Direct marketing as a solution to unsafe retail shopping

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Jordaan, Yolanda
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University of the Free State
English: Fear of crime has become an important issue, largely because of its perceived effects on people’s social behaviour. The purpose of this article is to focus on the impact of crime on South African consumers and on how the retail environment is influenced by the changes in social behaviour brought about by fear of victimisation. Special attention is paid to the implications for South African retailers because, in a society plagued by crime, retailers can consider direct marketing as a value-added shopping channel to consumers in need of a safer alternative. The main findings of an exploratory study indicate that those who have been victims of crime at a store or shopping centre, and especially women, are more sensitive to safety concerns while shopping.
Afrikaans: Vrees vir geweld het ’n belangrike vraagstuk in Suid-Afrika geword vanweë die waargenome effek daarvan op mense se sosiale gedrag. Hierdie artikel fokus op die impak wat geweld op Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers het, asook op wyses waarop die kleinhandelsomgewing deur die veranderinge in sosiale gedrag as gevolg van die vrees vir geweld beïnvloed word. Die implikasies daarvan vir kleinhandelaars word ondersoek aangesien Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelaars direkte bemarking as ’n alternatiewe, veiliger aankoopkanaal aan veiligheidsbewuste verbruikers kan bied. Die bevindinge van ’n verkennende studie dui aan dat vroue, asook almal wat reeds slagoffers van geweld by ’n winkel of inkopiesentrum was, meer sensitief as ander mense is met betrekking to hulle veiligheid wanneer hulle aankope doen.
Direct marketing, South African consumers, Crime, Customer safety, Shopping environment, Impact of crime, Retail environment
Jordaan, Y. (2002). Direct marketing as a solution to unsafe retail shopping. Acta Academica, 34(2), 182-202.