Gesinsbediening as 'n geïntegreerde deel van die opbou van die gemeente

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Bergh, Stephanus Jacobus
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University of the Free State
English: The congregation of the Lord Jesus must be raised to spiritual maturity. The rationale of this study is that building-up the congregation, amongst others, is possible when families are being built up. Ministering to families is therefore an integral part of the total building-up process of the congregation - a ministering to, by and for families. It is, however, necessary that ministering to families in the congregation should take place on a continuous and consistent basis. The covenant and predestination were taken as base-theory and premise of this study. The covenant, of God's own devising, are carried by and within families through to generation after generation. The predestination in Christ, set as basis to the covenant, are therefore also realised in and through the covenant. A further premise is that the ministering to families and the resultant building-up of congregations must be directed towards the Kingdom of God. From this theological base the building-up of congregations was discussed. Particular attention was also given to the way that God, through His Spirit, involve the faithful and the families of the covenant, as contributors to the building-up of the congregation. Genesis 1 - 3 in particular illuminated the Scriptural basis for marriage and families. Marriage is an indivisible part of the family; therefore marriage and marital-relationships, as well as other forms of relationship, such as co-habitation, were also discussed. However in this study, the searchlight is focused firmly on the family. The structuring of families, and the development of various family structures, such as the nucleus family, were historically sketched up until the present, our own time, which is typified as post modernistic. The present state of the family and the sense of the concept of what family means was also discussed. The internal workings of the family as well as family problematic issues were appeared in the discussed themes, which included intimacy, the I-generation, prestige, gender roles, conflicts, divorce, remarriage etc. The family as a social unit as well as a system were dealt with and this concept opened up certain other perspectives. In the discussion it was clearly indicated that families have their own stories and spirituality. This illuminated some aspects of the concept of family unity and it's functioning in order for families to reach understanding of this themselves. The themes dealing with the value and function of the family clearly illustrated the importance of the family in society. A theological definition for ministering to families could therefore be formulated - a most important facet of this study. Regarding the theme of the study-subject it was important to indicate the relationship between the building-up of the congregation and the ministering to families. Eleven issues were discussed. The empirical study regarding ministering to families done in the Western Transvaal amongst ministers, were discussed and valuable results about the state of family ministering was gathered. As a result, with reference to the total study, a practical theory for family ministering could be formulated and a method of how it can be implemented in the congregations was proposed. This discussion was held with the viewpoint that family ministering has a pro-active, active and reactive focus. The discussion was ended with ten assessments and ten recommendations made.
Afrikaans: Die gemeente van die Here Jesus moet opgebou word tot geestelike volwassenheid. Die rasionaal van die studie is dat die opbou van die gemeente o.a. kan geskied wanneer gesinne opgebou word. Gesinsbediening is dus 'n geïntegreerde deel van die totale opbou-proses in die gemeente - 'n bediening aan, vir en-deur gesinne. Dit is egter nodig dat gesinsbediening in gemeentes moet geskied op 'n toegespitste en deurlopende basis. Die verbond en uitverkiesing is as basisteorie en uitgangspunt vir die bestudering van die onderwerp geneem. Die verbond wat God gesluit het, word in en deur gesinne voortgedra van geslag tot geslag. Die uitverkiesing in Christus, wat ten grondslag van die verbond lê, word egter ook in en deur die verbond verwerklik. 'n Verdere uitgangspunt is dat die bediening aan gesinne en die gevolglike opbou van gemeentes, gerig moet, wees op die koninkryk van God. Vanuit hierdie teologiese basis is die opbou van die gemeente bespreek. In besonder is ook aandag gegee hoe God deur Sy Gees die gelowiges en die verbondgesinne as medewerkers in die opbou van die gemeente betrek. Die Skriftuurlike begronding vir die huwelik en gesin is in besonder vanuit Genesis 1-3 belig. Die huwelik is onafskeidbaar deel van die gesin. Daarom is die huwelik en vorme van huweliksverhoudinge of net verhoudinge soos koabitasie bespreek. Dit is egter die gesin wat in die studie skerp onder die soeklig kom. Gesinsvorme en die ontwikkeling van verskeie gesinsvorme, soos die kerngesin, is ook histories geskets - tot in ons dag wat as 'n postmodernistiese tyd getipeer word. Die gesin se huidige gesteldheid en die verstaan wat aan die begrip gesin geheg word, is ook bespreek. Gesinsbinnewerke en daarmee saam gesinsproblematiek het aan die orde gekom onder temas soos intimiteit, ek-generasie, prestasie, geslagsrolle, konflik, egskeiding, hertrou ens. Die gesin as sosiale eenheid sowel as sisteem is behandel en die betekenis daarvan het sekere perspektiewe geopen. In die bespreking is verder aangetoon dat gesinne hul eie storie en spiritualiteit het. Dit bied verhelderende gesigspunte om die gesinseenheid en sy funksionering te verstaan en vir gesinne om self tot verstaan te kom. Onder die temas van die gesin se waarde en funksie is die gesin se belangrikheid ondubbelsinnig aangetoon. Daarom kon 'n teologie en definisie vir gesinsbediening geformuleer word - 'n uiters belangrike faset van die studie. Na aanleiding van die studie-onderwerp was dit verder belangrik om die verband en verhouding tussen gemeentebou en gesinsbediening aan te toon. Dit is onder elf punte bespreek. Die empiriese studie t.o.v. gesinsbediening wat in die Wes-Transvaal onder predikante gedoen is, is bespreek en waardevolle resultate oor die stand van gesinsbediening is uitgelig. Daarom kon daar, na aanleiding van die totale studie, 'n praktykteorie vir gesinsbediening opgestel word en 'n werkwyse van hoe dit in gemeentes geïmplementeer kan word, is voorgestel. Hierdie bespreking is gedoen onder die gesigspunte dat gesinsbediening 'n pro-aktiewe, aktiewe en reaktiewe toespitsing het. Ten slotte is tien bevindings en tien aanbevelings gemaak.
Covenant, Predestination, Kingdom of God, Building up, Congregation, Family ministry, Marriage, Family, System, Social unit, Church growth, Church work, Spiritual direction, Thesis (Ph.D. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2002