Africa