Herstellende aksie as innoverende benadering tot die aanspreek van uitdagende gedrag in Suid-Afrikaanse skole

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Liebenberg, Hester S.
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University of the Free State
English: According to the literature, the punitive approaches that are predominantly being used in schools today are inadequate for solving the escalating problems with discipline and fostering responsible behaviour in learners. Therefore, this paper, which mainly comprises a literature study, investigates how the philosophy and key elements of the restorative approach can be conjugated in a programme for schools that can serve as an alternative to the punitive approaches. This paper sets out the current situation regarding defiant behaviour and contributing factors. This is followed by a discussion on the different approaches commonly used to address problems with discipline in schools. From this background and in light of the need for an alternative approach, the restorative approach is investigated as a possible solution. The course and value of the international implementation of the restorative approach are studied as background knowledge for the implementation of a similar programme in South African schools, while schools as suitable environments for the implementation are investigated. The article focusses mostly on the key elements of the restorative approach which schools must include in their own school programme. These elements include how schools can apply methods such as theinternalisation of values, the development of emotional intelligence and resilience, the use of restorative language, the establishment of healthy relationships and creating caring school communities, not only to address discipline problems, but also to contribute to developing caring communities in the long term. The article concludes with a proposed programme for implementation.
Afrikaans: Uit die literatuur blyk dit dat die strafgerigte benaderings wat tans nog oorwegend in skole gebruik word ontoereikend is vir die bekamping van eskalerende dissiplineprobleme en die kweek van verantwoordelike gedrag by leerders. In hierdie artikel, wat oorwegend 'n literatuurstudie is, word ondersoek hoe die filosofie en kernelemente van die herstellende benadering saamgevat kan word in 'n skoleprogram wat as alternatief vir die strafgerigte benadering kan dien. Die huidige situasie met betrekking tot uitdagende gedrag en bydraende faktore word eerstens in die artikel uiteengesit. Daarna volg 'n bespreking van die verskillende benaderings wat gebruik word om dissiplineprobleme in skole aan te spreek.Teen dié agtergrond en in die lig van die behoefte aan 'n alternatiewe benadering, word die herstellende benadering as 'n moontlike oplossing bespreek. Die verloop en die waarde van internasionale implementeringvan hierdie benadering word as bydraende agtergrondkennis vir die implementering van 'n soortgelyke program in Suid-Afrikaanse skole bestudeer, terwyl die geskiktheid van skole as ruimtes waarbinne die implementering kan plaasvind, ondersoek word. Die grootste gedeelte van die artikel handeloor die basiese elemente van die herstellende benadering wat in 'n skoleprogram ingesluit behoort te word. Die vestiging van waardes, ontwikkeling van emosionele intelligensie en veerkragtigheid, die gebruik van herstellende kommunikasie, die uitbou van verhoudings, en die vestiging van omgee-omgewings word bespreek as moontlike praktyke om nie net uitdagende gedrag te bekamp nie, maar om op die lange duur ook tot gesonde gemeenskappe by te dra. Die artikel sluit af met 'n voorgestelde implementeringsprogram.
Discipline, Values, Restorative communication, Building relationships, Caring communities, Restorative approach, School discipline, Rewards and punishments in education, Classroom management, Dissertation (M.Ed. (Educational Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2013