Factors influencing the life cycle of ctenocephalides spp.

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Du Rand, Christina
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University of the Free State
English: The behaviour and survival of C. felis are highly dependent on biotic and abiotic factors in the environment and therefore developmental and nutritional requirements demand that eggs must be laid in a environment which provides the suitable microhabitat for C. felis development. Since eggs and larval stages of the cat flea cannot survive major fluctuations in temperature and humidity, sites for development are usually limited. It was found that eggs desiccated at low relative humidities and hatched faster at higher temperatures. The percentage adult emergence also depended on the type of rearing medium on which the larvae fed. The duration of the larval stage increased with a decrease in temperature and eggs exposed to high relative humidity resulted in larger larvae. However, Ci felis populations survive because of a large reproductive capacity of the female and the ability of the pupal stage to survive environmental fluctuations. The pupa is the immature stage that is most resistant to desiccation and it is during this stage that C. felis is able to prolong its life cycle in order to survive unfavourable conditions. The fully developed adult flea can remain quiescent within the cocoon, presumably awaiting proper stimuli for emergence. Optimal conditions for C. felis development were found to be 25±2°C and 75±2% relative humidity. In spite of the many similarities between C. felis and C. canis, a comparative study showed conspicuous differences in the micro-morphology of these two species. Although only small differences were found in the biology of C. felis and C. canis, the host specificity and geographical distribution of the two species varied greatly. C. felis is the most common flea species to attack domestic pets, C. canis is more restricted in distribution. Apart from its association with various diseases and flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), C. felis can also serve as the intermediate host for the dog tapeworm, D. caninum. C. felis become infected with the parasite during any period of the larval stage when larvae ingest the eggs of D. caninum. Although it was found that D. caninum were only slightly harmful to its intermediate host under optimal conditions for C. felis development, the negative effect on the intermediate host increased with an increase in the intensity of infection.
Afrikaans: Omdat die gedrag en oorlewing van C. felis afhanklik is van biotiese en abiotiese faktore in die omgewing, moet eiers in 'n omgewing gelê word wat 'n geskikte mikrohabitat voorsien vir C. felis ontwikkeling. Gedurende die studie is gevind dat eiers uitdroog by lae relatiewe humiditeit en vinniger uitbroei onder hoër temperature. Die persentasie volwasse vlooie wat ontpop het, het ook afgehang van die voedingsmedium waarop die larwes gevoed het. Geskikte omgewings vir optimale ontwikkeling is gewoonlik skaars, omdat die eier en larwale stadiums nie groot temperatuur- en humiditeitsfluktuasies kan oorleef nie. Die lengte van die larwale stadium het toegeneem met 'n afname in temperatuur en eiers wat aan hoë relatiewe humiditeite blootgestel is, het groter larwes tot gevolg gehad. C. felis populasies oorleef egter as gevolg van die wyfie se hoë reproduserende vermoë en die weerstandbiedendheid van die papie stadium teen fluktuasies in die omgewing. Van die onvolwasse stadiums is die papie die meeste bestand teen uitdroging en verlenging van die lewensiklus kan tydens dié stadium plaasvind ten einde ongunstige toestande te oorleef. 'n Volledig ontwikkelde volwasse vlooi kan rustend in die kokon bly totdat 'n geskikte stimulus die vlooi stimuleer om te ontpop. Ontwikkeling van C. felis was optimaal by 25±2°C and 75±2% relatiewe humiditeit. Ten spyte van heelwat ooreenkomste tussen C. felis en C. canis, het 'n vergelykende studie ooglopende morfologiese verskille tussen dié twee species aan die lig gebring . ..Hoewel slegs klein verskille in die biologie van C. fe/is en C. canis gevind is, is daar groot verskille in die gasheerspesifisiteit en geografiese verspreiding van die twee spesies. Behalwe dat C. felis met verskeie siektes en allergiese dermatitis geassosieer word, kan die katvlooi ook optree as tussengasheer van die hondelintwurm, D. caninum. C. felis word geïnfekteer met die lintwurm gedurende enige tyd van die larwale stadium wanneer die vlooi larwe die eiers van D. caninum insluk. Hoewel daar gevind is dat D. caninum slegs effens skadelik is vir sy tussengasheer onder optimum toestande vir C. fe/is ontwikkeling, het die negatiewe effek toegeneem by hoër infestasies van infeksie.
Ctenocephalides felis, Cat flea, C. canis, Dog flea, Dipylidium caninum, Dog tapeworm, Temperature, Relative humidity, Optimal conditions, Survival, Life cycles (Biology), Cat flea, Fleas, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Zoology and Entomology))--University of the Free State, 2000