Nurse-educators' perception of cultural congruent nursing care: a model for education of novice nurses

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Masipa, Lebobe Asnath
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University of the Free State
English: The population of South Africa is multicultural and because of this multiculturalism, health care practitioners render care to health care consumers of different cultural backgrounds. For practitioners to render holistic care that satisfies the consumers, nurses must have been comprehensively educated to render culturally congruent nursing care to all health care consumers. For nurseeducators to be able to impart the science and art of culturally congruent, holistic nursing care to novice nurses, the nurse-educators must themselves have been educated on culturally congruent and holistic nursing care. The purpose of the study was to ascertain how nurse-educators at universities and nursing colleges perceive culturally congruent, as well as the implications this has on the education of novice nurse practitioners. A nonexperimental research design of a descriptive, explorative, phenomenological and contextual nature was used to achieve the goal of the study. The point of departure for collecting the data was the "Reflective inquiry methodology" using focus group interviews, a questionnaire and a checklist to collect the necessary data. The focus group interviews were used to ground the formulation of questions included in the questionnaire while the checklist was used to audit the generic nursing education programmes on the educational grounding of culturally congruent, holistic nursing care. Based on the results obtained, it became clear that nurse-educators are not well prepared to teach holistic, culturally congruent nursing care. Furthermore, the majority of respondents recommend that culturally congruent nursing care be included in the curriculum of generic nursing education programmes. Based on the recommendations that were made, a model for the education of both the educators and the novice nurse practitioners was developed and adopted, taking the Brokering Model as described by Chalanda as a point of departure. The model ensured that both nurse-educators and practitioners possess the right mindset and have a comprehensive view of the science and art of nursing care, enabling them to teach and to render value-led, comprehensive and culturally congruent, holistic health care to all health care consumers.
Afrikaans: Die bevolking van Suid-Afrika is multi-kultureel en op grond van hierdie multikulturaliteit, verleen gesondheidsorgpraktisyns gesondheidsorg aan gesondheidsorgverbruikers wie aan verskillende kulturele oriëntasies behoort. Om holistiese gesondheidsorg aan die verbruiker wat die verbruiker bevredig, te verleen, moet alle gesondheidsorgpraktisyns deeglik in die noodsaaklikheid om kultuur-kongruente verpleegsorg aan alle gesondheidsorgverbruikers te verleen, opgevoed word. Om nuweling-verpleegkundige praktisyns in die kunde en kuns van kultuur-kongruente, holistiese verpleegsorg op te voed, moet alle verpleegkundige opvoeders self insake kultuur-kongruente, holistiese verpleegsorg opgevoed wees. Die doel van die studie was om die siening aangaande kultuur-kongruente verpleegsorg wat deur verpleegkundige opvoeders aan universiteite en verpleegkolleges gehuldig word, vas te stel asook die effek wat dit op die opvoeding van nuweling-verpleegkundige praktisyns uitoefen. 'n Nieeksperimentele navorsingsontwerp van 'n beskrywende, verkennende, fenomenologiese en kontekstuele aard is gevolg om die doel van die studie te bereik. As uitgangspunt is die "Reflective inquiry Methodology' gebruik om die data deur middel van fokus groep onderhoude, 'n vraelys en 'n oudit-aftiklys in te samel. Die fokus groep onderhoude is gebruik om die vrae in die vraelys te begrond terwyl die aftiklys gebruik is om die opvoedkundige hoekstene van kultuur-kongruente, holistiese verpleegsorg soos vasgelê in die generiese kurrikulum na te gaan. Gegrond op die resultate wat verkry is, blyk dit dat verpleegkundige opvoeders nie voldoende opgevoed is om holistiese, kultuur-kongruente verpleegsorg te doseer nie. Ook het die meerderheid van die respondente aanbeveel dat kultuur-kongruente verpleegsorg in die kurrikulum van die generiese verpleegkundige opvoedingsprogram ingesluit word. In die lig van die aanbevelings wat gemaak is, is 'n model rakende die verpleegkundige opvoeding van beide die opvoeder en nuwelingverpleegkundige praktisyn daargestel. Hierdie model is op die "Cultural Brakering Model" soos beskryf deur Chalanda, gebaseer en aangepas. Met die model is verseker dat beide die verpleegkundige opvoeder en praktisyn oor die regte ingesteldheid sal beskik tesame met 'n omvattende oorsig oor die kunde en kuns van verpleegsorg op grand waarvan hulle in staat is om nie alleen genormeerde omvattende en kultuur-kongruente, holistiese verpleegsorg te doseer nie, maar dit ook aan alle gesondheidsorgverbruikers te verleen.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Nursing))--University of the Free State, 2005
Nursing -- Study and teaching -- South Africa, Nurses -- Training of -- South Africa, Nurse-patient relationships, Medical teaching personnel