Random drug-testing: the duty to act against learners who use drugs

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De Waal, Elda
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University of the Free State
English: This article explores educators’ duty in terms of running their own schools. It weighs the importance of a drug-using learner’s right to privacy against that of the school community’s security on the issue of random drug-testing. A comparison is drawn between the American and the South African situation. The point of departure is a pro-active stance on the sportsfield, leading to assistance in resistance training, the identification of the need for professional help, and the creation of a drug-free school environment. The ultimate issue is the random drug-testing of all learners.
Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel ondersoek die opvoeders se plig om hul skole te bestuur. Dit balanseer die belangrikheid van die leerders wat dwelms gebruik se reg op privaatheid met d ie geborgenheid van die skoolgemeenskap met betrekking tot ewekansige dwelmtoetsing. Die Amerikaanse en Suid-Afrikaanse situasies word vergelyk. Die uitgangspunt bevorder ’n pro-aktiewe instelling op die sportveld wat lei tot hulp in weerstandsopleiding, die uitkenning van die behoefte aan professionele hulp en die skep van ’n dwelmvry skoolomgewing. Die uiteindelike strydpunt is lukraak dwelmtoetsing.
School management, Drug-testing, Drug-using learners, Drug-free shool environment
De Waal, E. (2007). Random drug-testing: the duty to act against learners who use drugs. Acta academica, 39(2), 228-246.